_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY JUNE 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Anonymous Mail \ / by DW \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================= Wrote by: DW E-Mail: s84nik@yahoo.co.uk Website: http://go.to/dwpage UIN: 53705537 Phone number (UK): +447790154397 ============================================= So, ya wanna learn how to send and recieve mail do ya? Well ya wouldnt be reading if you didnt so, get comfortable and read. You Will need: Telnet open A mail server that allows anonymous mail sending (look for one here: www.cyberarmy.com) hands (or voice recognition) keyboard (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) Ok, so now you have all that ready lets start. Now, the port for sending mail is 25 and the port for recieving mail is 110 this is not allways true but it is default for most mail servers. So, if you want send mail, which we are going to do now we telnet to port 25 on your chosen anonymous mail server. Then the telnet box should pop up and the daemon should say something along the lines of "220 ESMTP Exim 3.03 16 Sun, 11 Jun 2000 18:16:01 +0100" and then you are ready to type in your Unix commands to be able to send and E-Mail. So, you want the mail server to know 4 things so it can send the mail, Who its from, Who its to, What the subject is, And what message you want to put in the E-Mail. Fist thing, Whos its from. so after you have connected you type out "mail from:" and you should get the message "250 is syntactically correct" if any other message comes up and it sounds like this "550 relaying mail is not allowed" your mail server isnt one which lets you type in any fake E-Mail address, if this happens you must find another one to use. Once you have typed out all that you should be ready to type out the next command. Who the message is for, now this can be anyone apart from of course if you have chosen a mail server that wont let you send mail to people not using its server, for example say if you wanted to send your E-Mail to fucker@fuck.com and the server was on say mail.tin.it it wouldnt let you send mail to peole off of its server so you would need to get an new server. anyway, you want the command to send the mail to your victim dont you, so here it is "rcpt to:" in the place where the tag is you replace it with the E-Mail address of the actual person you want to send it to, ill be sending mine to "s84nik@yahoo.co.uk" (my E-Mail). Ok so once youve typed that command out you should get a message saying "250 is syntactically correct" if you dont and you get an error like this "550 relaying mail to is not allowed" this means that obviously you are not allowed to send mail to that victims server from the server you are on now. Once you have actually typed out them 2 commands and got no errors you're ready to compose your Subject and message body and this is simple. Ok, so now you want to compose the message and subject of the E-Mail so you type, "data" you should get the instructions "type out your message then put a "." on a line by itself" ok, so follow these instructions but before you do that, type this so you can make a Subject for your email "subject:" then press enter and begin your Message. Once you have finished typing your E-Mail just follow he instructions given to you and put a "." on a line by itself and press enter again. Once you do that you should get this "250 OK id=131Bxe-0006kV-00" this means that the mail has been sent and it also gives you the ID of the message sent. 250 OK id=131Bxe-0006kV-00 ^^^| ^^| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| Good| Sent| The message's ID| OK heres a Log of what i done to show you what stuff i got when i tried sending one and was succesful and you can allso use this as help for the stuff abouve, just incase ya dont understand what the fuck i was on about. REMOTE: 220 gadolinium.btinternet.com ESMTP Exim 3.03 16 Sun, 11 Jun 2000 19:01:23 +0100 LOCAL: mail from:fuck@you.com REMOTE: 250 is syntactically correct LOCAL: rcpt to:s84nik@yahoo.co.uk REMOTE: 250 is syntactically correct LOCAL: data REMOTE: 354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself LOCAL: subject:hello, its me your'e alter ego LOCAL: Hello im your alter Ego just thought id E-Mail you to say FUCK YOU! LOCAL: . REMOTE: 250 OK id=131C3P-0007dJ-00 By The way just thought id tell you LOCAL is what i typed and REMOTE is what i recieved. Note: sending mail is not %100 Anonymouse because when you send a mail its sends your IP with it which can be used to identify who sent it. you may need to spoof your IP by using a shell account which you can get here www.shellyeah.org or relay of several servers using a proper prog to do the job try looking for "anonymous Mailers" @ http://astalavista.box.sk. ================================================================================================ How to get your mail: This is far easier than Sending an E-Mail and requires you to have: Your own POP3 Mail account (if you dont have and want to know how to do this look for on here www.cyberarmy.com) The address to access your mail server (mail., pop. e.t.c.) Telnet open at port 110 and on your Mail Server Ok, are you sitting comfortably?, good Ok, so now we are going to recive our mail so we telnet to our server and on port 110, if you still dont know how to connect to a server using Telnet you must have a bad case of memory loss because i told you earlier and if you have been recking your brains to remember, SCROLL UP!, or look here...ok go to the start menu > run.. > type in the run box "telnet 110" Ok, connected?, good then read on.... now once you connect you should get a message from the daemon which is very kind and gives you the time and a little greeting message mine says "+OK POP server ready <11874.960748967@tantalum> - How are you doing today?" well, anyway, once you get that message you will need to be quick in typing your commands out because most servers timeout (disconnect you) quite quick. So, to recive you're mail you are going to need to tell the server Your Username and Your password so it can log you on then you need to type out what message you want to read (if you have any) then you probably want to delete your messages so ill show ya how to do all that NOW. To put in your Username: type "user" Remove the tag and put in a space bar key, then press enter after you have done all that You should get a Message saying "+220 OK" or somethig like that, thats good, if not, youve typed something in wrong. To put in your Password: type "pass" In this bit you remove the tag and put in a space key and then type out your password in the tag. if you have typed out the wrong password you will get and error like "+550 password incorrect" then you must disconnect and reconnect and try all over again because in telnet Backspaces are not supported and come up as little 'ses on the remote side (sometimes they are but not on mail servers). to retrieve mail: Only do this if you actually have mail, you can tell this because as soon as you press enter after typing in your password (if done correctly) you should be told how many messages you have and how many Octects in size the total of messages are, and if i remember correctly 1 octet is 2 bytes (if im wrong E-Mail me), anyway back to the point you are reading this, to check your mail, so, if you have mail you type "list" to list all the mails and their sizes then you choose the mail number and type "retr x" replace X with the number of message you want to read. Tip: before you type "retr x" Use the start logging option in the preferences button on the toolbar, that way once you have retieved you're mail you will be able to open the *.log file in notepad and read your mail (dumbass). After you have typed out "retr x" a load of numbers and words will come flying down your screen and you wont know what they say until you open the log after wards, then after that has happened and you have done it with all the emails you have in your mail box, surely youll want to delete your mail, so you type this "dele x" X being the number of the email you want to delete, and hey presto all im gonna do now is show you an example of what i do so if you get stuck you can look at what i done and compare it to yours to see what ya been doing wrong. REMOTE: +OK BT Internet POP server ready <10281.960759238@rhenium> LOCAL: user xxxxx REMOTE: +OK password required for dw123 LOACL: pass xxxxxxxxxxxxxx REMOTE: +OK maildrop has 2 messages (1996 octets) LOCAL: list REMOTE: +OK 2 messages (1996 octets) REMOTE: 1 1652 REMOTE: 2 344 REMOTE: . LOCAL: retr 2 REMOTE: +OK 344 octets REMOTE: Received: from [] REMOTE: by carbon with smtp (Exim 3.03 #16) REMOTE: id 131FIU-0001so-00 REMOTE: for dw123@btinternet.com; Sun, 11 Jun 2000 22:31:37 +0100 REMOTE: subject:Heres my alter Ego REMOTE: Message-Id: REMOTE: From: fucker@fucked.com REMOTE: Bcc: REMOTE: Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 22:31:37 +0100 REMOTE: REMOTE: Fuck you i hate you i want you to die from ass cancer LOCAL: dele 2 REMOTE: +OK message 2 deleted (344 octets) LOACL: quit REMOTE: -ERR BT Internet POP server signing off +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~++~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+