_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Biscuit tin booby trap \ / by Johnzbombz \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************** BISCUIT TIN BOMB: ***************** I have recently been involved in making a film with a few friends from college. For this, small fireball explosions are needed so I had a few thoughts. Most possibly some sort of gas should be used! Petrol? Confined space! One of my previous articles for SWAT magazine was a wheely bin bomb, but this was too big to conceal in a hole - unless we spent a long time digging! Thats where the biscuit tin comes in handy. Materials: - Biscuit tin - Masking tape (carpet tape) - 2+ deodorant cans - Small Pipe bomb - 2 Long wires - knife Once your hole is dug in a field to fit the tin, make a small hole in the tin so that the wires just fit through. Fill a small copper tube with gun/flash powder and insert an ignitor. Attach the pipe bomb ignitor to the long wires. Now wrap the masking tape over the deodorant nozzles so spraying continuously. Throw a few of these in the tin and place the lid on. Finally wrap the tin THOROUGHLY with the tape to form a strong compression. Place the tin in the hole and reel the wires a suitable distance away. To detonate, connect the two wires to a battery. BOOM! Improvements : - Place / empty bags of flour over the tin which will semi atomise, thus greater fireball - Using sandbags will greater the compression a create a larger blast. - Adding petrol and potassium permanganate to the tin will improve results although I havent tried this. Lots of napalm around the area. - The longer you leave the tin to fill with gas the better the end result. Just don't leave it TOO long. Experiment & be careful !!! -JOHNZBOMBZ- **************************** MOVEMENT SENSOR BOOBY TRAP : **************************** O.k, this idea came to while sat in the college canteen, looking up @ a movement sensor. I noticed that on the front of this little thing are three LEDs. Green - being small amoounts of movement, Yellow - fair amount of movement, and of course, Red being a busy canteen. You can get them from most hardware shops, or steal from a canteen... I would advise getting the ones with the small LEDs, not the big red light ones. So how do you transform it into a booby trap? By replacing the yellow or red LED with a solar ignitor (rocket ignitor). If this doesn't work then try using a step-up transformer for the current to light the ignitor. Don't use the green connection 'coz this thing will blow at the slightest movement - although it could be what you want it to do? Now the ignitor is inserted in a pipebomb, biscuit tin bomb, or a home-made weapon pointing in the same direction as the sensor at the victim. The ignitor could be extended to a more desireable place if need be. Alternatively, the ignitor could be inserted into a fuse to delay the trap. Use your imagination. *NOTE* - These things are intended for inside a victims home/building, not out side. - Use a switch between the power source and the sensor, and have the switch on a length of wire to a door so you can get out without risk of killing yourself. Just flip the switch before leaving - now the device is armed. Never attempt to make this. -JOHNZBOMBZ- ++++++++++ DISCLAIMER : ++++++++++ Well I've gotta do this so here it goes: Any injury, damage, or criminal activity resulting from the above information in this article can in no way be assumed responsible by the author. The idea is to teach that there are many SIMPLE techniques out there to make a destructive device, AND SHOULD NOT BE CARRIED OUT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Well bollox to that, I'm off! Thanx for reading, and if you have any comments or new pyro ideas then please send 'em to: johnzbombz@yahoo.com ____________________