_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / ANONYMOUS ISP & A HOTMAIL SCAM \ / by FiReStOrM \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -INTRO I will be unknown to most of you SWAT mag readers so I'll just introduce myself. I have been hacking for almost 2 years, but have studied the old methods from ancient US text files which I find in time capsules buried throughout the web. I have been reading SWAT mag for quite a while and decided that it was my turn to help contribute to this wealth of information. -ANONYMOUS ISP Anyway, a lot of you will want to remain anonymous whilst surfing and hacking, and the most popular way of doing this is by using a free connection ISP such as freeserve and current bun, and entering fake info. Another method is to steal someone elses ISP account, but this can take a lot of time (although useful for revenge!). I have found an ISP which you don't need to sign up for and a simple Dial-up adapter can be used into which you can enter any info you like, simple. The connection is called 'Connect Free'. To make the adapter: Win 95- Use Start/Programs/Accesories/Dial-up Networking/Make New Connection/ Win 98- Use Start/Programs/Accesories/Communications/Dial-up Networking/Make New Connection/ I'm unsure about Win NT or 2K, but it will be relatively simlar I assume. When in the connection wizard you enter connect free if you want instead of My Connection. You then need to enter the phone number: 0845 6621006 - 33.6K or 28.8K 0845 6621106 - K56Flex 0845 6621206 - 56K X2 0845 6621306 - 64K ISDN 0845 6621406 - 128Kb ISDN 0845 6621506 - V90 (PS. I always put 141 before the numbers when dialing from the UK) You can then enter any user name you like (eg. S00PER HaCK3R) accompanied by a password if you like. Now you can't be traced through your ISP. If you want to sign up properly for a domain name goto: www.connectfree.co.uk -HOTMAIL EXPLOIT As many readers will know hotmail has always had its security flaws, but this one is plays on other people stupidity! As hotmail gets more & more secure (Although M$ security will always be a joke) you may want to use a method which you don't have to do anything to get into other peoples accounts. All you need to do is create a web page (free at www.geocities.com) or post a message in a web forum which convinces people that you know a way of M$ to send them other peoples passwords. Then you need to setup a convincing email address up at www.hotmail.com so that people think it belongs to M$, mine is pwd_return@hotmail.com. My web page says that I hacked into a hotmail supervisors account and discovered that if you send an email to pwd_return@hotmail.com (password return) with your account name and password, and the name of the account you want to hack, you receive and email with their password. This of course is b*ll*cks, but just incase you don't understand, they send you their password. I thought that no-one would fall for it, but I am having a 40% success rate for the visiter to my web page. My web address is www.geocities.com/pendulum_bob and you can feel free to adapt the crap I have written in the page. The beauty of geocities for all you newbies is that you don't have to know HTML code! OK I hope that you have found my first article interesting, even though it is very basic. If you have any comments or suggestions: :o) uk_firestorm@hotmail.com (No flames please they don't make any difference to people!) -SHOUTS A big shout out to SWAT and their readers. And a big advert for GUINNESS & NEWCASTLE BROON ALE-(My native ale!) -LINKS For all your hacking tools: www.cyberarmy.com IF you missed my web page: www.geocities.com/pendulum_bob An amazing hacking prog: www.bo2k.com In case you don't know how to IRC: (4 newbies because I never knew for ages!) www.mirc.co.uk