_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY EIGHT APRIL 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Laughing gas and 50-60 Hz (ish) jammer \ / by HotNail \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I was just looking round Tesco the other day when I noticed- looking on the back of the Anchor aerosol cream that the propellant was nitrous oxide . Does that ring a bell? Laughing gas? Yes? You need: A bucket/sink A can of cream some clean plasic tubing (about 5mm wide) Water A bag with no holes in. First, snap off the nozzle. Next, put the tube over the bit where the ream comes out (I've forgotten the name) Fill the sink with water, and submerge a bag. Do this, and squirt: _________ /~~~~~~~\ | | | | | | | | bag | | | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | |_____| | | | |_________________| |___| You get the general idea. Make sure that the bag has no air in it beforehand. (and that the sink is full of water) You will get a mass of cream at the bottom of the sink and the bag will fill with laughing gas. Have fun! REMEBER: FIRST READ THE ANARCHISTS COOKBOOK / JOLLY ROGER (i can't remeber which one) ARTICLE ON LAUGING GAS FIRST. YOU COULD SUFFOCATE IF YOU PUT THE BAG OVER YOUR HEAD 50-60 Hz (ish) jammer This will jam most radio stuff working of mains, and some battery powered suff as well. I do not know how far it works, or if it damages anything. Just don't put your £200 GPS unit next to it. You will need: A high wattage mains bulb A cheap light socket/ bedside lamp A VERY CHEAP seperate mains light switch (not one connected to the base of the lamp) A G-Clamp A TV/Radio to test it- try the least modern one- no complex remote controls and things Get a cheap switch, bacuse those work better. OK, just wire it all up, and if you switch it off very slowly, you should find that it sparks, and the light flickers. All you need to do is put the clamp over the switch and turn it VERY slowly, and there should be a point where it sparks continually and the light flickers continually. Turn on the TV, and you should get little or no picture and no sound. Test this out and see how far it goes. PS: I will not be responsible for any indirect brain damage/ damage to equipment, etc..... Enjoy! The HotNail hotnail@bog-squad.co.uk PS: I didn't tell you to do this.