_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / 35mm Mortar cannon \ / by Ni_tram (A.W.E) \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To construct the 35mm Mortar canon you will need: Quant: Material: Size: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) Steel Tube or pipe 30cm L x 3.5cm W(inside) x more than 3mm thick (1) Wooden rod 5cm L x same width of inside of pipe (1) Steel Nut + Bolt More than 4cm long and 6mm wide (1) Flat steel or Alloy Approx. 3cm L x 2cm wide x 5mm thick (1) Party Popper (1) Cardboard Tube 30cm L x wide enough to fit neatly inside steel pipe. (1) Choice of explosive Detailed later. (1) Woodscrew 2cm long Toolz: ------ Drill with 2mm and 6mm bits. Spaners for Nut + Bolt Files (metal file) or an Angle Grinder! Glue Expoy Resin or Areldite and masking tape Bench Vice or some sort of clamps. Saw (hack-saw will do) Tape Measure Screw driver Where to get it and other info: ------------------------------- You can get most of this stuff from your local hardware store but if youre stuck try the garden centre for the steel tubing (thats where we got it from!). They use it for green houses and other things. Any-way the ones we got were galvanised so it won't rust but paint it afterwards any way if you get them like that. The wooden rod could be a broom handle or something simalar as long as it fits tightly into the tube. The nut and bolt can be bought (or nicked) from your hardware store. It has to be long enough the go right through the width of the pipe. Flat steel or aluminium (<--thats why I put alloy the first time cos I can't spell it right) hardware store again. You may be able to get away with a door hinge if it's cut right. You should know where to get a party popper from. This is used as a detonator but you can use an electronic one instead. Cardboard tube can be got from kitchen roll or tinfoil (not bog roll) as long as its strong but not too heavy. The choice of explosive depends on what you have handy I'll detail later on the amount and the best used stuff. Where to start: --------------- 1) Take your steel tube and cut it to the size you need. 30cm is the best for this scale of canon. Take your wooden rod and cut it to about 5cm long. Cover the sides of the rod with glue, what ever one you use and ram the rod up one end of the steel pipe. You'll have to bang it on the floor to make it go it properly. Now this is important: The rod has to be air tight which means there can't be any gaps around it what so ever. If there is beat it out and cover in masking tape and more glue and ram it in again. Leave it for awhile for the glue to set. If FS included the pics look at MORTAR.jpg but if he hasn't you'll just have to stick with ASCII: ==================== <-- Steel Tube |*****| Wooden Block --> |*****| ==================== 2) Now you have to drill the holes. Make a mark about 2cm to 2.5cm from the bottom of the pipe, on the end with the wooden block in. Make sure the hole will go right through the wooden block. Drill a hole with the 6mm drill bit right through the pipe. Or if youve got a bigger bolt make the hole bigger. One thing to remember is that the hole has to be silghtly smaller than the bolt to ensure a tight fit. Once to hole is drilled spread a little glue down the hole and insert the bolt. Once the bolt is through the pipe screw on the nut and make sure it's tight. ___ ==ƒ================= <-- Steel Tube |*ƒ***| Wooden Block --> |*ƒ***| ==ƒ================= «ƒ» <--- Nut + Bolt 3) Get your flat steel or aluminuim and cut it to size. Drill one 2mm hole 1cm from the end and cut a silt from the side about 5mm rom the other end. It should now look like this: (From now on this will be known as the Plate. OK) ------- | ==== <- slit | | | | | | | 0 | 0 = Hole ------- 4) Now take your pipe and turn it so that the bolt is side ways. Now mark a hole about 3cm away from the end (the end with the block in) and drill it with the 2mm bit. Make sure it go's down in to the wood about 2cm. Now get your plate (peice of flat steel or alloy) and screw through the hole (that does NOT have the slit) into the hole in the pipe. Don't screw it to tight, just enough to let the plate turn around. If you are confused at this point go to our website where the pics are and then you will understand. Screw --> _ |=== <-- Plate ==================== <-- Steel Tube |/ƒ\**| Wooden Block --> |\ƒ/**| ==================== ^--- Nut + Bolt 5) Next turn the plate till it faces the open end of the pipe. Then mark on the pipe where the slit is. Move the flat steel away and drill the hole with the 2mm bit. This hole should go into the open part of the pipe as in near the wood but not in the wood. There you have it the mortar cannon is made. Now what next. A suitable stand: ----------------- Depending on your situation the stand could be made out of a number of differnt things but the design is basically the same: 1) Make a X shape out of two lengths (about 20cm) of what ever you are using. Make it small at the top. Like this: \/ /\ / \ / \ / \ Fix then together whatever way you want. You can then strap this to the mortar canon to give it a 45 degree angle. THE MORTAR! ----------- This is the fun part. The mortar consists of three parts: 1)Detonator 2)Propellant 3)Grenade/Mortar You can make these in any order you want. Here's the easiest first; 1) Detonater: Can be either Fuse, Pull String or electronic detonation. Fuse: This is the easiest. Rip a fuse out of a firework and stick it down the hole. Or you could make one. Remember to leave it long enough so you can get out of the way once it's lit! Pull string: Take a party popper apart and remove the little white thing with the string. On the cannon, twist the plate out of the way an insert pullstring thingy. Now twist the plate back round and thread the string through the slit. The plate holds the party popper thing in place and when you pull the string it go's off. Elecrontic Detonator: This can be any type that fits down the hole. You could make a Solar Ignitor that would fit down inside. Try not to make the hole any bigger than 3mm cos the gasses will escape and blow the plate off (this has happened to us!). The wires can be threaded through the slit in the plate. 2) Propellant: This is what sends the mortar fying out of the pipe. Its quite simple to make. First cut about 2cm of the cardboard tube. Then with masking tape seal one end (you put a bit of card in here if you want). In the open end of the cardboard tube is where the explosive goes. Mix up your chioce of explosive and mix to a paste with a VERY small amount of meths or petrol. Once this is thick enough spread it around inside the cardboard tube (small one). Don't make it to pasty make sure it is still quite powdery, just enough to stay inside of the tube. Reffer to the following guidelines: A) More explosive the further the mortar will travel B) More explosive the better chance of blowing yourself up So the best thing to do is use a low explosive that releases alot of gas or smoke (eg Flash powder). This is because the mortar will be in tight which means a build up of gasses will propell it quite far. We have done tests using our homemade explosive. We managed to get the mortar about 270 feet using a very low amount. So experiment and you'll get it right. (Allways start with a low amount!) This is then inserted into the mortar after the detonatot. Just pop it down the pipe untill it hits the bottom. It should look like this: Screw --> _ |=1= <-- Plate =======1================================= <-- Steel Tube |/ƒ\**|1 |2| Wooden Block --> |\ƒ/**|1 |2| ========================================= 1 = Detonator 2 = propellant ^--- Nut + Bolt 3) Grenade/Mortar This is the projectile that is fired out of the cannon. There are a number of types: A) Mortar: Non-explosive projectile that can be used for range testing or flares. B) Impact Mortar: Explosive projectile that explodes on impact on hard surface. c) Grenade: Fuse timed explosive projectile. Depending on time and distance will explode in mid-air or bouce then explode. d) Impact Grenade: Fuse timed explosive projectile. Depending on time and distance will explode in mid-air or explode on impact. And guess what I'm only gona tell you how to make the first one HAHA! But don't worry there will be more files coming to SWAT and they will all be up on the site very shortly aswell. Well here goes a simple Mortar: 1) From the left over wooden rod (the one use to block the end) cut to approx. 15cm. Then cut across twice on the bottom of it in a + pattern. Cut it to about 2-3cm depth. Like this: /---1---\ 1= Cut lines | 1 | |1111111| | 1 | \---1---/ 2) Now cut two 4cm x 6cm strips from sheet steel or aluminum and cut half way up both and solt them together. Insert into the wooden block. This makes the fins to stablise the projectile in flight. Alternativly use stiff card but it doesn't last very long. 3) File down the end to a point if you want or stick a cone of card on top. A then paint it! For the Finally! ---------------- Ok now you-ve got the stuff together time to test it. First find your target: Car, house, Caravan, Phone Box etc! Set up your mortar in a secluded place. Now judge the distance accordingly keeping in mind that 45 degrees gives the maximum height + maximum distance. Then way down your canon with a concrete block or some thing heavy (so it doesn't move!) Ok, now load your cannon in this order: 1) Insert your detonator, what ever one you use. And lay the string/wire accordingly. (Note that if you use a pull string and don't want to be standing right next to the cannon you'll need to put extra weight on it so when you pull the string it doesn't move and point at you (and again this has happened to us!!) 2) Next pop in your propellant, open end first. Make sure it goes all the way down to the bottom and is touching the detonator. Push it down with a stick or something. 3) Lastly in goes your mortar. Push it right down into the cannon. Make sure it's a tightish fit or it won't work properly. (A good tip is to put rings of black tape around the mortar, but only if it's too lose). Above all don't make it too tight or it won't work at all. 4) Now take aim and pull that string (or push that button or light that fuse!) and delite in your first use of the A.W.E 35mm Mortar Cannon. This type of mortar (the dud one) in our tests can go right through a car windscreen at 200 ft and leave a very big dent in the body work at the same distance. Check our site for our test results. (That is when the sites working!) Additional Information: ----------------------- Well thats it really. This mortar cannon will last you for quite awhile if you look after it. Just oil the inside every now and then to stop it from rusting. And paint the out side as well. This Mortar Canon will aid the everyday anarchist in his plite against the government, the phone companys and anyone else that stands in there way. That is if you make one! This is for educational use only.... Isn't it? :-). Look out for more of these files in SWAT magazine and at our website (that should be up soon!) The next part will show you how to construct a number of the other mortars for this canon! C-yall! Please send all comments to awecomm@yahoo.com This file has been writen for SWAT Magazine by Ni_tram founder of the Anarchy With Explosives team. SWAT have the right to distribute this file freely, aslong as nothing is changed that is! Compiled by Ni_tram 2000' Kick Ass!