_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY FIVE JANUARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Pointless waste of space \ / by -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well the title of this article should actually explain what it going to be in it! Yep it's Jan 2nd and Brakis and myself have concluded that we are kind slacking on this supliment style edition of the magazine. So with a keg of Bud that somehow survived out millenium party and fuck loads of nibbles and other alcoholic bevrages, we decided to fire up Brakis's trusty ol' laptop and type up numerous articles that will be informative, amusing, pointless, stupid, bullshit or even just mag fillers! so if things start to get dumb and appear that they have been written by somebody who has just challenged a Russian to a drinking game with Meths, then just assume that we finished the keg of bud and moved onto the Vodka! Hmm, we're just in the middle of the interview and we're kind drunk. Ok a little info about the interview, ok it's mainly us just talking to one another and a lot of people will think that what we are doing (talking to one another and making a pathetic attempt to interview each other.) is lame and very childlike, but personally i couldn't give a fuck. Ok it's 3 or 4 hours later, Brakis has fucked off somewhere and he's left his Laptop here, teehee could be a fatal mistake if he was anyone else. But anyway back to the article, oh yeah i forgot that it was only intended to be a mag filler, or something like that anyway. Right ok, i'll admit it that i'm a tad drunk/totally wasted. Anyhow, befor the 2 of us fucked of to annihilate stuff beyond all recognition we where talking about an interview, actually we where interviewing me. Umm, i dunno far we got in that, but it was all right, no doubt we'll finish it off tommorrow or perhaps it'll never get done and then you'll never know what words of wisdom where mentioned!!!!! ok i admit it that i'm realllllllllllly drunk and in no fit state to write articles, hell if i din't no how to touch type then i wouldn't be able to write anything since i can't see the keyboard. Teehee for a mag filler it ain't half bad. And i personally couldn't give a shit as to what anyone says about this. Anyhow i'll wrap this up and bung it in the mag for you to all laugh at. Ok the interview never actually got finished, but i'll probably take a few sound clips from the tape and upload them to the web site, for the simple reason they are amusing!