_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY SIX FEBRARY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Vengence on close friends and family \ / by aLaN \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- don't you just hate it when every week you have to visit the "family friend"? Or, the people down the road that your perants are friends with? well, you can get your own back in a pretty serious way, and i'm gonna tell you how. the following will explain ,IN DETAIL, how to do everything you could possibly want to do to these miscreants, ranging from nosing around in their home, to embarassing them, to DESTROYING THEIR LIVES!!! (I have very little doubt that -=The Firestarter=- would have many, many suggestions for that last one ;) . this is probably a good time to point out that this is just some thoughts that went through my sick little head one night, and they may not be fool-proof (only one way to find out ;). also, the inforation is for your enjoyment and "learning" only, and I cann't be held responsible for your actions in any way, shape or form (wether you get caugt or not). any way, on to the good stuff! ***the preperations*** our attack is going to take place whilst our victims are on holiday. this means that we have some time to do some of the longer "stunts". they are probably going to some spanish island, or renting a cottege, or something equally poncified. we first need to do some snooping. this shouldent be too difficult since we're dragged round there every week or so anyway. first we need to know the layout of the house. if they live on the same street as you, then the chances are that they have the same structure as you do, maybe just the opposite way around. if not, then every time you visit, remeber a part of the house and draw it down when you get home. this is where i think that i should point out that you should keep anything to do with this mission in your safe. if you don't have a safe, then I strongly recomend that you get one. if you hack/phreak or make bombs, then trust me, you don't wanna leave your stuff lying around for everyone to see. you can get them at most trading shops for about £25. ok, so we know what their home looks like, we now need to make a note of where essensial items are (now can you see why we need to get close to our victim?). we will do this by making the following list, and putting the appropiate number in the correct position(s) on the map. 1. cellotape 2. glue (the stronger the better) 3. torches 4. tin/baking foil 5. flamable liquids 6. hose pipe 7. string 8. cloths 9. valuable items 10.pets 1 - 9 will become apparant later on. you need to know where the pets (as in hamsters, goldfish etc.) are because some of our tricks could injure or kill them, and i refuse to promote any form of violance to animals. next shade in green all the areas that a torch could be placed and not be obvious on the outside of the house. this can be under a bed, along a wall (below a window) or even in a drawer. then shade the areas of the map red where there is a window, and blue where there are mirrors. this is because we don't want to shine the torch against the window (for obvious reasons), and if we shine a torch against a mirror, it could reflect onto a window. now you know the layout, you have tho act NORMAL. this dose not mean polite, it means act how you always act at their house. if this means sulking in a corner, then so be it. the reason for this is that the pearants WILL notice something if it is diffrent. you should also make sure that none of your enemys brats find out what your up to either (unfortunatly, this means that next time thier son moans at you "wanna play Womb Raider 4" (no, thats not a typo, I just cann't stand Lara Croft and her "virtual jublies"), you cann't snarl at him "I WILL destroy your home!". sorry). ***the day that the victim leaves*** this is a BIG day for us, because it is where our acting skills are put to the test, and we have to avoid temptation. why? well first of all, we have the dilema of do we ga and see them off, or do we stay at home and chuckle to ourselfs? the best thing to do, is if your not asked to go and see them off, don't. if your pearants say you have to, then moan about it being unfair but go anyway (try to hide your smile as they leave, you have NO idea what is gonna happen to their home, REMEMBER?). ***planing the day to attack*** this is the trick one. is some one going in every day to feed the goldfish or whatever? if yes, then your kinda limited in your options as you can only strike the night before they come home. if no, then start your attack about 4 days before they come home. this must all be worked out carefully, as if you get it wrong someone could notice that something is (seriously) wrong. ***the day of the attack*** the day has finally come! early in the day, we can get organized for the nights ahead. below is a list of what you will need and why. 1. a light-weight bag, big. this will be to carry our equipment in. 2. a pair of cable cutters. to cut cables ( duh ) and other assorted objects. 3. a torch. even if the victim has one, they might have taken it with them. better to be safe then sorry. 4. fireworks. guess. 5. lighter. incase you need a fag. actually, it's for lighting your fireworks. 6. a sand bag. just get a normal bag and fill it with sand. I don't care where you get the sand from, but it would be ironic if you could knick some frome the victims garden! 7. cordless drill. entery to the property. 8. hammer. hit stuff 9. coloured light bulbs. confuse the shit out of the victim! 10.knife. cut stuff with. 11.a VERY explicit porn picture. you'll see (hehehe). 12.a note that reads "you are so hot. I will be back soon to rape you." . again, you'll see. 13.a bomb. see how to make them from instructions in previous SWATeam magazines. use a motion sensor to triger it (see my other article). ok, now you need to work out what to wear. I recomend combat trousers and a combat jacket. this is because they have lots of pockets. in these pockets put the lighter, the torch, and any of the items that the victim dosn't have. under the jacket wear a loose tee-shirt. IT MUST BE A LOOSE FITTING ONE! this is because a) you will be hot from all of the adrenalie b) you will need to do lots of fitting through small holes. you will also require gloves (to hide finger prints), a balaclava (to hide your face), and a pair of trainers. steal the trainers, then burn them when your finished so that you can't be linked to them. GET A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP! ***the night*** this part will be broken down to cover all of the steps in more detail. ---getting there--- do not use public transport. do not use any veicle with an engine. walk or use a push bike. ---getting in the house--- if your looking after the keys, just get your self a copy. if not you could: 1. climb the drain pipe and go through a small upstairs window. 2. smash the window (only recomended if the house is in a secluded area). 3. use the cordless drill on the backdoor, and open from the inside. 4. use the cordless drill on the window frame, and open that from the inside. well done! ---the fun begins--- ok! now i'm gonna go through each room one by one, and give suggestions on what you could do in there. >>>the hall<<< if their telephone is in the hall, imediatly call the tallking clock in Sydney. look at ANY mail. if there is anything to do with money, put it in your bag. change the colour of the lightbulbs in the hall. this dose no harm, but will sure as hell confuse them when they arrive home! glue the doormat to the ceiling! but the motion bomb on the stairs, facing the front door. when the victim arrives home, BOOM! >>>the living room<<< do they have Sky Digital? if so, then use their credit to order ALL the movies on that night! put their DVD player in your bag. use the cable-cutters on the ariel. put glue in their CD player. put their CD's on the coffe table, then put your hammer through the CD's and their table! knife their couch. >>>the kitchen<<< you know all their crystal glasses that they keep going on about? place a rocket next to them, light and run! put the cuirtains in the toaster and swich on! force the family photos into the waste disposal unit! >>>the bathroom<<< remember the sand bag? place it in the toilet to cause a SERIOUS blockage, and relive yourself! turn on the taps with the plug in (yeah, I know, kindda old, but a classic). pour all the chemicals in the bath and set alight (I recomend that you stand WELL back)! >>>the bed rooms<<< i get really sick and twisted here, so if you have a weak stomach, don't read this section! you have been warned! ^^^the boys room^^^ put his precius Playstation on the floor with his copy of Womb Raider 4 in and stomp! put his other games in you bag (you can sell them later). ^^^the girls room^^^ slice her teddies. for added effect you can hang them too! take the porn picture, and stick a picture of her face on it. hang on her wall. jack off on the head-rest of her bed. several times. leave her the rape note. ^^^the pearants room^^^ imediatly do a search of the room. put all the porn in your bag. get all of their sex toys and hang them in the window facing the street! knife their bed. take all of the female victims underwear and throw them out of the window into the street! ---leaving--- fairly straight forward, but if you used the keys to enter, smash a window on your way out. also put a hose pipe through the window, attach to an external tap and turn on! ***the aftermath*** remember to keep all of your llot on your safe for a good few months after the destruction has occured! there are other things that you could do, like set a group of bombs to all go off when the victim opens his front door for example. get the placing right and you'll level his house! of cours, he then couldn't see what else youve done...