_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY FOUR: DECEMBER 1999_________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / GSM Security \ / by Brakis-Lopex \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What with the christmas rush in prepay mobilephones, it is a good idea to tell you all about the various bits and pieces of GSM security. The sad truth is more and more of you are buying mobile phones and acting like tossers in our city centres, public toilets and parks. OK OK OK I admit it I too use one of these mobile monsters and yes they can be deemed too be useful (however this my article and I have been working all day so those of you who use these things under the guise of "only wanting to use it for emergency use" are wanks). One of the safest ways of communicating in the underground is with the use of prepay mobile phones. There are two classic examples of how this is the case. 1) Richard Branson uses Prepay mobile phones for all his business calls 2) It was revealed by the NCIS last month that the mysterious man whom killed Jill Dando also used a prepay mobile phone. This is for the very reason that the things are completely anonymous Why is it the British military don't export GSM technology to countries like Indonesia ? Also the beauty of prepay mobile phones is that they are completely anonymous and some of them offer features that we Phreakers may find usefull such as free 0800 calls, One2one is a particularly good network for things like this. The only real way they can get at you is by knowiing your geographical location and I very much doubt that they are going to attempt to trace you to any great extent. Brakis 99, Sorry about the alignment being funny, I wrote this article on my Palm 3.