_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY JUNE 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Human Booby Trap Ransom Device \ / by JOHNZBOMBZ \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I thought this month I would write about a device which was mentioned in a news article & could hold a target to ransom or other purposes. Definately not something to repeat !!! It is an explosive that is wrapped around the targets neck inside plastic piping, and detonated either by trying to remove the device as a bomb desposal team did, or by the use of a pager/cell phone. I was told "the original was used on a woman by a terrorist group, and after about 6 hours the bomb desposal team tried removing the booby trap thus blowing the woman's head off and an arm from a bomb desposal guy". I don't know how close to the truth this is but I'll explain a way of making these human ransom booby traps. Materials Source ========= ====== - Plastic tubing beer brewing kit or a shower hose - Epoxy glue Hardware store (DIY) - Solar Ignitor Model shop - Detonator (time bomb/pager/cell phone) Depending on what you use - see other pyrotechnic articles - Touch explosive Mixture of Iodine & Ammonia Instructions ============ If you were to do this and you had a victim then follow these proceedures CAREULLY ! Cut the plastic piping so that it will just fit the neck and the two ends will join. Now make a small hole in the tube so the ignitor can be inserted. Use the epoxy glue to secure this in place. Now fix up your detonator first to the ignitor before adding the touch explosive. Once rigged up, block one of the ends of the tube with epoxy glue. Mix your iodine and ammonia to form ammonium iodide (and all the other names it has), filter off the crystals and load 'em into the tube as carefully as possible. This is better done while the crystals are still wet to lower the risk of killing yourself. Once this is done, epoxy the two ends together when the tube is around the victims neck, and fix a load of these crystals around the joint, held with tape. Now demand a ransom and call the bomb squad. Improvements ------------ Hold a load of crystals around the ignitor and the detonator so it cannot be removed or disarmed. Use relays so if any of the wires were cut it would detonate the bomb. Fix packets of primary explosives around the tube which would add to the power of the explosion. Use a glass or metal tube if possible - BUT THIS IS MORE TROUBLE THAN ITS WORTH !!! Use movement (motion) sensor detonators attached to the ignitor. How It Works ============ If the bomb desposal team try cutting through the tube - BOOOOM ! - Coz its touch sensitive. You can also set it off by sending a message to the pager or phoning the cell phone if this is used for the detonator. Once fixed on the target / victim, the chances of removing it are VERY slim - also haven't figured that part out yet. It might be possible to flood the crystals with the ammonia iodine solution if there was access to the inside of the tube. It is possible to disolve the plastic with some sort of petroleum / alcohol liquid (i.e. petrol or acetone) although I have no idea whether there'd be a reaction or not. By JOHNZBOMBZ ***DISCLAIMER*** I am in no way responsible for the use of this information by anybody. I do not advise the production or use such a sick device. This was for information purposes only. Any further information please email me : johnzbombz@yahoo.com Stay out of trouble & have fun.