_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRUARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The cocytusUK allience - or lack of \ / by -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well this month has one incident that pretty much caused the cocytusUK allience to fall to pieces, SWAT pulled out. Of shortly after the anouncement: * F_S has just annouced that SWAT has withdrawn from the Allience until further notice hit #cocytusUK, well how can i put it, everything went tits up. Ok i've got to be honest, from my own perverse point of view it was amusing how it all happened. But just for those of you who enjoy hanging out in the channel chatting about more or less anything as well as those of you who just like to read about what's going on in the world of SWAT and our allies, this article is for you! Ok a few months ago Krash pulled out of the allience "because it was becomming lame", i don't think that they where Erebus's exact words, but that's what i assume i think he meant (i might be 100% wrong though). Bu anyway, i was in the channel #swateam chatting away to M0RPH and Unknown Guest about a number of topics that seemed relevent at the time. Well ok the exact log of it all is: Hi hi m8 *** UnknownG sets mode: +o F_S cheers Have u been waitin long, didn't see the message *** F_S sets mode: +o M0RPH Hi All nah not long cocytus is doing my head in same here, it is shit lol yeah.. u might as well be in #teenchat or something yeah annoying to say the least how the hell did it go down hill like that? So anyone got anything to say? dunno not sure! cus anyone and everyone is allowed in! suppose heh, so much for "hacker type allience" yeah! The whole allience is sorta in pieces! no shit it needs fixin or each group going there own ways again! does SWAT actually do anything in the allience? gtg gf on phone. cyall lol, cya m8 cya *** UnknownG is now known as UG|Phone not sure doesn't look like it! ok, i'll pull SWAT out of the allience for a while then So i did, SWAT left the allience, for the next two hours everyone seemed to get into arguments, as well as the Krash crew supporting me on the move of withdrawing from the allience. So why did i do it? well the full reason for it all is that i couldn't stand a lot of it, i am a hacker, i like to socilise with hackers on IRC, or atleast those with interests with hacking, fortunatly #CocytusUK is full of those types of people, so it isn't difficult. Anyway, a number of times people have tried to make everyone in the allience at least try an participate in something that justifies it as being "underground" unfortunatly nothing like that seems to have happened, SWAT was the largest group in CocytusUK and i'm afraid to say it, but to quote someguy (not 100% sure who it is thought): "It drags SWAT down", well that's as maybe, but the point of it all is that since nothing was getting done, there was little point in being an active group inside a dead allience. So until something get's sorted out, SWAT will be working close with it's allies (mainly with Krash). Although having said that you will still be able to find us on irc.progenic.com in either #krash #swateam or #cocytusuk