_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Revenge (Part 2) \ / by JohnzBombz \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello readers, I hope you have read my "Harmless Revenge" article in SWAT 25. Well this got me thinking a bit more on the subject and decided to do a follow up. So here it starts. I think a lot of you have probably experienced some dickhead sending taxis and piazzas round to your house (or know friends that have had this), and you know who they are and where this dick lives. Now to plot something they were NOT expecting! This is so simple. Pick up your Yellow Pages book. Now to order large amounts of scafolding to their house. You phone up a company, putting 141 before the number, and sounding frustrated saying that your house is collapsing / sinking and it needs scafolding supports immediately. State a certain time in the day, victims name and address. The fun is far from over. Search for kid's party stuff. Large bouncy castles are ideal! 141 again, but this time it is a last minute party for a large crowd of kids, so the bouncy castle has to arrive arround the same time as the scaffolding. So they sent you taxis did they? What they need are a couple of coaches! So finding the number for the company, explain that there is a scout trip leaving from the victims house, and the last company backed out last minute and you need them for the same time as everything else that is heading in the victims direction. Now I think they need a moderate amount of concrete. Yes! Those VERY large trucks. You see, the victim is now relaying teir drive way...hehehe Now I could be here for days writing ideas from Yellow Pages but I think you know what I'm getting at. Now you have probably blocked the street with trucks coaches and other stuff, and the vast amount of chaos will teach that fuckwit not to do it again. It is even better if nobody is home (monday morning about 11:00 when everyone is @ work, college, or school). Now order the concrete, and stand outside when it arrives and say that your dad has had an urgent phone call from work and should be back in an hour to arrange the payment, meanwhile they can concrete the drive, and say you're going out to have a haircut or shopping or something... To increase the terror phone the police from a phone box saying that someone is terrorising your driveway (..well the victims drive). The police will turn up to arrest the workmen, while they will get pissed off trying to explain that they are working. I don't advise calling any other of the emergency services - obvious reasons why. I could go on but I'll leave this up to you. If anyone does this or tries original ideas out then email me with your story: johnzbombz@yahoo.com JOHNZBOMBZ