_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY JUNE 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / An Activists Guide to The Terrorism Bill \ / from blagged.freeserve.co.uk \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 February 2000 As the Bill goes through the Houses of Parliament there will be new amendments, which will result in some numbering changes; already the Government have inserted new clauses 5,7,8 and 9 with clause 61 being taken out. Clause numbers in this guide refer to the original draft Terrorism Bill as a renumbered version was not available at the time of writing . The fact the Government itself has had to amend so much of the Bill so early on to make it clearer and close loopholes highlights the difficulty many people will have in understanding its complex provisions. When the Bill becomes an Act, the clauses will then be known as sections, though provisions in the Bill already refer to this or that 'section', meaning section in the Bill when it becomes an Act. The next and key stage for the Bill is Report stage in the Commons when the findings of the Standing Committee will be discussed. Introduction "Terrorism" has been defined so widely in the Terrorism Bill that a huge and yet uncertain range of activity is caught. While the Bill is a serious threat for those who are engaged in direct action there are grounds for hope. What was known back in 1994 as the Criminal Justice Bill not only polarised and politicised a lot of people, it also freed many of them from concern about staying inside the criminal law. If sitting down in front of a bulldozer was now a crime, surely it would be more sensible to deal with the bulldozer beforehand when you were less likely to be caught? A crucial difference to the ‘CJB’ is the fact that while the Bill could be used to clamp down on a wide range of activities, the law enforcement agencies will have enough discretion to pick people and groups off on their own terms. If there is effective and outspoken opposition to the Bill, the worst provisions may be dropped and the state will be more hesitant about using what remains. This guide attempts to go beyond a narrow legalistic view of the legislation and look at the context in which it would operate. After all, as those of us who have been harassed, detained and arrested while engaged in direct action know, what happens in practice is often a world apart from the black letters of the law. PART I – The new definition of ‘terrorism’ The fundamental definition The first clause of the Bill states: Definition 1. - (1) In this Act "terrorism" means the use or threat, for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause, of action which- (a) involves serious violence against any person or property, (b) endangers the life of any person, or (c) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public This clause is of the greatest importance as it used to define most of the offences and powers in the rest of the Bill. There is a separate guide that examines the definition more closely and which should be read for a thorough examination of the issues. Straw has claimed in Parliament (Official Report, 14 Dec 1999, Vol 341 Cm 154) that ‘the new definition [of terrorism] will not catch the vast majority of so-called domestic activist groups’. Unless he has a very strange definition of activist groups this statement is quite simply wrong. Serious violence against persons could include unplanned violence between protesters and police at the end of big demonstrations. While Straw does claim (Cm 154) that the Bill ‘is not designed to be used in situations where demonstrations unaccountably turn ugly’, he was more than happy to accept the allegations about the violence at demonstration in the City of London on June 18 1999 being pre-planned. The possibility of violence to property alone constituting terrorism has rightly been of great concern, as many do not feel damage to inanimate objects counts as ‘violence’. Straw does say (Cm 158) that ‘I say with considerable care that I know of no evidence whatever related to Greenpeace's activities that could bring it remotely within the Bill's ambit.’ Since Greenpeace has been involved in trashing genetics test sites, this might make you think that this sort of activity would not be covered by the Bill. Then again remember that specific assurances were given about the Harassment Act 1997 and how it wouldn’t be used against protesters – the first few times it was used was against animal liberationists. Greenpeace is very unlikely to find itself directly at risk from the Bill as any attempt to use it against them would surely backfire and cause public outrage. On the other hand radical genetics activists could find themselves targeted in an attempt to divide and rule. The police have started claiming that the use of fortifications, such as lock-ons and tunnels on sites and in squats occupied by protesters, is not peaceful protest as it endangers the life of protesters using them and bailiffs trying to evict them. It is very likely, therefore, that under sub-clause (b) constructing such fortifications would involve a threat for a political purpose to endanger life, even if it was just your own life, and would therefore count as terrorism. As a result the police could have the swathe of powers that will be examined later. Subsection (1)(c) has to be the most vague and indeterminate of the three triggers in clause 1. It is understandable that the Government wants to be able to deal with new forms of terrorism – this clause was drafted in the light of the nerve gas attacks on the underground in Tokyo – but surely any such attack ould fall within the other subsections? It is unlikely to have much affect on activists either. One example of action caught by clause one given by Charles Clarke, Minister of State at the Home Office during the First Sitting of the Standing Committee was hacking into the national grid system. This probably would fall within (b) and (c) as it could cause traffic lights or hospital machinery to fail, for example. Overseas Terrorism Under clause 1(2) the definition of terrorism is extended so that it covers acts done or threatened anywhere in the world. Liberty have rightly pointed out that there is much scope for prosecutions under clauses 57-59 (relating to inciting terrorism overseas) to be motivated by pressure from foreign governments and that a fair trial could be difficult to obtain as evidence and witnesses would have to come from those countries. That said, they have not highlighted that as clause 1(2) widens the scope of the Bill to any terrorism occurring anywhere, there is an even bigger risk to those involved in overseas activism. In essence anyone involved in solidarity campaigns with movements abroad that fall within the new definition could be treated exactly the same as someone involved in terrorism here. So exactly who could be at risk? If the Bill becomes law in its present form, it is most likely that the powers will be first used domestically against those engaged in the struggle for animal liberation. It is they who are presently the closest to what the public considers terrorism. At the same time a combination of dirty tricks, for example Sunday Times articles and careful provoking of riots as happened in London on ‘N30’ (the day things kicked off in Seattle against the World Trade Organisation) along with slick media manipulation and press conferences will be used to try to divide the radical direct action groups and activists from the liberals. Dirty tricks were a key part of the state’s tactics in Northern Ireland, during the miners’ strike and Greenham Common and it seems certain that they will continue to be used. There has probably been enough dirt on Reclaim The Streets to allow the police to feel confident about using some of the proposed powers against them and groups working with them before another big day of action. In terms of international groups, it does depends on what happens abroad and how friendly our government is with the government in whose territory alleged terrorism is taking place. Certainly those involved in affairs in anywhere from Afghanistan to Ogoniland, East Timor to Kurdistan, should be careful. PART II – Proscribed Organisations It is important to distinguish those offences that can only be committed in relation to a proscribed organisation from the others in the Bill. Under clause 3 the Home Secretary can proscribe, i.e. ban, an organisation if it: (a) commits or participates in acts of terrorism, (b) prepares for terrorism, (c) promotes or encourages terrorism, or (d) is otherwise concerned in terrorism.’ The Minister of State for Northern Ireland Adam Ingram stated at the Second Sitting of the Standing Committee that proscription was firstly a deterrent for low-level terrorist activity, such as tracking the movements of a target, and secondly a signal of the Government’s view of the unacceptability of the proscribed organisation. At the Third Sitting he gave the following guidelines for which groups might be proscribed: ‘a number of factors must be taken into account, for both domestic and international groups, including the nature and scale of a group’s activities, the threat it poses to the United Kingdom, the extent of its presence within the UK and our need to support the international community in the battle against international terrorism.’ So which groups are likely to be proscribed? Clarke states (Cm 225) that ‘the Home Secretary has no plans at present to proscribe any domestic group’ though he is considering which international groups to proscribe. The only groups proscribed at present are involved in Irish terrorism. The junior minister quotes from the Consultation Document which suggests only the Justice Department and Animal Rights Militia ‘have crossed the threshold’. Proscription is a really extreme power and it is unlikely that any domestic groups would be proscribed unless they are extremely active and their public reputation has been blackened enough, through dirty tricks or otherwise. Under clause 5 those affected by an order of proscription can challenge the Home Secretary’s decision to proscribe or later on a decision not to deproscribe by going to the Proscribed Organisations Appeal Committee (POAC), which is set up by Schedule 3 of the Bill. However, it is wrong to call it an appeal as only the principles of judicial review apply. This means only the legality as opposed to the merits of the decision can be challenged, i.e. whether the Home Secretary got the law wrong, and with clauses 1 and 3 as vague as they are this is hardly a right. The only right of further appeal is again on legal points only and such an appeal would go to the Court of Appeal. It gets worse: under clause 3(3) of Schedule 3, not only can the representative of the proscribed organisation and their lawyer be banned from the hearing, POAC can refuse to give full details of its reasons for dismissing an appeal. The Government's repeated justification of the lack of judicial control here (and elsewhere) is that it would prevent "second-guessing" of Secretary of State's decisions. Ingram even ruled out consultation saying in the Third Sitting that ‘[i]f everyone talked to all the human rights groups, the civil liberties groups and political parties, the death of someone might be the result.’ The offences relating to proscribed organisations, which all carry a maximum punishment of ten years and an unlimited fine are: Membership – Clause 10 creates an offence of belonging or professing to belonging to a proscribed organisation Support – Clause 11 creates three offences being: (1) inviting support (support not being limited to the provision of money or other property) for a proscribed organisation; (2) being involved in organising a meeting furthering the activities of or including a speech by a member of a proscribed organisation and (3) addressing a meeting which is also addressed by a member of a proscribed organisation or merely encouraging support for a proscribed group (this could include just saying it shouldn’t be proscribed) in a speech to any meeting Uniform – Clause 12: wearing an item of clothing or displaying an article to arouse reasonable suspicion that he is a member or supporter of a proscribed organisation It is really important to note that clause 11(4) defines a "meeting" as being a meeting of more than two people, whether or not the public are invited. So the simple act of someone, a journalist or negotiator, for example, speaking to a member of a proscribed organisation in the presence of another, be they a translator or a bodyguard would be an offence under cl 11. Furthermore any member of such an organisation would not be able to speak in public, for example at a parents' meeting at school without causing anyone else addressing the meeting to become criminalised. The verb 'address' is not defined but it is hard to draw a line between addressing a meeting and speaking to a meeting, for example a caretaker asking if the heating was too warm. PART III – Funding and terrorist property The following offences relate to funding and "terrorist" property and carry a maximum penalty of 14 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine. Under clause 20 it is a defence to these offences to prove that you were acting with the express consent of a police officer. Fund-raising – clause 14 creates three related offences of (1) inviting another to provide property, (2) receiving property or (3) providing property where you have reasonable suspicion it may be used for "terrorism" Use and possession – clause 15 creates an offence of using or possessing property for "terrorism" Funding arrangements – clause 16 creates an offence of entering into or being concerned into an arrangement whereby property is (to be) made available to another where you have reasonable suspicion it may be used for "terrorism" Money laundering – clause 17 creates an offence of entering into or being concerned in an agreement facilitating the retention or control of property likely to be used for terrorism (note that for this offence the burden is on the defendant to prove they didn’t know property might be used for "terrorist" purposes) To comply with the International Convention on the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, the Government inserted a new clause '8' which gives UK courts jurisdiction over offences in clauses 14-17 committed abroad. While before this amendment UK courts would have been able to try cases where, for example, money was held by someone here for the purposes of terrorism in another country, the amendment allows them to try cases where the money and the person holding it have been abroad and where that person and prospective defendant is only passing through the UK. Of course the big problem here is that our definition of terrorism is so much wider than that in the Convention. Duty to disclose suspicions Clause 18 (disclosure of information: duty) creates an offence of believing or suspecting someone has committed one of the offences in the previous section (clauses 14 to 17) due to ‘information which comes to his attention in the course of a trade, profession, business or employment’. The maximum punishment is an unlimited fine and 5 years. This could end up being used to get journalists to report activists to the police: while there is no offence of committing terrorism, clause 15 would make using or even possessing property for terrorism is an offence, so there effectively would be. This could cover, for example, possessing tools for trashing a genetics test site or fortifying a protest site in anticipation of eviction. Journalists not telling all could be threatened by police who would have an excellent tool to keep activist-friendly journalists in line. It could also lead to journalists being forced to rely less on people in direct action movements for information and instead turning to the state, etc. The GAndALF case is a prime example of legal terms being given wide definitions in order to hit radical reporting. In that case a supporter of the Animal Liberation Front and the editors of Green Anarchist were charged with conspiracy to incite persons unknown to commit unknown criminal damage by reason of their having printed reports of ALF actions against animal abuse. The Court of Appeal only overturned the convictions due to a technicality regarding the indictment. Note: The offence in clause 18 does NOT apply to information that comes to your attention in a personal capacity or relationship. The Government has kindly restricted the offence to business relationships. There are also extensive powers to seize terrorist assets and other property in this part but as most activist groups survive on a shoestring, they have not been covered here. PART IV – Terrorist Investigations Clause 31 defines a terrorist investigation as not only covering investigations into terrorist acts and their preparation, but also their "instigation". Instigation seems to be a far more vague and loose term than incitement as it covers general support for acts rather than just encouraging someone to do a specific act. Incitement has to be very specific, so simply inciting someone to bomb a "MuckDonalds" in Russia would not be enough, but inciting someone to bomb a specific one or indeed all of them would be. Moreover, to be found guilty of incitement it has to be proved that you intended to incite. Instigation is far more vague concept and could exist in a longer timeframe and though might need to be based around more than one specific act of terrorism, unless that act was exceptional. While there is no crime of instigating terrorism, it is a trigger for many of the powers in the Bill Under clause 32 if a police officer considers it ‘expedient for the purposes of a terrorist investigation’ they could declare a cordon. Anyone going inside or not following a direction to leave or remove a vehicle commits an offence. While there is a defence of having a "reasonable excuse" it is not clear how this will be interpreted. The cordon can last for 14 days and can be extended to a maximum period of 28 days, surely enough for any eviction? With terrorism so loosely defined and the only requirement for setting up a cordon being expediency, a rather vague term itself, it would be hard to challenge the use of this power, which only needs a superintendent to authorise it. Worse is that even if you hadn’t been told about the cordon you would still be committing an offence. Clause 36 simply gives effect to the complex Schedule 5 which relates to search warrants for searching premises in terrorist cases. According to Clarke in the Fourth Sitting, the present version of these provisions is mainly used to investigate terrorist funds. He also stated that searches will be governed by Code A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), which is the main piece of legislation on police powers in England and Wales. So it will not be possible for a police officers to search somebody of the opposite sex. The main difference to the search provisions in PACE is that that police would not have to satisfy a judge or magistrate that they have reasonable grounds to suspect the commission of a serious arrestable offence before obtaining a warrant under Schedule 5. However, there are two particularly worrying provisions in this Schedule. First, in cases of ‘great emergency’ where ‘immediate action is necessary’ a superintendent can give permission for a search without a warrant. Second and worst of all is paragraph 13, which could force a suspect to give an explanation for any material found. While Liberty point out that failure to obey would be contempt of court, they don’t mention that it is a separate offence to recklessly make a statement that is untrue or even just partially misleading. This carries a maximum of two years imprisonment and a unlimited fine. How easy this will be to prove and how it will be used is hard to guess at. Hopefully this provision, surely the most draconian provision in the Bill that applies to the mainland, will never become law. Clause 37 (Disclosure of Information) creates an offence of tipping off during a terrorist investigation. The offence is much wider than it sounds as it also covers interfering with material likely to be relevant to an investigation and disclosing anything to anybody if it is likely to prejudice an investigation. Worse still (that phrase is becoming rather worn now) it applies even if a terrorist investigation has not been started yet, if you have reasonable grounds to suspect it might be and the burden will be on you to prove you didn’t. PART V – Counter Terrorist Powers From the perspective of an activist, the new powers the Bill would create are of far greater concern than the new offences. For as Straw points out (Cm 162): ‘The main purpose of the Bill is not to extend the criminal code, but to give the police special powers to enable them to prevent and investigate that special category of crime.’ Powers of arrest and detention A terrorist is defined in clause 38 as a person who (a) has committed an offence under any of sections 10, 11, 14 to 17, 52 and 54 to 56, or (b) is or has been concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. Clause 39 then allows a general power of arrest without a warrant for anyone who a police officer reasonably suspects to be a terrorist and provides that instead of the normal PACE rights the provisions of Schedule 7 (detention: treatment, review and extension) shall apply. The danger of this power of arrest is that police do not need evidence of a specific offence and can arrest for a more general suspicion of involvement or support for terrorism – don’t forget what was said about "instigation". Police would not be required to inform those being arrested of specific grounds for the arrest either. So while Straw is at pains to point out that no new offence of "terrorism" is created by the Bill, this is beside the point. It’s characteristic of this type of legislation that there a lot of arrests and few prosecutions. This is backed up by an arrest card Fuascailt made advising the Irish community on the PTA. It says: ‘It is important to bear in mind that your detention will probably have little to do with being a "suspected terrorist" and more to do with general information gathering and intimidation of the Irish Community…Some statistics: 98% of all those detained under the PTA were innocent of any crime. In 1995 (during IRA ceasefire) 22,691 overwhelmingly Irish people were stopped and searched for up to one hour.’ Leon Brittan, the former Home Secretary, pretty much admitted this in a 1985 interview on Radio Telefis Eireann, when he defended the PTA saying ‘The object of the exercise is not just to secure convictions but to secure information.’ What makes these arrests really frightening is that it is usual practice for the arrested person to be held incommunicado without any legal advice. It is very likely that these "fishing trips" could be found to be a violation of the ECHR if used against activists, indeed Liberty in their briefing produce strong arguments that the arrest clause would be a clear violation of Convention rights. While Schedule 7 does bring the regime for detention of those charged with terrorist offences more into line with PACE than is the case under the present legislation, there are still some extremely disturbing aspects. Firstly access to a lawyer and the initial authorisation of detention by a court can be delayed up to 48 hours after arrest, as opposed to 36 hours under PACE. During the hearing on whether to authorise continued detention, the court can under paragraph 28(3) exclude the person being held and their lawyer and information relied upon by the police to justify continued detention. So while there may be a right to a hearing, there is certainly no right to a fair hearing. It seems that while a court needs reasonable grounds to withhold information from the detainee or their lawyer, there is no such qualification for excluding them from the hearing. Hopefully there will be some guidelines laid down for this power. The maximum period before charge or release is still seven days as opposed to four days under PACE. The Government needed a derogation – an opt-out – from the ECHR for these extended detention limits in the NIEPA and PTA. They will be withdrawing it following the Bill becoming law as they argue that there is no need since authorisations of detention will now be made by judges not ministers, though this is very arguable. Another very worrying provision is that under paragraphs 3, 5 and 7, relating to fingerprints, intimate and non-intimate samples respectively, even if a detainee is not convicted, their fingerprints or samples will not have to be destroyed unlike the situation under PACE. Note: Paragraphs 11-15 of Schedule 7 apply only to Scotland where PACE does not apply. Powers relating to searches and vehicles A power to search a building to find a suspected terrorist on a warrant from a magistrate is provided by Clause 40. All the magistrate has to find is 'that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that a person whom the constable reasonably suspects to be a [terrorist] is to be found there'. They do not have to examine whether the constable's suspicions were reasonable so it would be very easy for police to enter into houses on the flimsiest of grounds as long as they can show the person they want to harass might be there. Basically if you’ve been at all involved in any campaign or group they start using anti-terrorist powers against, you would not be being at all paranoid to expect a visit from the police and a free trip down the police station. Clause 41 creates a general power of stop & search for anyone whom a constable ‘reasonably suspects to be a terrorist to discover whether he has in his possession anything which may constitute evidence that he is a terrorist.’ With the definition of a terrorist being so vague and freed from the need to be based on a specific offence it would again be difficult to challenge the use of this power. Clause 42 gives a specific power to stop and search vehicles and pedestrians in a specified area ‘for articles of a kind which could be used in connection with terrorism’ without needing the usual reasonable grounds. This would replace the existing power inserted by section 81 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (CJPOA) into s13 PTA 1989. An authorisation for the use of this power can only be granted if an assistant chief constable or in London a commander considers it ‘expedient for the prevention of acts of terrorism’. In addition it has to be approved within 48 hours by the home secretary and cannot last more than 28 days. This power is unlikely to be used much against us for they already have s60 CJPOA. It allows police to search people without needing reasonable grounds, if an incident of ‘serious violence’ is feared. This power has been used extremely readily at demonstrations, particularly animal liberation ones. The lack of reported cases on s60 shows how hard it is to challenge the interpretation of the phrase. While it can be only used to search for offensive weapons and dangerous instruments, the police can carry out very thorough searches as they claim to be looking for razor blades. The s60 power can be authorised by a superintendent and does not need the approval of the Home Secretary, but it can only last for 24 hours and could not be used merely for threats to health and safety, etc. The s60 power also has the advantage of being the trigger to permit police to use their new power to demask people contained in the new s60A CJPOA. Desmasking powers were not put in the Terrorism Bill as they were not felt necessary, particularly with the alternative of s60A being available. Clause 46 permits an authorisation restricting or prohibiting the parking of vehicles along a specified stretch of road if an officer ‘considers it expedient for the prevention of acts of terrorism’. While it has to be given by one of the highest ranks of police officer, there is no exception for orange badge holders. The authorisation can last for up to 28 days. PART VI – Miscellaneous Clause 51 gives effect to Schedule 6 containing provisions on port and border controls, which shouldn’t be much of an issue except for those lucky activists who jet around to Seattle, Geneva, etc. It does allow officials to detain and question you for up to nine hours without needing any grounds. Clause 52 creates an offence of weapons training, which covers providing, receiving or inciting others to provide training in the making or use of firearms, explosives or Nuclear, Chemical & Biological weapons. So as not to catch the armed forces there is a defence that the purpose of weapons training was wholly other than terrorism, but this defence doesn't sound as watertight as the draftsmen might have hoped. While the offence of weapons training shouldn’t worry activists, the offence in clause 54 of directing a terrorist organisation should. It does not matter what level you are directing an organisation which is concerned in the commission of acts of terrorism and the maximum sentence is life imprisonment. We all know the classic police inability to understand the concept of non-hierarchical organisation and their insistence at protests to be taken to the "leader", so they could well adopt a flexible interpretation of this clause. While placing facilitation of a meeting within the scope of this offence could be a bit over the top, on the other hand evidence of being a facilitator could be the final piece needed to secure a conviction. It is possible this offence would be used in the context of non-hierarchical groups as an alternative to conspiracy charges, which are very unpopular among judges and readily chucked out of court. Possession of information Liberty provide an excellent analysis of the draconian offences proposed in clauses 55 (possession for terrorist purposes) and 56 (collection of information). As they point out, there have only been two prosecutions under the predecessor of the first offence and in both of those it was literature and correspondence which was relied upon. After the failure of the GAndALF trial, the security services must be licking their lips in anticipation of these offences becoming law. As happened to the defendants in that case, the police and security services would sift through everything personal to try to dig up enough dirt to cast enough suspicions on your character to secure a prosecution. Of course they would very much enjoy making copies of everything for their own records as well. For the offence in clause 55, if the police find anything on you or in the place where you are, you have to prove you did not possess it and you have to prove the article found had nothing to do with terrorism. You could be put away for ten years just for reasonable suspicion in the circumstance that the article could be used for terrorist purposes, even if there is a reasonable doubt. You could be done under this offence for possession of a Genetix Snowball handbook in theory, so a lot of notable people ought to watch out. The offence of collection of information is very worrying as well. The Corporate Watchers’ Address Book, which contains a list of ethically challenged companies along the addresses of its offices and directors, is a prime example of a tool for lobbying and information that could be caught as it is ‘information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism’. Mere possession as well as collection of information is enough to commit the offence and again the burden is on you to prove you had a reasonable excuse to possess the information. This offence is worrying for journalists, especially campaigning journalists with a record of investigative political journalism. It is likely the police could target them to hinder their work, just as they target photographers and video journalists on actions, seizing their films until deadlines are past. Inciting terrorism overseas Clause 57 creates an offence in England & Wales of inciting terrorism overseas, while clauses 58 and 59 contain the offences for Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively. Only acts of terrorism that would constitute certain offences if carried out in this country would count. Those offences are: murder; wounding with intent (GBH); poisoning; causing explosions, and criminal damage being reckless as to whether life is endangered. The justification in the Standing Committee for this sledgehammer to crack a nut - the few dissidents in our country that are involved in real terrorism - was that the world has moved on since the time of apartheid, etc. Yes the world has moved on but there are still many people living under the most appalling regimes who have to resort to these offences to strive for basic rights or even their lives. What these MPs really mean is that their world has now moved on and many people who they would have protested against when they were students now need to be favoured to gain important trade deals, etc. The definition in the recent International Convention on the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism distinguishes between innocent people and state forces engaged in conflict situations, so the Government's claim that innocent people's lives would be at risk from a changed definition is playing on people's ignorance. PART VII – Northern Ireland Clauses 62 to 109 (Part VII) apply to Northern Ireland ONLY – this includes Schedule 9 which allows the police and army to search for munitions and transmitters. The provisions in this part will gradually be removed as the situation in Northern Ireland improves. It is therefore highly unlikely that these exceptional provisions will be extended to the rest of the UK, even taking account of the U-turn that Labour has done on terrorism legislation since it came to power. PART VIII – General Clause 113 provides that no prosecutions for any offence created in the Bill can proceed without permission from the Director of Public Prosecutions, a government appointee. One of the most damning criticisms of the Bill that Straw and his supporters could not deal with was that the uncertainty of not knowing what the DPP will do would scare off people from activities which they have fundamental rights to doing in a democracy. This ‘chilling effect’ alone opens the Bill to serious challenges under the Human Rights Act 1998. Straw avoids the point when he claims that the Act will be a ‘profound safeguard’ against disproportionate use of the Bill’s powers. Citizens will not know how much of a safeguard the HRA will be until a prosecution or use of powers under the Terrorism Bill is challenged and only then when a ruling comes from the highest courts of the land. Even then, for a citizen to have some certainty about the legality of their actions, the subject matter of the decision will have to be rather similar to that of their acts. As it will take a number of years for these rulings, the chilling effect will be a problem for a long time. Clause 116 provides for the interpretation of a number of terms in the act. Worthy of note is the definition of "organisation" which ‘includes any association or combination of persons’ so it would easily cover an affinity group let alone a self-styled (horrible journo phrase, I know) "disorganisation". Some have commented that the fact "premises" is defined to include ‘any place and…a tent or moveable structure’ suggests that protest sites are being specifically targeted. But the existing law on searches under s23 PACE already defines premises in exactly the same way so this fear seems unfounded. Summary ‘We are being asked to accept a real paradigm shift. Somehow the threat to the stability of the state has given way to threats to the corporate estate, and that will be the basis for the new definition of social terrorism. That is a desperately dangerous path to go down.’ Alan Simpson MP (Cm 202) It is best to view the powers and offences in the Bill as tools for the state to use to enforce social discipline and their order on us. How much they dare to use them indeed whether they get put on the statute book depends on whether society consents or rather acquiesces. It’s time to get active…