_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Novell & win95 \ / By TempesT \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THis might work on some porly set up networks. The server is running novel 4+ and you have a Graphical login ( you login in when you are in 95 ). Then after you have logged in with novell wondows prompts you to confirm your pass. This is were things get fun. As you might know novel has v.good security so its a bitch to hack, where as 95 and security the 2 words should not be used together. Win95/98 has no security. So when you confirm the password in windows all user settings get saved in .pwl files these are usaly stored with the use name first i.e john logs in with user name john1 the file is called john1.pwl these can be found in the 95 directory c:\windows once you have found the file you simply copy the file to disk and go home and run a cracker on it. then you have the users password you can then go back to school and login as them. Well some of you may be thinking i can log in with the same rights as him any way. Lets try this example, TempesT = ME dumn ass computer teacher (miss huges) = admin Me : miss i cant log in adimn : why whats wrong Me : it says that my password is invalid admin : ok i will just log in and change your pass word me : thank you * admin logs in * admin : ok, done it me : thx admin : your new password is somerealyeasytoguesspassword me : ok * me walks away and gets on with the IT lesson * after the lesson you go back to the computer she was using and copy the admin.pwl to your trusty floppy disk and go home fr the day. While you are at home you have set up this .pwl cracker to get the pass. By the morning / 10 mins later you have the admins pass. you then go back to school and (ab)use the admin account. If you want some thing eveil to do with it, then if your school keeps all its infomation about stundents on computers try and get all that, thats the equavilent to a 192.com search on EVERYONE in your school and getting more infomation, now i am sure you can do some thing with this. If you have a program called SIMS and you find an exploit in it then PLEASE tell me. TempesT TempesT@888.nu