Novell continued Once you get into the novell server as admin your thinking cool i got admin rights. YES you have but the Admin is going to relise soon that someone is fucking with the server realy quick, so i got some idears on how to stay admin once you have got in. First you need to get your hands on a copy of 'syscon' if you want to do it from DOS, or if you want to be realy cheesie then do it though NT / 95 / 98. The way to do it though a recient micro$oft OS is realy quite straight foward. Get onto the server voloume SYS this is done by going right clicking on it selecting map new drive. Then go to the server and find the drive SYS mount this as what ever you need. Then go into the system directory and and school down you will find lots of little utils that start with N i.e NDsmang.exe i think just try all of those but it think the one you are after is Nadmin.exe or some thing easy to guess like that. All these utlis can only be run by admin OR someone of security equivalant. Ok if your thinking yeah so then i dont have a clue how you got the admin account on the sever, but if your thinking hmm i am sure i can use that. Yes you can give a user the equivalant rights of some on else, the legit use is so that you can give of one group the rights to access onther groups section / workarea with out having to make them part of that group. ok so now you have an idear about what your going to do but you have a problem the admin is clever ( some are ) and is going to notice a new user in the NDS. so you use a nice feature of novell and in the NDS right at the part of the tree that has the most users creat a new user along the same naming setting on another ie if you have a branch called staff and and in it the user names are like staff1, staff2, staff3, staff4 and so on then make a new user call staff8 or waht ever. Then have a look around for a little option which hides the user this is so that the admin cant see it. Now look at permisions and then create securty equivilant of EVERY THING. This is if you only give your self securtiy equivalnt of admin once / if the admin catches on he then deletes / renames admin and you have the same security rights as a user that dont exist :-(. So give your self security equivalant of everything that way the admin has to get rid of every user before all your rights are gone. Also a lot of admins use this methord to create there own back door so they cant get lock out so some how find them hidden admins and give your new user security rights of them aswell. Now that you have done this STOP dont use that account / try and hack the network any more for about a mount. This way if your admin thinks its to much hard work to delete the users he is going to try and be smart. "Oh I havent added any new users latly i will just load one of them backups to get rid of that hacker" said the dum sysadmin. what he does not know is that as he has been doing backups he has been making it hard to get you out. As when he loads up the backup he just puts your user straight back on there. Now if he wants to get rid of you that way he has to use a back up from ages agow and then rebuild the diffrnce in the NDS. A DoS account against novell servers Yes it might be lame but lets so you have a good use for needing the server down. Ok when the SYS voloume fills up the server crashes. most people think that they will put print cue`s / user files on this voloume fill it up. If the print cue is on it then make a nice BIG (read MASSIVE) .BMP and then send it to the printer LOADS of times that can do it. or if your admin is nice 'n' trusting then make a prog that just keeps on writing junk to a file. IE ---------------------------START crap.bas------------------------------------------------- star: for a = 5000 to 10000 open crap.sys for append as #1 print #1, a next a goto star ---------------------------------End crap.bas-------------------------------------------- Ok it is a cheap and cheerful BASIC (not as in simple as in Basic Allpurpose Symbolic Instruction Code) program coz i am not a programer yet and erver one has basic(its on the win95 CD) and then a complier is 500k download. This will creat a file called crap.sys then keep on filling each line with numbers from 5000 - 10000 and then just keep looping. It will take a while for this to use up all the spave on the server and you might have a restriction on the ammount of space you can use, if that is the case then use a guest account or some thing. Once complied the EXE must be palced in the directory that you want it to fill up. Have fun PS : I got all this info from my school admin and a novell engineer, also my school admin is well allright so if you try it in my school i will brake you legs :-) TempesT