_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY FIVE JANUARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / SWATeam changes \ / by -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well lately those of us here at SWAT have decided to reform the group, i figured that i might as well waste some space in the magazine and let you all know about the changes that will you probably notice and/or want to know about. First off the group membership. Ok this is a simple one: new members. DO NOT ASK TO JOIN, that's simple, the reason being is that we get a lot of people who want to join with the sole purpose of being in the group and can not contribute to anything what so ever, either that or they don't contribute and in general this tends to piss off a few people. Members that we are taking on are those who we have asked to join the group, usually these people have been in contact with us for a while and we tend to trust them, and they seem like those who can be motivated to do stuff. So sorry to disapoint, but it's the only way. N.B not that all of the people who ask to join are only for the sake of being in the group, some of the ppl who ask to join are genuinly very productive people, but due to the ammount of people who ask to join, these people are often overlooked. So if you want to join, just get to know us on IRC or something and who knows, perhaps we will ask you to join us someday! Next up the magazine, ok with the new group reform we will most likely be able to expand the magazine, given our recent reader explosion (as in loads more people reading the magazine) we hope that we will be able to keep up with the demand for knowledge and be able to feed your minds with the information which you seek! in other words we're going to try and improve the magazine beyond what it is all ready. Thirdly, the Allience. Ok some of you will all ready know that Krash pulled out of the allience early this month for the simple reason that it was becomming lame, there are talks to rebuild the allience from scratch thus improving it over all and hopefully getting rid of the lameness that seems to surround what's left of it at the moment. That'll probably happen in the next few months. Now onto the mailing list, ok i have mentioned it on the web site and also on the introduction page of the magazine, but if you subscribed to the magazine BEFORE 18th of January 2000 then please head over to www.swateam.org/mag.html and subscribe again. you will not recieve two copies of the magazine, we are simply moving over to a CGI based address database as opposed to Unknown Guest's e-mail box being filled with a hundred or so addresses each week, it's also more stable since we have lost quite a few addresses in the past due to crashes and such like. UG will still manage the mailing list, we just want a more stable way to store the addresses. After this month we will cease to use our current mailing list and if you don't sign to the new one then you not be sent the latest issues of the magazine. We will however send out one e-mail to everyone on the list at the middle of this month to inform everyone of the mailing list change, this will make a total number of e-mails regarding that 2, so don't think that we are going to spam your box, we just want to make sure that everyone who is on the list knows what to do! Just to let you all know about why the site has been down lately, well the reason for that is a bunch of script kiddies running a denial attacks on the netherweb.com host.