_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY JUNE 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / My Fucked Up Theory on Society \ / by -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok a lot of people tend to ask me about society, well my views on it anyway. Ok first I'll just set it straight as to how I view society and the people in it, (yeah ok it's not a stereotype, more of a generalisation as there are a lot of people that don't fall into these categories). Ok, I HATE IT, it's a society full of sheep in which people set themselves by the standards of others, too afraid to be different because they are afraid of what other people will think of them. These people all dress the same, listen to the same music, act the same, talk the same. They're always looking down on that which is different - not because they dislike it, but because they are afraid of what their peers will say if they happen to agree with something with which their colleagues don't. As a result, those who dare to be themselves - to be who they want to be and show individualism - are put down, because the majority of sheep out there are afraid. Afraid of what, i dunno, change i guess. People don't think for themselves. They listen to music that's been written by somebody who you've never heard of; pop stars are manufatured by their management so that they can make millions, then when they go out of fashion they are discarded, the same people get another pop star and repeat the process, and the same people then go out and buy their albums because it's seen as being the cool thing to do. The same goes for clothing, fashions come and go, people aren't seen as cool unless they are wearing all the latest and expensive clothing. There is a race to fit into society by wearing the latest streetwear, clothing that's generally made to look cool by the media and advertising. It's as if people are brainwashed into it, obsessed with other people's opinions, views, beliefs, standards and lifestyles. This, of course, brings discrimination upon those who would ratherexpress their own views, opinions and beliefs than follow what other people say, beause it's what they believe in rather than what everyone else believes in. Those people are looked down upon, laughed at and generally disliked by most people. Why? Why do people not like to think for themselves? Why do they only feel safe with people around them who are only friends because they "have so much in common"? In reality, this only means that friend is another sheep. People like that always oppose change and those who are different from them; we live in an unforgiving society run by the media: Pumping out shite on TV, soaps for people who lead such shit lives they have to be engrossed in some unrealistic story lines, like they need a surrogate life because deep down inside they know that their life is shit and they crave so much more. Fashion designers churning out some crappy made atricles of clothing and charging high prices, which people pay because if they don't wear these clothes then they are not seen as cool, or with the times. People are afraid to wear what they think is cool because it's not what everyone else thinks is cool. People buying chart music and putting money into the pockets of music industries; you can guarantee that 95% of all chart music is manufactured: people pulled off the street that can't sing, can't write lyrics or music, who are sold on image rather than anything else. People buy this because it is "popular", it's sold to the nation as being cool, while genuine artists who can sing, write their own music and write their own lyrics, rarely stand a chance against the manufactured bull shit that's churned out on a daily basis. I hate that, I hate all of it, the sense of individualism seems to have been lost among the majority of people out there. I respect those who are themselves and live by their own standards far more than i do those people who just want to fit in. Fuck all of that. People ask me why I dress differently, why I'm not afraid to say things i know everyone else will disagree with, why i openly express my views and opinions about religion and other subjects to people who strongly believe in them. Why? Becausae they are my views, my opinions. So what if it offends people - do they expect everyone to agree with them, or at least be nice enough not to express their views and opinions? Most likely they do. I don't deny that i respect their views and beliefs, i'll always respect people who share different views and beliefs to myself, but i will never hide the fact that i think it's a load of bullshit if they ask me. I mean believe in what you want, but if you ask somebody what they think of it, then why get offended if they disagree with you? People seem to condemn those who view things differently, if they don't share the beliefs similar to their own, then they are looked down upon. Although it's not always the case with religions, it's far worse with lifestyle views and opinions. Take me, for example: I've always known that I've had different beliefs, I've always dressed differently to most of the people out there, I don't care what people think of me about what i wear. Why should i give a shit if people disagree on my views on life and religion, or my morals are different and fucked up compared to most people out there? I don't care if people say i look like a freak because i don't wear nice colourful clothing, i dress like i do because i want to, yeah i'm called a number of things and labeled as being different, i pride myself on that. Put me down for viewing life as being fucked up and unfair, disagree with my belief that i would rather worship myself than some fictitious god, call me a mosher or a goth because i don't see any problems with wearing black or painting my nails purely to express how i feel about things. Fuck Society, i fucking hate it. If you're gonna be somebody or model yourself on somebody else's views and opinions, then at least try to be yourself first, don't fall into the trap of becoming a sheep like most of the people out there.