_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY JUNE 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Interview with....Armageddon- by XCESSwaste \ / Member of the M.A.B Group \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes in true krash style, we have an exclusive interview with Armageddon. Some of you may hate him [*cough* ferret-fucker *cough* - Phreak], but many love him [yeah, the ferrets - Phreak]. See what he has to say. My writing is in black and so is his... When you started A-S what where you trying to do or what was your vision? A-S started purely to fill a gap in the ezine/magazine world, there was no magazine that covered/or even willing to cover all scenes and publish material which related back to the same sort of person. The concept was that while Software Crackers enjoy cracking articles, it's also very likely they'll be interested in programming or tech orientated articles. Those who are into conspiracy and such also have an interest towards other scenes of the 'underground' world. So the vision was basically to create something that would offer space to all scenes of the underground, much more orientated around "If readers are interested in it, then we'll cover it......if not then it doesn't happen because nothing gets sent in relating to that scene." Was it a hard fight to get it going and is it still ? I think most people who have started any Ezine (regardless of whether it got off the ground or not) will admit to it being as stuggle to start with. Articles are hard to come by when your asking people to send them in for free, and you can't offer authors much in return due to nobody even knowing who you are yet. Promotionally if you don't put the hours in to generate awareness your dead in the ocean because it's that "Why should I write for you?? I don't want my work in some small ezine." Factor, put the hours in getting web site owners and potential authors interested and at least you can say you tried. Even today there are times when it can seem like an immense stuggle to get the production together, but as long as you know there's someone out there that appreciates what your doing, it's enough to keep the whole thing going. What "scenes" are you into, do you consider your-self to be a good hacker/phreaker? I'm into a lot of scenes, from hacking/phreaking and system security to the demo scene and the pure programming side of things, I've even worked with one or two warez groups but that was back around '94 and was more "inner circle" then it seems today. If it relates to a technology of some sort then odds are I'm interested......but today my main interest lies in programming and I'm about a month away from releasing my first utility for hackers/crackers/technically carders and all sorts of people (it does quite a bit). Being good at something is relative, without doubt I know I'm better/have more understanding of hacking/phreaking then many people in this "scene". However, at the same time I'm the first to admit there's still lots of people who are better hackers and know more about computers then I do. I start my degree in Software Engineering this September so obviously once I finish that I'll be at a much better position to say how "Good" I am then I am now....At the end of the day it's all about just getting that bit more knowledge then the next person, how good you are really rests on how good you want to be in the first place. What have you got against Swat, why? I haven't got anything against SWAT, the two productions (A-S / SWAT) had a fall out some issues/months back when we published a review of SWAT, to which both Firestarter and Netw0rkbug wrote to me saying how they agreed with the review (I have the emails to prove it). Next thing I know A-S takes a slating in their magazine and it was downhill from there, Firestarter emailed me saying it was something to do with how he agreed with my review of SWAT but the readers of SWAT disagreed. Personally I'd rather just put that behind us and get on with contributing to the scene(s) we respectivly produce for. While I have spoken to some of SWAT's staff about it all since the fall out, the core staff don't seem to want to drop the dispute between the productions. If I'm wrong about that then I welcome Firestarter to contact me and let me know where we stand in terms of just getting to a stage of mutual respect for each others productions. A-S has happily supported magazines such as Oblivion and KRASH by announcing release details and where you can get them etc. We refuse to offer SWAT any support purely on the basis that we seem to continously make "Front page" news in their production with abuse pointed at A-S and myself ......while we're geting that why should we support them? Like I said I'm all for putting our differances behind us etc. But that can't happen until SWAT's head staff accept fights/abuse on IRC/News groups gets us nowhere and it's time we just got on with producing quality Ezines....They know my email address when they want to sort this whole thing out. What do you personally think you do better then Swat? I don't really want to get into what we do better then them etc. It's a controversial thing, everyone has their own opinions. All I can say is that if you like Anti-Social Magazine, read it. If you like SWAT, read it. If you like both productions......then read them both. It's just up to the reader to decide what they're interests are and get what fits their interests best. SWAT have said we act a bit like a corporation in the way we run A-S, that's fine because we've had readers say it comes across more profesionally that way and many people seem to like that.....it's all about reading what best fits your interests and information needs. What do you think Swat do better then you? Again it's to controversial to bother getting into, I have to say I have no idea how they've gone as long as they have without missing a month so hats off to them for that achievement. Other then that I'm not getting into it. Krash has now gone bi- monthly, do you ever think this will ever happen to your mag? We've had the odd occasion when we've taken extra months, but there has been reasons for this at the time. For example A-S is the most format demanding production of the 3 mentioned Ezines and nearly all the graphics and article formating is done by myself, if I fall ill then the mag has problems, with all due respect SWAT is a compilation of seperate .txt files - much easier to compile and release the finished product. On other occasions (when we've released a new interface, or new version of it) due to the complexity of our interface it's meant learning a completely new set of formating rules within a month while working on the mag etc. and that's caused initial problems. In the end though A-S is planned to remain a monthly production, all our readers seem happy to recieve the production every month and the articles/graphics/music are still coming in at a plentiful rate to keep it monthly, if that changes we'll adapt, but so far all looks fine. Do you think the underground Scene is dying? No not really, it's changed a lot over the past 5-7 years in that we now have much better communication and so the once "dark" underground is exposed to the torch lights of anyone remotely interested in the sort of scenes often refered to by "the underground." This change has brought about alsorts of questions about what is "underground" in the first place, but at the end of the day those serious about it know what it means......and while there's still someone out there interested in a scene, the scene lives on. What could be done to better in the scene? Which one? The hacking scene could do with a better sense of unity, we're all in it together so what's the point in squabbling aimlessly over who knows what? Better to just get on with what interests you then spend 10 hours a week fighting it out on IRC for no gain at all. End of the day it's easy to start abusing someone you feel knows nothing, but it's not so easy when you end up meeting them at conferances and such like. What would you rather do, go to a con and meet people you've helped out/who've helped you, or you've just discussed ideas with online.......Or go to a con and spend the whole day in a corner bored out of your mind because you've abused the majority of the attendance online?!? It'd also be nice if we could see an end to web site defacement, I know even the most respected people in the scene today feel pretty much the same way about this as I do. We just don't need it and it continues to put a bad image on those who truely know what hacking is all about. What would you do to better it yourself if you could? I don't know what else I could do to help better it, I've been involved in my fair share of disagreements online (Made the front page of F41th Magazine when they fell out with A-S over a misunderstanding between the two groups). However since this time last year most of the groups myself and A-S at large have had fall outs with have settled our differances. I put a lot of work into A-S to try and generate a magazine of the scene(s) and have gone on record many a time as saying if you want a true cross-section of the entire scene then download A-S and F41th and you'll have everything covered for the month. You should be seeing a program release from myself in the next month, which has took a lot of 24 hour days to get written as my work at HNC-Network and A-S, filling in Uni documentation and masses of other things I guess many people are doing this time of the year has really burnt up the time like something not right. Do you think the scene was better in the "olden days?" Everyone looks back and says "It was better in the old days" 5-10 years from now the up and coming people in the scene will be argueing over how they remember analogue lines and the need for modems and such. There are aspects I prefer about what the scene was like 6 years ago, but the idea of keeping everything the same would be an awful thought.....Change is good, if we didn't have change there'd be nothing new to learn, no need to adapt and find new things that interest us. Many small Zines have tried to come out of the wood work but didn't. What is the advice you would give to them about being a sucesful Zine? Hmmm, firstly it depends what production your trying to do. If you want to be a technical journal then the technical quality of your content is everything, worry about people finding you later. If you want to be more of a Magazine and cover both forum style stuff and Technical articles, then initially promotion is everything - life gets easier if you are well distributed and lots of people know you exist. When A-S started myself and Neuro put in about 3-5 hours a week just contacting webmasters and letting them know it existed and trying to get links, distributers and such. However, the BIG thing is to just step back after the idea of "Hey lets make and Ezine" hits you. Step back and give it a day or so, think about whether or not you truely think you can get the content in and realistically have the time to produce the ezine. At the end of that lot, if your still serious about doing it.....go for it. If you want to rate yourself then a few people know I have a rule that says "If you make it to issue 4, your'll probablly make it and survive for a long time." That rule has been right for almost every production for the past few years....few mags die out at issue 6 or whatever, they might change their release schedule but they usually last. Is there anything else you would like to say? See you all at DNS-CON #3 (www.dnscon.org) especially everyone who was there last year!! I'm putting up some of the recordings from last year on the A-S web site so if you want to know what Hacker Jeprodey was like (whether you attended or not) etc. Then check out the A-S site a few days into June when I've had chance to upload the stuff.......yes we were going to release everything on CD, but you can't complain now it's being given away for free (well not all of it, but enough). Check out A-S Magazine, *blocked URL - can induce ferret-fucking and general gimpish behaviour* Thank you for your Time. Yeah Cheers. -Armageddon. Editor of A-S Magazine / HNC. Email : armageddon@hack-net.com [heh, that e-mail address will come in handy - Phreak] Well thats all in the means of celeb interviews for this month from one of your star writers. Thanks Aramgeddon for taking the time to do this. Back next Time with more hit articles. Shoutz: Guyphorx, Tsunami, Chicane, Fire Starter,Deathbringer,SouRcErRoR, Gryphon,Emortal,Loon-E and Phreakazoid If anyone feels they want an interview, just mail me . It will have to be good though I don't want no script Kiddies etc. xcesswaste@excite.com