_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY NINE MAY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / You and The Lawz - by XCESSwaste \ / Member of the M.A.B Group \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So, you woke up this morning went and got your self-a gun; momma said you'd be that chosen one. Till you got nicked by the fucking, rat arsed, knob sucking Pigs. And you thought "Nah, I'm the Daddy now , this can't me 'apanin to me. Well this is not going to be the definite guide of how to get your-self out the shitter. This is gonna tell you the rules, the law, the big book. Those who play by the rules, die by the rules. If you don't want to get an invite to the cop shop then don't be naughty. It sounds simple and it is. But the majority of you here are not you average cocky wanker, we want to carry these things and do certain "jobs" but this is just a guide to the law. Not your law, their law. Firstly, that huge knife you have is not on, what if the pigs catch you with your 12-inch weapon in its sheath ready for action.(And that's not a metaphor for you knob). Sheath knifes are only legal in you own house. But was is legal, what if you need to stick somebody while your out. The only knifes that are currently legal is pocket fold knifes, and the blade has to be under three inches long. But it can be as sharp as you can make it. But what if you need more then a knife. That bike chain and that big stick with a nail punched through it wont do, and I'll tell you why. Under Ye Olde Act of prevention of crime 1953 it is an offence to carry something that can be used or adapted to cause injury to someone. This includes knives, a bike chain or even a sharpened comb. If you get caught beaten up someone with a baseball bat they could charge you on this act. If you carry a ball with you when you use the baseball bat ; you could claim that you used it inj self defence and you weren't intending toy use it as a weapon. Now to use the law on your side. If someone you know keeps ringing you up at four in the morning and you can't be bothered to kick his arse or fuck his Mum then do this: Under the Telecommunications Act of 1984 any thing slightly out of order such as intimidating questions or loud breathing is illegal. And they can get up to six months in prison and £5000 fine. That I'll teach em not to ring ya at four in the morning. So, you woke up this morning and got yourself a kid. This may seem like a bad situation waking up to someone who you would have never shagged in a million years. But there is something you can do about it. Under the sexual offences act of 1956 if someone is too far-gone through Alcohol or other drugs (which you were) it is counted as rape and you can do I'm for it. But be wary it's not no slap on the wrist and your out; it's a serious offence and they can get life. So, woke up this morning and got your self, an once of shit and tweny tabs of acid. Here's the lawz on the drugz scene. Firstly, we all know that it is illegal to have on ya drugz of any sort. But if you claim that someone put it in your wallet and you didn't even know it was there copper they won't do you for it. But you may have to prove it, most of the time you won't but they won't let it go twice. Under the misuse of drugz act of 1971 it is illegal to make your own shit. This includes letting your mates in to make it. But if you can convince the court that you don't know the difference between one plant and the next and you didn't know it was cannabis, they will let you off. And by the way just incase you didn't know, when your nicked and down the cop shop. That toilet you sit on and have a shit, they can see you. They have holes in the wall to make sure you don't try to flush any drugz down there. They also do it 'cos The Pigz are purvez If you get a spare moment then visit the Norfolk Anarchy team - The M.A.B at www.piratecity.com/gangland/mab Pirate city has been down for a while but buy the time you read this issue i should be up and runnin again. When i'm up i should ahve atleast 8+ zines including swat krash f41th and Fat shoutz: Guyphorx, Tsunami, Chicane, FireStarter,Deathbringer,SouRcErRoR, Gryphon