_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY FIVE JANUARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Designer babies- The new Hitlers master rase and tool of \ / government oppression? \ / By MaquisHacker \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions/suggestions: maquishacker@excite.co.uk ICQ: 45839848 A grave threat exists on the horizon of human society, a threat to the traits of free will and individuality all human beings have and have a right to in one form or another. Think about it, if the genes that determine our personality traits are mapped and can be mallipulated then oppressive insitutions such as the government who are above the law, devious as fuck, shouldn't be trused and should of been drowned at birth could bribe or otherwise coerse doctors into geneticly enginnering all children born using DNA malipulation in such a way that when born, they consider the political party in power at the time as something of Gods so that every time the general election comes up (More like multiple choice than the right to a vote realy), this person who has been geneticly enginnered (mutilated would be a better word) would vote for them and suport them without hesitation or even thinking about it. This is just one example of how this technology can be abused to totaly wipe out our free will and inviduality and help the rich and currupt power hungry wankers of this world stay in power. This might be just a paranoid therory but if I can sit down and come up with this idea then what's to stop a government minister or genetisist coming up with this idea as well, frightening thourght isn't it? Also, this technology will only serve to make people more narrow minded and care more about the athetics of a person than the actual person themselves. Personality types such as the introverted, knowlege hungry, anti conformist and generaly shy traits that are accociated with hackers and are generaly looked down on by the conformest mainstream would be filtered out by this new technology, (No more hackers, SHIT!!!!) :( everyone will be the same, as parents will want their children to make friends and fit in easily at school (All the people in the conformest mainstream seem to have a problem with any one who differs from them in some way or another, fuck knows why) and to do this they all have to be the same, think the same and act the same as their peers. We will grow up in a world where anyone who's Gnome shows a glimmer of indivduality (even before they are born ) would be just considered as a genetic re-sequencing sesion gone wrong and literaly just thrown in the bin. By the way, doesn't all this idea of designer children remind you all of something? Could it be Hitler by any chance? This is a WANKER who took it up on himself to create his 'master race' by murdering all those who aposed him or who he considered 'imperfect', who all our grand /great grandparents went to war in order to stop. (Even though I despise violence of all kinds, I'm glad they killed the bastard) This technology is an insult to everything they faught (and most) died for. This designer baby technology is just a more incedious version of Adolf Hitlers sick and savage master race plan, and it fucks me off that people don't see this obvious fact. Athough the scientists say that Genetic malipulation technology can help illiminate genetic disorders such as cystic firbrosis which would mean a better quality of life for the children of parents who are carriers or sufferers of the dissorder, the masive potential that this tecnology can be abused, in my opinion, out weighs the benefits. I'd rather trust the natural evolution of the human race to erradicate genetic deseases like this. Well thats about it really, I hope this article as opened your eyes to this threat to our society, if just one person starts to think about the issues that this article addresses then I know that sitting here at 5am typing it out having been up for 18 hours streight has been worth it 'Be an individual human being, not a conformist drone'