|\ /| | \ SWAT 23: November 99 / | | \ / | | \ / | | |=================Hacking RM Networks, Part 3=================| | | |======================by syZtem Krash========================| | | / \ | | /Okay, Sorry I missed a month with this set of articles, but I \ | | /had a little accident with the processor/motherboard on my compu-\ | |/ter, which meant i had to get a new motherboard and Processor :( \| So, I hear you ask, what more delightful hacks are we in for this month? Well, I guess I'll tell you. Im gonna tell you how to get access to all drives (local and network) and how to use these for your advantage (one hack that I recently discovered is how to gain access to any application on the network (in our school, we have comic chat, WS_FTP, IE and a load of school/educational applications that will be of no interest to 'normal' people :) Ok, then. Disclaimer : You are you, and i take no responsibility for your actions. Blah Blah Blah! Ok then, before you get access to all of the apps, you will need access to all of the network drives (in my school, they are delivery, public, xxxxxxxxx (where xxxxxxxxxx is a random user name taken from whoever is logged on at that particular time), and mmedia). Now these drives all hold different information on different parts of the network, for instance, the mmedia drive (remember these are VIRTUAL DRIVES) holds all the info on the cd drives, ie. when you launch an app that uses a CD, it has torefer to this drive, as this is where all the CD info is stored. Now, all of the apps are shared in the PUBLIC disk (it may have a different name, but the drive is P:\, and I'm guessing that all the RM software is the same :-D If you cant access all of this by using My Komputa, then use Windows File Manager, this has the path c:\windows\winfile.exe . Now you can create a shourtcut to this in your MyWork folder (or where you store your work). BTW, to get to file manager, you can use windows run (Ctrl + R) or you can use find if that don't work (Ctrl + F *NOTE!* Do not confuse this with 'Find Computer' which has the hotkeys Ctrl+Alt+F), then all you have to do is enter 'winfile' (without the quotes) and you now have access to all of the drives (a: c: d: and all network drives!) Right, got that? Good, now we can go about getting more power. This next bit is so easy, that an UNtrained monkey with no arms and 1 leg could do it (only using his lips)! Right, if all the folder names are identical, then this should work, if not, then you are put back (a bit, all you have to do is play around in the network until you find out!). Right, loc8 a folder on the public drive called Apps, then goto 32bitwin, then internet explorer, and BANG! FUCK YES! IE(is shit). Ok, youalso have (in my school) load of apps, such as WS_FTP, M$ Comic Chat and M$ NetMeeting. You cannot run these apps from the school, but only the install wazards. They probably leave these on, as most internet packages come with these programs free, you ALSO have free access to these files, and can install them, if you like (but BEWARE, if the firewall/proxy picks these connections, and the time, then they can cross reference two peices of software to see who was logged on, so use a defult user name). OK! Pals and gals, think that I have written enought for this article, like always, just try to find your own hacks (which can be made easier with RM Tools 1,2 and 3 avalible from www.erh-central.co.uk). So, just mess, mess and HACK! Just another bunch of random thoughts..... .....until next tyme - -SyZtem Krash! Email - syztem_krash@hotmail.com ICQ:45390844