_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY EIGHT APRIL 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Hacking the RM Network part 2 \ / -: by nEthOoD :- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok here is article number three comin' your way as i said before syZtem Krash done a shite article around issue 21 and i have decided to make up for itby giving u some information (THAT WORKS!!!!!!!!!) anyway hope u find it useful Well anyway here's some more default passwords and usernames for the RM Network PASSWORDS If your network is fairly new or has very poor security, these default passwords might not have been changed or deleted. Always try these passwords before you do anything, you might eliminate the need for hacking at all. One thing to note when you logon, it that the server chacks the user name, then the password. So if you try the user: deskallt and it has been deleted, the login time is very short. But if there is an account it will take about twice as long. This will stop you trying passwords for accounts that have been removed. User Name Password Description RMUser1-49 RM similar to student areas, exact number varies teacher password Access to control panel settings guest NO PASSWORD Usually Disabled propagate Application Used for distributing software, password can't be changed? setup changeme Used when "building" systems, similar to student areas deskman changeme Screw with people's desk-top settings admin2 changeme Includes tools for changing the network properties administrator changeme Same as above deskalt password Alternative Desktop including all drives plus find in start menu desknorm password Normal Desktop deskres password Restricted Desktop topicalt password Alternative Topics topicres password Restricted Topics topicnorm password Normal Topics Also the default bios password is 'rm' this does work unless it hass been changed Try and get as many passwords as you can, and do all your hacking from them. Then if you get caught just say that some kid has just run out of the room. Anyway this is all for this article if there is part 3 in this issue read it if not it may be in the next issue (if F_S puts it in). Anyway have fun and i wish u many good hacks -:nEThOoD:- of ANtI magazine http://www.geocities.com/antimag