_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Jonathan Rees UNCOVERED \ / By Delight of H/\CK P/\YT \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonathan Rees UNCOVERED By Delight of H/\CK P/\YT With lots of help from MANNY from TNC Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ So who is Jonathan Rees? Well, if you are a regular reader of alt.ph.uk you probably know him better as Hac_K1ng or Hexmaster. He's extrememly easy to spot, all his webpages look the same. They are all selling things that don't exist for ridiculously high prices, such as free calls on vodafone, ATM hacker, etc. Now most of us folk would see straight through him but there are unfortunately a few less experienced people (and let's be fair to them, they didn't know any better) who have lost hundreds of pounds to him. I have heard from a not-so-reliable source that he has made thousands scamming abroad as well as here. A lot of people want him. In the same sort of way SWAT are finding paedophiles (damn right, too) me and a few other people are finding scam artists. Where you can find more info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will be releasing a website on him. I'll post the details to alt.ph.uk once it's finished. Why he PISSES me off ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, this guy pisses me off a LOT. This is why I've decided to release this file on him. The reason? Basically that he never gives up. He'll make a website selling non-existant software for £600 or something, advertise it on alt.ph.uk, maybe someone will buy something, and then anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size will point out that it's a BLATANT scam, flame him to shite, and then he'll shut down his website, and what do you know, in a month or so the wanker's back up again scamming!!! What does he think, that people will have forgotten or something? Prick! How we got this info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This information was gained using entirely illegal means. Heh. While portscanning his machine I realised some kind sole sent him a program with a Netbus trojan attached. Connected to that, the average number of people in his machine I noticed was about 5 or 6 (All grabbing files? I bet his internet connection was like treacle!). Luckily nobody did anything lame like playing with his CD-ROM open/close function so we were all able to get anything we wanted. Cached passwords didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary, and I couldn't be arsed to trawl through his registry. Call me a script kiddie or whatever but I rarely use trojans because they're now so detectable, it's just the fact that there was one there running and I didn't see the point in trying to gain access another way to avoid the script-kiddie label when I might have limited time. What he had on his computer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ However, this guy is what most people would file under "fucking stupid". He had scans of bank transactions, used outlook express (so reading inbox.mbx revealed interesting stuff), copies of email in text files, all the hex files he was supposedly selling, etc etc. Below are some emails he has recieved, with some names/addresses obliterated because it's not fair on those people, they just wanted their cash back. ---------------------------------------- OK,I will give all details: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Bank: BANIF - Banco Internacional do Funchal Address: Rua de Jõao Tavira, 30 Postal code: 9004-509 Funchal Madeira PORTUGAL Account nº XXXXXXXXXXXXXX NIB: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Amount : £302 I will be the first to post positive feedback if my money turns back. I will be waiting, thanks. --------------------------------------------- Welcome back Mr Rees, I was about to involve my lawyers. i believe there is 302 pounds owing to me my friend cheque payable to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx address xxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, xxxxx as soon as possible or the phones please awaiting your reply ---------------------------------------------- Please do the refund of 255 ukp (= 66ukp motorola cd930 + 179ukp nokia 8850 + 10ukp transfercost) to : Bank account number : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name account owner :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Belgium Bank : KBC BankEdegem Molenveld 2650 Edegem Belgium Swiftcode : xxxxxxxx Thanks, xxxxxxxxxxx. ----------------------------------------------- Jon or whoever,This is my bank details as below: Bank Name : United Chinese Bank Bank Address : G/F, 97 Wanchai Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Account Number : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Account Holder Name : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amount : 1,258GBP + 20GBP(telegraphic transfer fee)= 1,278GBP PLEASE CUT THE B.S. AND REFUND MY MONEY WITHIN 24 HOURS AND CONFIRM BY EMAIL AS YOU HAVE PROMISED!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------------------------------------------------ Hi, I´m so glad to here that you are back, here is my order details: 2x8850 (£151ukp each) TOTAL £302ukp (shipping included) Please refund my money to: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Banco International do Funchal PORTUGAL Account no xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amount £302 ------------------------------------------------- As you can see from his emails, he obviously does a lot of wheeling and dealing abroad. So What bank accounts does he use? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of them is located at Alliance & Leicester. Sort Code: 72-58-10 Account Owner: Mr J.W.Rees He gives his account number as 00000000, this is obviously fake, although he does have a Transaction Reference Number 204-005034-71. Another one is set up under a fake name at Abbey National in Ealing. Account Name: Fincham Account Number: X1196364FIN Sort Code: 20-67-19 Another one is located at Lloyds TSB in Penzance. He has given his true name and address for this one (see below). Has he refunded anyone any money? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, to the person in Hong Kong, because they had a right go at him. The bank form with transfer details will be available for download at the site when it is up. Where does he live? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The last known address we had (after much searching with Infodisk and enhancing the bank form to buggery): Mr. J W Rees The Anchorage Sunny Corner Lane Sennen Penzance TR19 7AX (01736) 871 476 PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY WHERE HE LIVES NOW. There will be a lot more information posted on the site when it's up. Greetz to: SWAT (Fucking TOP mag, guys), Manny, Accelerator, Scallywag. -Delight-