[======================> SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE 27 <======================] [=========================> Fun with modems <==========================] [==============> Written by qwaszx <==============] I'm now back after a couple of months away from the scene. Apologies to everyone for not delivering the promised UNIX tutorial, but it will continue next month. Note to the few people who sent me e-mail asking for help/info on the winpopup vulnerability and didnt get a reply: I did receive your emails, but a certain accident meant they were lost, if you could send them again please, and this time I will reply. Anyway on with the show.... In this article I will take you through a simple DoS technique for analogue modems. I will also tell you how to protect yourselves from such attacks if you are vulnerable, and also how to patch other machines remotely. NOTE TO 'ADVANCED' HACKERS: Yes, I know this method is years old, but it still works on a surprising number of people, and theres much more fun to be had than merely hanging up their modems. This article has been written with the newbie in mind, so you may want to skip the first few sections. -==[ Background ]==- Modems are controlled using the AT command set. This basically means that you enter commands to the modem prefixed with AT. Examples are ATDT0800123123 and ATH0. (The first of which dials a number, the second disconnects the modem) Back when Hayes (The company who set the standards for modems) were designing the commands set, they hit upon a problem. How can a user enter commands to end the call while they are connected and sending data, not commands? To solve this problem, hayes introduced a method where you typed in +++ (three plus signs) to place the modem into command mode. You could then enter commands as normal. It is this +++ sequence that forms the basis of the attack. -==[ Hayes modem commands ]==- For those of you new to using modems manually, here is a list of commands that you can use to control your modem. Fire up hyperterminal (or minicom if you use *nix), select the serial port your modem is connected to (usually COM4: for an internal one - if you managed to get an internal modem to work in linux, then you don't require these instructions :> ), and type away. ATDT - Dial a number using Tone Dialling - eg. ATDT123456 dials 123456 when used without any numbers after it, just sets the dialling mode. ATDP - Diales a number using Pulse Dialling. ATH - Takes the modem on/off hook. ATH0 on hook, ATH1 off hook. ATZ - Initialize modem There are many, many more commands, but I suggest you refer to the manual that came with your modem (for winmodems and most cheap/modern modems, the REAL manual is usually on the installation CD in electronic format, the flimsy leaflet you usually get with modems _cannot_ be called a manual) -==[ The attack ]==- Now you know what a +++ does and what commands modems accept, lets see how we can exploit this.... What the attacker needs to do is force the victim to send a +++ command sequence through their modem. There are a number of ways to do this, some of which I will describe below. Unfortunately, the modem won't accept the +++ command sequence from the outside, so we have to force the user to do it themselves. -< Ping >- Whenever you send a ping to somebody, they reply to say that their host is alive. Some versions of ping (unfortunately, not the standard windows one) will allow you to send arbitrary data to the other host, of which they have to reply with the exact same data. This means, you could ping them with +++ATH0 and they would have to reply, sending it through their modem. The modem interperets the +++ATH0 as a signal to hang up, and the user immediately disconnects. example command line (unix ping): [user@localhost ~]$ ping -p 2b2b2b4154483000d lamer.victim.com If the command fails - you get an output like the following: PING lamer.victim.com ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.3 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.2 ms --- ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = 0.2/0.2/0.3 ms If it succeeds however, the ping command will not print any replies, because the user will have hung their modem up. -< FTP >- If the user is running an ftp server, you can use that to execute the +++ command. Telnet to the victims host on port 21 and type in USER +++ATH0 followed by a character (hex 0d - hold ALT and type 010 on the numeric keypad to enter it at the keyboard) - the is so the modem will accept the command (classic case of - CLAIT student: "Why doesnt it work???" Teacher: "Erm, try pressing Return"). The ftp server would normally respond with something like. 331 Password required for +++ATH0 This then goes through the modem, causing it to hang up, and bye bye victim. The attacker never gets to see the message because the victim has already hung up. -< Sendmail >- Similar to the FTP method. This one involves telnetting to port 25 of the victim, typing HELO mooha.com and then typing in VRFY +++ATH0. The victim would then reply +++ATH0 User unknown, which goes through the modem, causing the victim to hang up. -< Other methods >- There are many, many other ways to get this attack to work, including a method using IRC (I havent listed it here so you script kiddies will have something to look up this weekend). I have found that it works best if the method used echos the reply back. Some modems won't accept incoming +++ commands, but will accept outgoing commands. This is where the ping method works best. -==[ Alternatives to simply hanging the modem up ]==- As well as using the +++ATH0 command to hang up the victims modem, there are other things you can do. These all involve using other commands apart from the (now familiar) ATH0 command. Also, the 0 at the end of the ATH is really unneccesary. I have just added it to show that you are putting the modem on hook. -< Turning the victims Modem Speaker on >- The ATM command controls whether the speaker is switched on, and the ATL command controls its volume. So the following command string should make the victims modem shout out quite a bit. +++ATL3M2O (The O command at the end place the modem back into data mode, otherwise any more data sent through the mdoem would be interpreted as commands, and the modem would hang up, which in this case is not what we want) Remember the modem has a carrier going through it, so when the modem speaker is turned on, the carrier sound will be really loud. -< Totally messing up the victims modem >- This one is really evil. What it does is reconfigure the modem so it is unable to work properly, saves it to the Non-volatile memory (so the settings stay there, even when the modem is switched off), and then proceeds to disconnect the victim. I will describe each part in turn, if there is a certain command or action you want to leave out, then just miss that command from the final sequence. +++ - Places the modem in command mode AT - Beginning of command sequence E0 - Turns off command echo (hiders victim when trying to revive their modem) F1 - This limits the modem speed to 300 bps, thereby preventing any useable internet connection. P - Sets modem into pulse dial mode (a bit annoying when it takes ages to dial a number) Q1 - Disables display of Error messages (eg NO CARRIER etc..) The following commands change the values of various registers in the modem. This can have some pretty devastating effects. S3=0 - This changes the Carriage return character to ASCII 0, which is pretty hard to type on a keyboard. This will only take effect AFTER the carriage return character that is typed at the end of this command has been send, so we don't have to mess around with our command sequence. S4=1 - This changes the line feed character (same notes as before) S5=2 - Backspace Character - the user will have a hard time trying to delete any mistakes. S7=1 - This sets the wait time for a carrier after dialling to 1 second, making the modem hang up before it has chance to connect. These two commands store the settings permanently (well, almost) &W0 - Stores the settings in the modems memory &Y0 - Selects the recently written settings as the default. And finally H - Hang up their modem, and they wont be able to connect again for quite a while. There are many, many more possibilities that you could use. The best place I can refer you to is your modem manual, or on the web (search for 'Hayes AT command set'). -< Forcing the victim to dial out again >- The command ATDTxxxxxxx is used to dial a number, so the following command would hang up the victim, and force them to dial a number of your choice. +++ATDT999 There is no need for the ATH command as the Dial command hangs up the modem anyway. Substitute any phone number for the one shown above, and the victim would then dial that number. Its also a bad idea to make them dial your number because you will be on the internet at the time, and your phone will be engaged! Premium rate numbers would work best, especially if you turned off the speaker with ATM first. The victim may not realise he is connected until quite a while later. -==[ Problems with this techique ]==- As mentioned above, there are modems that are patched against the technique. Also, If your own modem is not patched, when you send the commands through your own modem, you will disconnect from the internet (or worse if you did the real killer commands). -==[ Protecting yourself ]==- There are a number of ways you can protect yourself. One way would be to install a firewall that would block ping packets and any other suspect traffic, but this wouldnt work against the ftp server attack, and there are too many different ways to execute the attack for this to be a practical solution. The best way is to stop the problem at its source: The modem itself. Remember that you need to send the sequence +++ before you can send commands. The modem has a register that tells it which character to accept for the escape sequence. Usually it is set to 43 decimal (ASCII +), but can be set to any value, and on some modems, setting it to a number above 127 will disable the escape sequence altogther. So, while you are offline. Fire up Hyperterminal (or minicom for you linux gods), connect to your modem, and type in the following command. ATS2=255&W0 and press enter. This sets the value of the escape sequence to be 255, which disables the function on most modems (and for others, makes the sequence something other than +++). Effectively preventing any kind of modem attack in this way. The &W0 simply saves the settings so you are permanently protected. -< Patching somebody elses modem remotely >- As the patch for the modem is a series of AT commands, it is actually possible to fix someones modem using the same method as the one used in the attack. Simply use the following command: +++ATS2=255&W0O (The last two characters are a zero (0) and a capital letter o (O)) And use any of the methods described above to patch the modem remotely. The O command at the end is designed to put the modem back in data mode in an attempt to keep the user online, but usually, they will end up disconnecting (but they will be safe in the knowledge that it really wont happen again). The ping command for the patch is as follows: ping -c 1 -p 2b2b2b415453323d32353526574f310d host -==[ Wrap up ]=-- You now know what this attack is, how to execute it, and how to protect yourself from others. And you also know how to patch other people who are vulnerable. (I wonder if any of you will actually USE the remote patch? :) ) One thing to note. Many modems are already patched, especially US robotics modems, so if you try any of the above methods and they don't work, then chances are, their modem is patched, OR they don't even have a modem. --- Written by qwaszx for SWAT magazine Standard disclaimer applies - I'm not responsible for any inaccuracies (well you can't blow my head off or sue me for it at least), and what you do with this is at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!