_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRUARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / SWAT Mailing list (again) \ / by Unknown Guest \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i know this is becoming a regular article about the mailing list but i thought i really should explain a little about why you all need to resubscribe. Well you can blame my gf for one. She is always going on about how much of a geek i am. when i am blatently not. So she thought it would be funny to search the web for a little proggie that formats my HD, and email it to me. Which she duely did, now because i trust(ed) (lol) my gf i opened it next time i rebooted the system everything was gone and i hadnt had time to make some decent backups. Women eh, well sorry to the female readers, woman! one in particular! YES yOU MY GF. Doesnt matter i can say anything i like she doesnt read this mag anyway.. but i will keep the article pleasant. So basically we need to build up the mailing list again. Cheers for the help. Yes UG did get done over by his own gf!!! Thanx anyways people. C'yall Around. (Just a note - This is the reason we moved over to the CGI based mailing list -F_S )