_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY JUNE 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Survival and not Being found \ / Anonymous \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [I've only included this because of the gore content, and because it's kinda funny, not because it's a very practical article - Phreak] Hopefully if i get time i will ge round to writing a whole series of these survival texts. Basically, because you are reading this i assume you are some kind of anarchist/terrorist and these 'hobbies' could lead to the guys in the flak jackets with yellow symbols on (The FBI!) paying you a visit, and i don't mean coming round for coffee and a bickie; in these circumstances you will need a place to stay and survival knowledge, that's what i hope to provide. These are coming in a funny order, i really should be doing on preparing for survival first and then finding somewhere to stay, etc, in a nice chronological way, but fuck that i hate order! So this article is on the provision of food whilst away on your errr.... holiday. Right, there's only a certain amount of food tins that you can carry, so i wouldn't bother with that much, remember you may need to get away fast. So really all you need is the stuff to get food with,, in this country there is an abundance of bunny rabbits, that's right,,, those cute ittly furry things are quite nutritous aswell !!! If your a vegetarian, just remember that this is an alternative to having your arse-hole stretched by your new cell mate and friend.... BUBBA. Right so, now how to get bunnikins, well you could make a veriety of traps, but the best method is to get a gun.. A 2.2 air rifle is ideal, one for around £40 can be picked up and you really do need a scope, a cheap £10 one should do... Practice regularly and keep it cleen, ad the scope set up correctly, also find out which brand of ammo gives best accuracy with your particular weapon. A rabbits kill area is basically the neck and head, anywhere else then you will just injure it and it will run away,, which is a waste of ammo and just tight on the bunny really. Right so find a field where you are staying with a stone wall that you can creep behind without bunnikins seeing you, (one near a rabbit warren helps) then pop your head and gun over the wall and look at the bunnies.. You should select one close to you, and with its head visible... breath in, aim, hold your breath and shoot............you can start breathing again now... with any luck you now have lunch ready to be prepared. You now need to skin and gut the rabbit, not for the squimish. Get a very sharp knife and lay the rabbit on its back and put the blade in between its ribs on the higher chest area and with a firm wrist draw the knife down the rabbits underside until the base of the belly, a sawing motion may help!! dig a hole and with the belly facing downwards open up the cut you have made to alow the guts to fall out... DO NOT ALOW THE STOMACH TO BURST it stinks and will contaminate the meat! use the knife to cut the guts where they are still attached. Now use the knife to cleanly take the head off. Next cut along the fur on the legs and peel the skin back...This now alows for the rest of the skin to be peeled back like a banana and discarded. The rabbit can now be cut ninto various joins and cooked over an open fire,,, it tastes like chicken and be warned,,,don't use a sick rabbit, or an old one 'cos it won't taste nice or do you much good.