____________________________________________________________________ | ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____________ | | / ______/ / / / / / / / \ |___ ___| | | / /______ / / / / / / / ___ \ | | | | /______ / / / / / / / / /___\ \ | | | | _______/ / / /__/ /__/ / / _____ \ | | | | /________/ /______________/ /__/ \__\ |__| | | MAGAZINE | | Presented by... | | The South West Anarchy Team | |____________________________________________________________________| Issue Twenty Six. February 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Http://www.swateam.org xellent55@hotmail.com "When you want it, it goes away too fast, When you hate it, it always seems to last" - Marilyn Manson "The Speed of Pain" This month has been fairly good for us all here at SWAT, we are finally getting back on out feet after slacking a little. Ok a few of the banners where removed from the site lately, and we are currently looking for another sponsor, now i really don't want to end up using a porn site as a sponsor since they make sites look tacky, so depending on how well the current banners do and how well the SWAT CD (see article 2) sells will depend on whether or not we go for it. If the CD sells fairly well then i will remove ALL web sponsor banners from the site and stick purly to either group ad's (like THN and Krash) as well as those banners that have been asked to host in return for favors/services (like Piratecity and Can-Host). So if you want to help us out, then either click on the dailyRadar banner (guns, gore, girls one) or sign up for free e-mail stuff (that dodgy blue banner), heh you don't have to sign yourself up for it... Alternativly, await the arrival of the SWAT CD and purchase that, all profit will get pumped into the web site and the group which you will all ultimatly benefit from. So far what we make is hardly noticable, with the exception of a few new graphics, which i must admit are pretty cool. Anyone notice what was missing from the last issue of SWAT Magazine? yep that's right, the "SWAT Magazine information" page, heh sorry about that, but i dunno where it got to. Anyway it's in this issue so you can all have a nice read of it! Ok now i'll point out about the Hex codes released last issue, ok round about a week after the issue went out i was informed that they where mostly bogus!! OMG, but we can't blame Smurf for getting them to me, or TNC who got them originally - so credit goes to him for getting. Now the guy who's codes they _where_ is Jonathan Rees, who is, by all accounts, a con artist. Not unlike Cyberthill, so SWAT takes great pleasure in releasing the article done on him by Delight of H/\ck P/\YT Ok so my compuer went fucko on the day of release (hence why this is a day late), anyway i know that i've missed an article from CiD3r about DVD encryption ,so i'm afraid that will be in SWAT27 i'm afraid. Anyway have fun! +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ¦ Contents ¦ ¦---------------------------------------------------------------------¦ ¦ # Article title Author ¦ ¦---------------------------------------------------------------------¦ ¦ 0: Introduction................................ -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦ 1: The infiltration of Overload from A-S....... Unknown Guest ¦ ¦ 2: SWATeam CD-ROM.............................. -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦ 3: ANONYMOUS ISP & A HOTMAIL SCAM.............. Firestorm ¦ ¦ 4: Hacker ethics?................... Tempest & -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦ 5: Carding..................................... - = TNC = - ¦ ¦ 6: Site Busting: Remote buffer overflows....... -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦ 7: Novell & Win95.............................. Tempest ¦ ¦ 8: Intro to the Anarchy With Explosives team... Ni_tram ¦ ¦ 9: SWAT Mailing list (again)................... Unknown Guest ¦ ¦10: How To Get Unlimited Free UK Domain Names... Anarchist Lemming ¦ ¦11: Windows NT Remote Access.................... Cyber0ptix ¦ ¦12: 35mm Mortar cannon.......................... Ni_Tram ¦ ¦13: A little more on Overload................... Unknown Guest ¦ ¦14: Setting Up Linux for Newbies #1............. Midnight ¦ ¦15: Revenge Part 2.............................. JohnzBombz ¦ ¦16: Biscuit tin Booby trap...................... JohnzBombz ¦ ¦17: Electronic timer for bombs.................. FiReStOrM ¦ ¦18: Jonathan Rees UNCOVERED..................... Delight ¦ ¦19: UK gov't reveals Big Brother bill........... -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦20: Pointless yet fun Batch files............... -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦21: Making Hydrogen............................. Hotnail ¦ ¦22: The cocytusUK allience - or lack of......... -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦23: Vengence on close friends and family........ aLaN ¦ ¦24: Usefull links............................... Tempest ¦ ¦25: Echelon was my baby......................... Frak ¦ ¦26: The Computer Spyware Uncle Sam Won't Let You Buy..... Frak ¦ ¦27: Cracking Win95 Passwords.................... CiD3r ¦ ¦28: Car Bomb Grade II........................... -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦29: Novell continued............................ Tempest ¦ ¦30: SWAT Expanding!............................. -=The Firestarter=- ¦ ¦31: SWAT Magazine Info...............................................¦ ¦32: Wrap up and Disclaimer...........................................¦ +---------------------------------------------------------------------+