________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY-THREE NOVEMBER 1999 ________ / \______________________________________________/ \ / The Anarchist's guide to shopping for automobile Accesories \ / By Brakis \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (and a nice little follow up to operation dedned of issue 10) Well last month I got my hands on a clapped out old Renault 5, being a bit of a gear head I thought I might try to restore the E reg monstrosity to it's former glory. Fine ! I gave it a new starter motor tightened the accelarator and sharpened the breaks on the thing but something was missing Hmm ? Hmmmmmm? I pondered what could be wrong and then it occured to me that the car still looked like crap. So I drew up a shopping list of accessories that I was going to need. LIST. Second Lights (you know the circular kind) Hub Caps (13") one of those fancy gear heads some paint some turtle wax and last but not least an exhaust filter Hehehehehehe... Well first of all I thought the hub caps were pretty important so one night Myself and Zumbi (of operation dedned fame) decided to visit our old Pal Phillip Kirkwood (again this boy is the star of operation dedned otherwise known as FB). Well FB's family have a new car and guess what ? Yes it uses 13" hub caps as well, what a coincidence. Zumbi tried to yank the caps off I tried to yank the caps off but it was no good. Another question we considered was how do hub caps come off normally ? Ah ha by driving very fast up motor ways. Another question how do we get in the car? Legally the car did not belong to us so we obviously did not own the keys which were required to open the car, Zumbi the legal eagle that he is subtly replaced the keys in this equation with the next door neighbour's plant pot and instead of using it conjunction with the key hole he used it in conjunction with the back seat window. After a little bit of squeezing and a lot of hotwiring Mr kirkwood's Rover 200 was happily reving away in the driveway of 38 Marchbank Gdns. Well after a couple of minutes FB's front door openend so we decided to reverse the car politely waving at FB's dad. Now you would have thought he would have left it at that but he tried to run after the car in a heroic fashion. It was a this point Zumbi noted how when a man's car does a full 360 and starts to chase him, his heroism quickly turns into Y-front skid marks.Well eventually we were on the M8 going reaonably fast but the caps were not coming off so I stated scraping along crash barriers until YES they came off. We then smashed all the other windows and removed the gear head (a kind of trophy). Yeah two birds with one stone. The TA base was kind enough to donate the lights from one of their range rovers. I thankd them for their kind donation by leaving them a brown fiery present in the back seat of the range rover. The paint and turtle wax were also donated by the TA base (contrary to popular belief TA boys are not macho heroes who protect Britain's shores they are in fact weedy poofters who do ballet, eat crumpets and read A-s. I mean come on if your going to put on a stupid looking green uniform at least join the real army). After having a polite but firm word with one of the TA receptionists they were most accomadating in giving me the paint and wax. Now comes the best part................ the exhaust filter. NB: Ned is a word I am bout to frequently use, a ned is a tosser who wears brightly coloured sports clothing eg Kappa, they talk through their noses and smoke like chimneys and are generally dickheads to everyone around them. Ned however is a very Scotiish expression and so for further definitions please feel free to Email me with them. Neds are also people who drive in B reg ford escorts with with their caps turned back to front to make the car go faster there cars are ussually yellow just the average ned hair style. The only redeemable feature these pricks have is that there cars carry the exhaust filters in question. so I drove around looking for a such a car I eventually found one, I stole it, I burnt it out and then took the exhaust filter. My Car was complete and it looks pretty cool. Now all I need is the ferrit shaped bull bars so that I can run down Gaydon He HE