_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY JUNE 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / CocytusUK News \ / by Phreakazoid \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COCYTUS UK ***************************** -----------Official---------- news=news=news=news=news=news ***************************** brought to you by Phreakazoid http://www.awol4life.org.uk Before I start, I just want to say that last month, I mentioned a few people who have nothing whatsoever to do with SWAT and did not want to be mentioned, so I am apologising to Screech and raXPmH and any others for this and that their, or anyone else's, permission will be asked for in the future. Also, some of the reasons for some members leaving KRASH, were slightly unclear. Although these people have left KRASH, the true reasons will only be known by the individuals, and my informant wasn't 100% clear. Don't forget to visit us on IRC...... irc.destructor.net (6667) #CocytusUK - Official Room of SWAT and AWOL if irc.destructor.net doesn't work, then try irc.darker.net as they are the same server. Please visit #shelloracle too, as a lot of people hang out there. CocytusUK News will bring you the latest news from the world of the Underground, including news about SWAT, AWOL and other goings on that we think it's worth you knowing about... Anyways, on with the news. +==============================================+ |HEADLINES | |==============================================| |Another member leaves KRASH - KRASH dead?! | |GCSE Exams over | |Controversial Anti-Social Song Released | |SWAT Site's New Image | |SWAT Merchandise | |SWAT Desktop Theme | |Another SWAT member joins | |SyZtem|Krash leaves SWAT | |*new* AWOL Site Up *new* | |URLs Of The Month! | +==============================================+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This month, KRASH declined further as Walrus decided to leave KRASH.... This leaves the current members Chicane, Mj and Odysseus... KRASH seems to be losing members left right and centre... and will KRASH 11 EVER be released? We were told June, then Mid-June, and still nothing... makes you wonder doesn't it? What was once a great mag has declined to almost nothing. Oh well, you realise just how much times change and how much people change also. I wonder what is going through the minds of the members of the KRASH crew... are they gonna give up on KRASH and move on? are they planning something big? are they gonna make KRASH rise out of the ashes? I have my hypotheses, but I'll keep them to myself... We'll just have to see... the answer may seem obvious... and maybe it is... but I'm sure we'll find out soon. Also, Chicane this month went for a tour of the East Coast of the USA and should be back in about 3 months, so Odysseus and Mj better start working on a KRASH revival... *NEWSFLASH* I've just been informed that Odysseus has also left KRASH, and there has been no sign of Mj either.... it is looking like Chicane (who is in the USA at the moment) is the only person left.... and the KRASH has DIED! You heard it here first..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm glad to say that the GCSE exams are finally over (phew), so the members who were taking them will now have more time on their hands, so you can hope to see much more jam-packed issues as usual. We are sorry about last months issue, and we aknowledge that it was poor, so we have made up for it this month, and we will make sure we bring you the normal TOP quality issues that we normally do! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This month saw a release of edited lyrics to a well known song by Tupac Shakur (2Pac) the contreversial Rap star. His song, Hit 'Em Up, was edited by Phreakazoid and made to diss Anti-Social to the FULL and can be viewed at this URL:- http://unix-shells.com/~Phreak/AS.html They are also in this months issue of SWAT. These lyrics have been taken because of the nature of their content, and have been turned around to take the piss out of the group known as Anti-Social (ASmag). The person who is mainly responsible for this is ME (Phreakazoid) and has had help from numerous SWAT members, and would like to thank them for their help. The next step, is actually publishing these songs as MP3s and releasing them. The NEW lyrics will be dubbed over the original songs after digitally removing the words from the songs, so that's something for you to look out for. We may also be writing them to CD and that CD will be available through us (SWAT) for purchase at like £3 or sommat. I would also like to take this moment to give a personal FUCK YOU to all the people at A-S and all the pixies that follow the group.... apart from that, I'd like to thank the GREAT artists whose songs have inspired me including Tupac Shakur (R.I.P. Homie), Eminem, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and various other rappers... and fuck you to all the EAST Coast fuckers like Puffy and the late, shite, Notorious P.I.G.! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FireStarter has done VERY well and a new site design for the SWAT site (www.swateam.org) Has been released, after it was delayed last month due to a few CGI problems. It is now finished, it look very nice indeed and I'm sure F_S is gonna add more to it! GO AND SEE IT! Just give the first page some time to load, for the Java menu at the top of the page to and once it does, you can navigate the page using it. www.swateam.org Also we here at SWAT would like to take this moment to request that all of the good readers of SWAT open the page http://swateam.8m.com/aspix.html in it's own Interet Explorer window or Netscape window and leave it open. What this site does, is systematically use up the bandwidth for A-Smag's site, which lead to it slowing down to fuck if enough people do it, so PLEASE do it so we can kill A-S's bandwidth for thier site THANK YOU :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now this month, some SWAT merchandise was released... The first we heard of it was on the site and the merchandise can be viewed and purchased at: www.swateam.org www.cafepress.com/swateam/ Merchandise available include T-Shirts, Mouse Mats, and SWAT Mugs.... and they don't look too bad either! (Hey, I hope F_S is giving me some commision for this shit :) ) These are availabe for $12 each, which works out at £8 which is good value. And hey! you can now walk down the street wearing an official SWAT T-Shirt, or drink your Coffee out of an official SWAT Mug! :Þ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes Ladies and Gentlemen.... The Official SWAT Desktop Theme will be available to the public. Narayan of AWOL has almost completed it, and a SWAT theme and AWOL theme will be released in due course, as soon as they are finished, checked and can be uploaded... Full details will be given on both Themes as soon as possible and we are hoping to have them ready for release very soon sometime this month. They should have been comleted this month but was delayed to to exams and stuff.... so expect to see v1.0 of the SWAT theme very soon -=WATCH THIS SPACE AND THE SWAT SITE FOR MORE INFO=- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This month, another person was asked to join SWAT.... and the person was... *DRUM-ROLL* ....ME!! Yes, I was asked to join the folds of SWAT by FireSater this month, as I have been helping out in alot of things recently, especially regarding SWATmag, and some stuff with Brakis, so I was consumed by the folds of SWAT :) I'd just like to thanx F_S and Brakis, and say that I won't let you down... and anything need doing, you can count on me as you have counted on me in the past. I'm a loyal member, and there ain't no way, I'm gonna fuck about.... I mean business, and it's gonna stay that way.... AIGHT!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As one members joins, we say good bye to another one... SyZtem|Krash who was with SWAT for about half a year has decided to leave the SWATeam. He has found himself moving onto coding, Linux and music, and as interests change so do the people and lifestyles, and he has decided to leave SWAT and pursue his coding and learning about Linux. We all wish SyZ the best of luck in what he does and in college next year.... Although he has left, we will still see him on IRC, and I and other SWAT members will still have contact with him, and we will torture him, and not leave him alone for as long as possible, as he is still a good mate :) so here's a special shout to SYZTEM|KRASH! BO! SeeeeeeeLECTAAAH! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The AWOL site has been re-done... Narayan and I created some great new graphics for it, Narayan, creating most of them, and me helping with the main graphic. and I've edited some of the individual pages as well. So be sure to check out the site (www.awol4life.org.uk) and tell me what you think. phreakazoid@hitemup.com I uploaded it all on the 15th of this month, and it's looking good.... The site is ALL uploaded to www.awol4life.org.uk, however, the downloadable files are still hosted at xoom.com but I'm trying to find another free host that offers unlimited space (very hard) heh, if anyone has got any ideas, or is willing to sort me out with some space, then I'll appreciate it. Thanx peeps. I've also added a HitTracker on the 19th, so I'll be tracking those hits as well, come one people, get those hits in for us :P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok it's that time of the month.. URLs Of The Month!! I have compiled a list of the Top 10 URLs that we here think that you outa visit.... These aren't neccesarily Hacking or Underground Pages.. but can be... (to send your nominations for URLs Of The Month e-mail phreakazoid@hitemup.com) Here come the Top 10: 1. www.cotse.com 2. www.linuxfromscratch.org 3. www.resentment.org 4. www.bigwig.net/jimmy/x86.html 5. www.securityfocus.com 6. www.kimble.org ------> Watch this movie! (www.kimble.org/kimmovie/kimble_themovie.swf) 7. www.detonate.net/hackers/index.php3?page=1 8. www.unix-shells.com 9. www.vog.ru 10. www.alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=HKD249 And There You Have It! ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** That's all from me for this month people. Stay tuned for next month's CocytusUK News. - Phreakazoid out... "For all the weed that I've smoked - yo this blunt's for you" To all the people I've offended - yeah fuck you too!" - Eminem/Slim Shady ========================================================================================== I'd just like to give a big SHOUT-OUT to all at SWAT, AWOL, KRASH, HDC and everyone else that I know. Especially, Phreakazoid AWOL4life....Big-up to: Narayan, MtecDevil, Slider, solidox, Chicane, EXE-gency, Walrus, Brakis, InSaNe, Syztem_Krash, Slip, Predator, -=FireStarter=-, the Doh-Boy, UnknownGuest, _Smurf_, Cid, raXPmH. SuperJuan, Secti0n8, CrossFire, Odysseus, Alias, Deimos, M0RPH, MaquisHacker, Mirage, Devilish, -=TnC=-, Kate (Electra), Lana, Heather (Anime-Chick), Kay (Kinky Kay) and others from #CocytusUK and #shelloracle on irc.destructor.net ========================================================================================== [EOF]