_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY FIVE JANUARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Harmless Revenge \ / by Johnzbombz \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A wicked, and rather simple scheme to absolutely PISS someone off ! I've tried this on someone I know & he got in a lot of shit with his parents. Not something I'm usually into - revenge I mean but someone might want this or find it endless entertainment while online - I know I did : The site to go to is www.freeukstuff.co.uk, which give out free samples. I signed up as a member - false name & address, but get a temporary email address so they can send you your username & password. Well, the stuff they give out there is stupid - goats milk, ferret food, dog shampoo, MANY mouse mats, etc. I had a field day inputting the address it was to be sent to (the victim), and after about 20/ 30 parcels through the post they got quite upset...hehehe, BUT its very wise to use an 0800 number or hacked internet account coz they can & will phone up and ask who's been sending it - believe me ! Even better - email the name & address of the victim to all your friends and ask to join in the nasty plot. Just think of that poor postman though carrying about 4 sacks of parcells to their front door. Its also good if you wanna start selling mouse mats or some of the CD ROMs they have.