_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRUARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Carding \ / - = TNC = - \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My First Text File Ever Written CARDING - Tha In'z n' Out'z Intro: Carding is generally known as the 'C' part of the H/P/V/C/A abbreviations list, and to me it is the least come across topic that text files are written about in the UK H/P/V/C/A scene. For what reason I don't know, but I think it is and will continue to be as important/fun as the other UK underground related topics. So, if you have never experienced Carding before for whatever reason, read this file and hopefully it will inspire you. *DISCLAIMER* Carding is highly illegal, probably the most dangerous of all the H/P/V/C/A scene, so I cannot take ANY responsibility if you get busted! Ok, hereeeeeeeeee we go! 1. Getting the Card Numberz. To me, this is one of the most easiest thingz about carding. Many people think it is nigh on impossible to get the card numbers, but really, this is the easiest thing about carding for me. If you goto your local town on a Saturday you are sure to find them, just pick up any old receipts that you find lying around in the street. If asked what you are doing, give them an excuse like 'I am looking for a receipt a dropped earlier' Although picking the receipts up off the street seems pretty easy, there are a number of other ways to get the numbers you need. One of them, that I have never actually experienced for many reasons is 'Trashing' or the art of going thru tips outside the back of shops to get numbers, from the carbon copies of receipts (they are normally pink or blue). All the receipts should probably have names, numbers and exp. dates on them. I have found that really, these are only the essential things you need. Another way of getting numbers if you have a REALLLLLLY good friend (mine was a kid kalled Ollie!) who got the numbers from work. If a m8 (like Ollie) works in a computer shop like Game (like Ollie) you can get a LOT of numbers from your m8. There are many other ways of getting numbers (such as foning people saying you are from VISA, u get the idea) but I have never got this to work. After reading this, you should have gone out and got some Numberz. If you can get the billing address of a kard, you should have MUCH more success @ ordering stuff. 2. Deciding What To Order + Ordering This part of the article may sound a bit stoopid but you have to be sensible about what to order. Get stuff that is easily moved about, nothing u need a car for, but still think big. Most computer-related things are expensive, but small, except monitors. Processors can fit in your pocket, so think good. There are also many other things you can order, just think well and I am sure it will come to you. You also have to decide where to deliver the goods to. Now, think good. Think real gooooood. Do u know someone @ skool that lives in a small block of flats, Like 3 - 5 storeys high. If so, become REAL goooood friends with them. Promise them some stuff if you can deliver goods to their block, even sign for the stuff when the delivery boy cannot find the right address cause u left the number off the address. Just get rid of the number from the address. So, if you have like 7 Peters Court, just deliver to Peters Court , u see what I mean?? I have never had to order anything to a different postal address rather then a flat, so i don't really know how to organise it. I have also been told by ATAPI, of TNC, that Prestigious Addresses can be bought for £30 for 3 months from ads in The Economist. These are basically PO boxes, but have an address in Mayfair or somewhere like that in London, rather than the standard PO Box 543 format, which DHL will not deliver too. Finally, send the gear to any old address in your area, and then fone the person @ the address, and tell them the delivery company fucted up the order, and that the goods will be delivered there instead. Be really friendly, and you may get a cup of tea out of it as well! 3. Picking Up the Gear If you have ordered stuff to a m8's flat or your own block of flats (i don't think there is much risk in doing this) just collect the stuff when it is delivered, and give your m8 a cut of the stuff, if he has asked for it. As i have not covered delivery to a safehouse, i cannot comment on it, because giving bad info would be like walking into a deathtrap, i don't directly want to get you busted! 4. Conclusion Well, if you have listened to the wise words of Phr3/-\k On /-\ L3ash, you should be viewing this file on the brand new laptop you bought!! If not, like if you got busted, hard luck, or if you even just failed @ getting the stuff sent, do not worry, just take this advice (in tru3 31337 styl3z) ‘If @ FirsT U Don’T Suc33d, Try Try Again’ and ‘You’ze Ain’T a CrimiNal Till U Get CaughT’ Thanx!! SHOUTOUTS: ATAPI, C|D3R, MaNnY, PI, T3mpest, Viper, Smurf, Pred, F_S, EXE-Gency, Mirage, Too_Phat, Brakis, Phreakazoid, ^InSaNe^, the rest of the #cocytusUK channel (connection details below), Everyone @ alt.ph.uk and other peeps I have forgotton And of Course, OLLIE! Where To Find Me: Phr3/-\k On /-\ L3ash – 47524967 @ ICQ Thenetcleaner@hotmail.com IRC.PROGENIC.COM - #cocytusUK (mIRC server, channel) If u want to speak, ICQ me, then I MAY give you my number Leave me a VoiceMessage @ (01403) 212552 Oh Yeah, my All Advantage Referral ID is IGW-553 Next Filez from Me: I ain’t got a fucking clue, requests maybe????