|\ /| | \ SWAT 23: November 99 / | | \ / | | \ / | | |=========How To SERIOUSLY Piss People Off In Your Area=======| | | |======================by syZtem Krash========================| | | / \ | | /Hi, this is my first 'Anarchy' file for SWAT (actually, it is \ | | /my first 'Anarchy' File ever), and id like to make it a good one.\ | |/Being the sort of person that i am, and i'm not going to go into \| THAT, i have never really been interested in the bomb making files that you get in magazines such as swat, and although I think it is a brill mag, those sort of files never really 'did it' for me, if you know what i mean :) BUT, i have always lived the sort of files that tell you how to really piss people off, and i thought WHAT THE HELL? I think ill write one myself - and i did. DISCLAIMER. here is the usual bullshit disclaimer - i take no responsibility - yadda, yadda, yadda ;) you are you! Now, a couple of weeks ago, me and a couple of friends had a cover for our electronics lesson, and so with nothing better to do, we just sat there for two hours and thought up ways to seriously piss people off (mostly involving milk bottles and/or dog/cow shit :). And here is the best of the ideas: (BTW, if someone has already thought of these and put em in a txt file, i did think of this, myself) PISS OFFS 1. Put a big juicy lump of shit on a price of file paper, wrap into a ball. Then round to your enemys house and put it on his/her doorstep, then set it on fire and knock on his door, then hide and watch as he stamps the fire out :) BTW for added effect pour a can of lighter fluid over it b4 you light (BOOM) 2. Wrap a match head in tin foil and put it in the end of a mates fag (squeeze some baki out, drop it in and then put the baki back in. Then leave in your mates fag box. Hehe, make sure your not in his line of fire when he sparks up ;) (my Dad did this to a m8 at work and he shot a bus driver - hehe) 3. If you have REALLY developed a dislike for someone recently, the find out where they live. If you REALLy wamt to piss them off, then get a milk bottle, and a load of dog/cow shit and fill the bottle up as far as you can and seal it. Then all you gotta do is take a trip out to thier house at about 3 am, and throw the milk bottle at the sideof the house as hard as you can - then.............RUN LIKE FUCK! can you imagine the mess that this would make? 4. Redo number 1, but insert a strong banger/v.small pipe bomb into the top of the little package. Once lit, this thing will explode, and i think that you can imagine what happens next :), one of my mates did this to someone he didnt like on halloween, and the bloke had to spend 2 hours cleaning dogshit off the walls and windows. for added smell, add about 5 stink bombs to the shit, but ake sure they break. Maybe you could pack'em round the banger (DON'T use those shitty hercules bangers that cost a quid for 10 - these will not give enough power!). 5. Open up a cab box near you enemy's house and find the phone line that is thiers, beige box a line to a 1.50 a min gay porn line (or some other expensive line - but gay porn looks better on the bill;). Then seal the cab box back up and walk away. Not only will he get a 1000 quid bill, bt he will also not be able to pick his phone up, as every time he picks the phone up, he will get some puff wheezing down the fone. (I think i got this from an early issue of swat, if i did thanx for the idea guys). 6. Find a big construction site somewhere and find those big drums of deisel that they use for the machinery, and tip one over - then all you gotta do is 'accidentally' drop a match :) 7. If you have a motorbike of some kind( a scrambler is best, with BIG THICK TYRES). Go scaramming at about 3 in the morning. OVER PEOPLES GARDENS! This is piss easy, if you have the right equipment. For added effect, if you know a little about mechanics, remove the silencer from the exaust, and run it without it. This will make a noise louder than a bomd blast (well it is a bomb really isn't it?) 8. If you are one for the oldies, simply egg and flour someones house. OR to be more anarchistic, you can tar and feather someones house, set the tar on fire if you are really mean. 9. If you can get onto your enemy's roof, steal a load of tiles (i don't care what you do with 'em, chuck 'em, smash 'em up walls, use them to break your enemys windows). Next, get a LARGE bucket of water on the roof and pour it through one of the holes that you have made. For a REAL payback, wait until he goes on holiday. Then come around every day and pur about 20 gallons of water through each hole - when he comes back, the inside of his house will just be a large cube! 10. Hide a VERY loud alarm clock somewhere in your enemys house/ schoolhall. If it is in you enemys house, set it for 3 in the morning, in school set it for when you have a school assembly..........BRING! it will either drive them crazy trying to find or your enemy will go and sleep in the car - try and get on that doesn't switch off until the batteries run down, to keep it ringing for about an hour - maybe more:) ON THE BUS 1. If you like to piss bus drivers off, when you get off the bus, look at the back. On the side where you get off near the back, there should be (on older buses - not the badass new ones) a circle cut out of the metal with a little metal loop sticking out - or a little lever with a button on top. Just pul this, and the engine will stop - just like that. You just pulled the emergancy cut off......I'd run if i were you. If you do this a continually to the same bus driver he will soon start to get pissed off. 2. If you don't have a lot of money on you (or you are just a cheap arsed bastard), and you need to take a bus ride longer than you have, then wait at your stop for a double decker bus. Once the bus comes, pay a minimal fare (20 to 27 pence) and go upstairs. Throw away your tickets. Once you are at your destination, go to get off your bus, if the driver lets you off no questions asked, that's it well done! If, however, the driver stops you, and asks you to pay the rest of your fare, give him a load of abuse, this will normally be enough to scare him, but if he STILL dosen't let you off, and this part is great, those lovely people that make the buses (the WM buses any way, im not sure of the others, but i think they are the same) did a lovely thing. Above the doors at the front, there is an emergency open switch - i think you know what to do! COMPUTERS I know that I am an RM hacker, but there is some other stuff that i know ad that can be funny to do to some people that you dont like :) 1. I have never tried this but i have heard it works. If you can get alone on your enemys computer, then add the line 'ctty > null' (with out the ' marks) to his autoexec.bat file. In fact, there is loads you can do to fuck over some ones autoexec.bat file. For a start you can delete it (if windows won't allow it, then use a DOS prompt. 2. Put a killer batch file in his root directory and leave it running, for ages. Thanx to the Firestarter for the idea of killer batch files. 3. If he is on the internet, send him a file (a real executable - i don't care what - get a screensaver or some joke program like badday), but bind every known trojan to it, here are a few to wet your appitite, BO, NetBus, SubSeven, Girlfriend, and Blade Runner. 'You can get his IP address, by using netstat in DOS and then using a tool like hackers utility that will convert his hostname into his ip address. 4. Rename his fonts directory and reboot. When his computer restarts, it will give the message 'Unable to load gdi.exe - Please Reinstall Windows :) 5. If he is on the internet, and you can get access to his computer sahare out his whole system without a password, you can then access all of his files from your computer at home, and do what you want. You can then directly alter his startup sequence and deskotp by gaining access to his windows directory and altering his files (don't forget to give yourself read AND write access to his system). Another good trick is to alter the path of his shourtcuts. You can alter these on the desktop OR startup folder. You can put viruses into his system and then alter a shourtcut in his startup directory, so that it is not executed until he reboots (or even a killer batch file or a file such as killer filler, so that even if he has a massive 10gig hard disk, it will get filled up with crap eventually. 6. For ultimate denial of service just follow these simple steps (thanx to The Firestarter for this one ;). I have actually done this with an old 486 and it works! If you can get access to his hardware, then just turn his processor round! Just take it out and put it back the other way round. When i did thid, my processor glowed red hot and one of the legs actually got welded into the socket! The ultimate DoS! FIREWORKS!!! I LOVE fireworks (cause they are pretty and scary (or pretty scary :), so here are some cool things to do with fireworks, these have not been detaled above, as when i wrote those at an eariler date (this file is a kind of 'on going project') 1. My mate (actually one of the guys that was in me, in my electronics lesson), had to take his 2 year old neice trick or treating on haloween, and some arse head threw a banger at the kid. RIGHT! Time for a little bit of revenge! Step 1: Get a pumpkin and a large amount of fireworks Step 2: Hollow out the pumpkin and fill with the fireworks. Step 3: Put on the enemys doorstep, light and put the top on. Step 4: Knock on the Door. Step 6: Run. I think that you can guess at the kind of effect that this sort of 'vegie bomb' will have. No? Well, the veg is practically liquified, and if you put some quite explosive stuff in, it will go flying, Also, if you wanna do some serious damage, put some M80's or Mortars in the pumpkin (these can be expensive). BTW, these look like Jack Lanterns (even better!) 2. Look at my Fertiliser Rocket Article in this issue, and you will see some cool stuff to do with fertiliser, and pipes >:-D These can be fired at doors, windows (school?) and anything else that looks as though it may be put through/blow up. 3. On 5th of november, I got this HUGE (as in 1 1/2 metres big) rocket. For a clue how powerful it was, i was standing about 2 metres away, and it pushed me back! Now, i could think of lots of anarchistic things to do with this ace peice of shit! Here are a few of my ideas: Shoot It at a wall : Shoot it on someones roof : shoot it at someone and see how fast they move : if you have ever wanted tomove a crowd FAST then shoot a rocket into them. Im sure you can think of some more kewl stuff to do! 4. Point a roman candle into a hedge and Run! 5. Have a BIG Fireworks display inside a phone box (you can also chain the door shut if you want the windows to blow out (M$??). Go ahead and watch the bitch melt to the ground, and sit there with crate of beer! FireStarter recons it would make a good millenium celibration!) 6. Not really fireworks, but what the hell? I got the initial idea from an early versoin of swat, i just really added to it. Put tape around an aerosol can, so it is alwys firing, and light, throw onto a roof/gutter/drain pipe just like a grenade. When gthe pressure runs down, it will do a good job of removing a tile, or his drain pipe. 7. Pour petrol over a remote control car, and light it, then, *VERY* quickly, drive it under the petrol tank of his car, you have to do this very quickly as other wise the car will melt. A good reason to use a remote control car is so that you can't be placed at the crime scene, and you can keep a safe distance and then scarper! 8. Soap suds and washing up liquis do wonders when placed in someones petrol tank (i.e. the petrol turns into napalm, and goos up the engine) BEWARE, this will result in either serious injury or death! ======================================================================= I HOPE THAT THIS ENOUGH TO KEEP YOU ALL AT BAY UNTIL NEXT TIME I CAN BE ARSED TO DO AN ANARCHY FILE :) PLUG: SOON FOR ALL YOU RM HACKERS OUT THERE, THERE WILL BE A SITE UP JUST FOR YOU, BY THE ERH (ELEET RM HACKERS). THE SITE ISNT UP YET, BUT WE HAVE A DOMAIN NAME REGISTERED AND SOME MEMBERS - ILL KEEP YOU POSTED! UPDATE! THE SITE IS NOW UP! ======================================================================== syZtem Krash E Mail:syztem_krash@hotmail.com ICQ:45390844 l8r