_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY NINE MAY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Blowing Up a Car \ / by The Malice Online \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i'M STILL BORED! You might have noticed that the last Article wasn't so good. I Know. But It was late And i was bored. So this time The Malice is going to teach you how to blow up a car from a distance. [BTW you can use this for other uses as well ie just about everything] 1/what you need -Cheap Remote Control Car -Relay -car battery -Explosives 2/What you do take the cheap car apart. Inside, you should see 2 motors and an electric circuit.Clip the 2 wires that connect to the motor. Now atach row 2 of the relay to these wires. now attach the + pole of the car battery to 1 of the pins on row 4. clip another wire to the other pin of row 4 and attach it to your explosives. it should now look something like this: _____________________ | _______ | | |Battery|++ | | |_______|-+ | |__ -+ __| | _______-+ | ________ | | | | +++++++ +++++++| 12 v |-- | |Circuit | | + __+___+_ | car | - | |Board | | + | + + | | battry | - | | |++|+++++++ |* * * * | |________| - | |_________| | |* * * * | - | -----------|------- |__-___-_| - __| |__ - - - - | -+ ________ | ------- -------xplosives-- | -+|Motor |__| /\ | --|________| | || |_____________________| Relay 3/ Using it Put every thing in a shoe box, after making sure than no bare wires are touching each other.turn the power to ON on the car and put a lid on the shoe box. Goto the victims raod and place the shoe box in the road,preferably by the gutter. when they Drive down the road,turn on the remote control and push on the button that usually makes the motor work. if you put nails into the box, your victim will be spending the next year picking nails out of his/her face, if he survived that is! 4/ Notes You may want to check the range of the remote, you don't want to find that you are to far away, and you don't want to put to much xplosive stuff and nails in the box or you will find yourself picking nails out of your face alongside your victim. That's all for now, And if your lucky i might do a follow up. _____________________ / \ /The Malice! done this\ /_____________________\ themaliceonline@hotmail.com