_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY FOUR: DECEMBER 1999_________ COCYTUS UK ****************************** -----------Official----------- news=news=news=news=news=news= ****************************** brought to you by..Phreakazoid http://come.to/awol4life http://www.awol4life.org.uk Welcome to this first edition of CocytusUK news. I aim to make this a regular in every SWAT issue...if that's OK with FireStarter :)... CocytusUK Official News will bring you the latest news from the world of the Underground Alliance...of which ATM the members are as follows.... ...SWAT, AWOL, Krash (who bring you APT), UP Crew, ERH and HDC and I think, some other small groups. Anyways, on with the news. +===========================================+ |HEADLINES | |===========================================| |Threats made by Gaydon | |Odysseus steps down as head of CocytusUK | |Cocytus moves to different IRC server | |Predator officially member of AWOL | |Deimos kicked out of SWAT | +===========================================+ This month the war between the Underground UK Alliance (CocytusUK) and Geddon's army of pixies (AS-Mag) raged on. As you some of you may be aware, Geddon's documents were made public a while back (name, address, telephone no,). Well this month brought a threat from Geddon....early this month he revealed that if those same docs were published on any public newsgroup or IRC channel or any other public thing for that matter, then he would be getting his solicitors involved. Originally, he denied the fact that those docs were indeed his.....but this shows different. Is this an idle threat...or a serious warning...I'll let you decide. Also this month, Odysseus, a great leader and friend, stepped down from his post as the head of CocytusUK. Ody (as he is known) is the head of a group in the Alliance called HDC (Heavy Duty Computing). Ody placed Walrus (co-editor of the Underground Periodical) in charge and I'm sure that he will do a great job. However, this does not mean that Ody has left us. Ohh No. He'll still be with us ....just that he won't have as much a role as he did before. I wish the best of luck to both Ody and Walrus and I think that Ody made a good choice in the new head. CocytusUK moved IRC servers this month. As some of you may be aware..ax7 donated a 24/7 server to us....however his computer seems to have crashed sometime in early November so there went our 24/7 IRC server (well at least that's what we think has happened).... so we settled on irc.darker.net, but due to some difficulties....we left. We are now securely on irc.amnet.org (6667) and that is where we should be staying. So come down and visit us in #cocytusuk on irc.amnet.org (6667). Predator...or pred as he is known...has now officially been made a member of AWOL. I originally gave him charge of our, at the moment, secondary site (www.awol4life.org.uk) in early November. There was some trouble with getting the site updated at first but I think that he has finally managed to do it. So AWOL now has two sites...(identical) http://come.to/awol4life <-------- Primary Site http://www.awol4life.org.uk <----- Secondary Site Pred will remain the WebMaster of the secondary site....and will soon be given other duties and shit to do as well :) So pred....get ready 'cause you've got much more coming. Yes it is true.....for those of you who have heard about but weren't so sure...Deimos HAS been officially removed as a member of the team known as SWAT. FireStarter had received numerous complaints about him and one particular incident one weekend on IRC that still has many of us confused, really PISSED him off :) Well...FireStarter told us on IRC that Deimos is now officially no longer a part of SWAT. You might hear it mentioned by FireStarter elsewhere in this mag also. That's all from me for this month people. Stay tuned for next month's CocytusUK News. -Phreakazoid "I'm crazy, and I don't give a fuck.." - Tupac Shakur (1971-1996) ======================================================================================== SHOUTS: I just like to say a big "Werd!" to: .....PoonTang, Erebus, EXE-gency Walrus, Syztem_Krash, Odysseus, ax7, Deimos, Awol, Lal. Agtesque (sexy bitch :P), Predator, Firestarter, Unknown Guest, DanNet, Secti0n8, CrossFire, M0RPH, Z3us, MaquisHacker, Mirage and everyone else at CocytusUK and HRA (USA)!! "Fuck-you"s to: ......Geddon and all at AS-Mag (who enjoy the casual ferret-fuck now and again), Mr McCarthy (He took away Pred's and _Smurf_'s Computer privileges), Andrew Vaughan, Robert Bateman (ex-IT Teacher, removed my computer privileges), Javaid Saddiq, Blare (for also being a prick)... ========================================================================================== [EOF]