_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Making Hydrogen \ / by HotNail \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need: 2 Irn Bru 500ml plastic bottles 12-20v DC wall-plug transformer Some solder Sellotape Ear plugs Salt/sulphuric acid (you know, you find it lying around) 1) Drink the Irn Bru 2) Cut of the bottom bit of one of the bottle | | | | \_______________/ <---------| | 3) Cut two lengths of about 50cm of solder | 4) Put them like this in the other bottle: | . . . .... | : ( : : ): | : | : : |: | : | : : |: |=bottle | : / : : \ : :=Solder | :| / \ | : | :| : : | : <-----------| | | : : | : | | | : : | | | | : : | | | | | | | \________/ | | | | Sellotape the solder to the sides| | | Fill it up with water | | dissolve as much salt as you can in about | 1/2 cup of water | Fill the cut off base with water. ________| Put your fingers on the opening of the bottle, and quickly turn it, so it looke like this: _______________ / \ | | | : : | | : : | | : : | | : : | | : : | | : : | | : : | | : : | | : : | : = Solder :| : : | : | = Bottle :| : : | : :| : : | : :| : : | : .\ : : / . .\ : : / . .\ : : / . .\ : : / . . \ : : / . | : | : : | : | | : | : : | : | | .... .....: | |__________________| Now, put 12v through it, and wait for a couple of days (12v takes 2 days, 20 v takes overnight). The bottle should be empty of water, full of hydrogen and oxygen. Now, put the lid on, and maybe with some throw-down bangers in. If you put some in, then you will het a LOUD noise when you throw it. Or a fuse. A long one. |_| _ --- |\ | /\ | | | |(_) | | \| /--\ | |__