|\===================================================================/| | \ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY FIVE JANUARY 2000 / | | \_______________________________________________________________/ | | /===============================================================\ | | /================= Hacking WIndows 2000 ===============\ | |/================== By _Smurf_ ================\| Happy New Year ! Here i will show you some new hacking information on another Microsoft product.Windows 2000 Here we go. Microsoft has made security "invisible" to the future home user: during the install the installer is prompted for a Administrator password - which they set. The installer is also asked to supply the name of the person the product is to be registered to - for example "The _Smurf_". If the machine is not going to be joined to a domain, and they never are in the case of a home user, Windows 2000 then silently takes this name and creates an ADMINISTRATIVE user out of it and does NOT set a password for this account. It then sets values in the Winlogon registry key to Autologon the user without having to go through the rigmarole of Control+Alt+Deleting. This security is made invisible to the user. Unfortintally the default telnet the service is not started. well we can enable it remotley ! how u can ask ! heres how.. the service can be started remotely by an administrator using DCOM. All we need then is an Administrative UserID and password. which we know, if we know who Win2k is regged to. All we need to do to find out who is logged onto a particular machine is issue the following command from our machine: nbtstat -A IP and we can get the name of the user currently logged on - for the home user it'll be the "The _Smurf_" account. What we need is another way to get the telnet service started. One way to do this is embed some VBScript in HTML or e-mail If an HTML document is opened with this script in it the telnet server will be silently launched. This information was found by and was used by me :o) David Litchfield http://www.arca.com http://www.infowar.co.uk/mnemonix/ Thanks For Reading. Keep Hacking.. _Smurf_ ICQ : 19084839 Email : the.smurf@virgin.net