_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY NINE MAY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / FireStarter Caught Out \ / by GrEEn_GobLiNz \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Its a pitty i didn't have a tape recorder for this one but i actually managed to catch F_S, the man, the legend, the myth out with a great prank call. A few days previously he and a couple of mates ended up being stopped by the police near a horse field by the police, apparently reports have been made on people shooting horses with BB guns, i have it on good authority that it wasn't them. On being searched 3 guns and F_S's knife were confiscated, lucky they had ditched the firebomb earlier. The next day i thought i'd give F_S a phone call, i can't remember the complete transcript, but this is how it went. ME : Hello this is PC Busbee, Is that Mr. **********? F_S: No, that's my Father. ME : You must be ********, its you that i need to speak to really. F_S: OK ME : I spoke to you last night regarding a knife that you were carrying, is that right? F_S: Errrrr Yes. ME : Were you aware that this knife is above the legal length and has illegal barbs? F_S: .......No ME : I'm afraid that we may have to invite you into the station to discuss this further. F_S: oh! ME : We've been investigating further and found links with an underground magazine on the internet. Is it true that you are the leader of a group of, err hackers? F_S: hmmm, ah. ME : I have something that i need to say to you................ Ach Do i make ya horny! F_S: You b*st*rd, you d*ck h**d etc etc Well, you see that proves that even the master can be caught out. Incidently, F_S got his knife back from the police on the grounds that a lock knife is not illegal to carry in a public place if it isn't locked because 'you can't stab someone with an unlocked knife' I beg to differ...