_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY ONE JULY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The Values Of Encryption \ / by F3 \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________ /____/_ / /___/__< < /_/ |____/ 21.07.00 *.* The Values Of encryption @ any level *.* Although we trust the 'System' we also know how to exploit it. The main area requiring encryption would be our e-mail's. Sending any form of information can incriminate us. With the governments plans to be able to access any of our electronic communications without our knowledge it makes sense to make this as difficult as possiable. If every one encrypted their mail, although they can demand the key or crack it, an encrypted mailing would not stand out as much and therefore would not be intercepted unless they thought you were up to something big. Why are they going to intercept mail they can't read without cracking the key or going to ask for it. How many e-mail are sent a day? Can they really monitor it all no. But how many people use any form of encryption? I only have five keys that my associates use and they hardly ever bother only one person allways does, But thats due to the fact that all he sends is plans and diagrams of weapons & explosives to make. So obviously this one encrypted mailer stands out. all that's needed is a simple bit of encryption software, and for sender and receiver to know a key. The more secret or incriminating the information the better the software needs to be. For general mailings i use a bit of software called Crypto avaliable from http://www.gregorybraun.com/CRYPTO.zip a simple bit of software, open a text file encrypt using a key word and send it as an attatchment all the receiver needs is that word to un ecrypt it. Not top security but stops the idle passer by. (it uses BlowFish encryption algorithm) ----Crack avaliable for this software---- For more incriminating mailings I use a bit of software called PGP Avaliable from http://www.pgp.com more complex but still well worth using. ----Crack avaliable for this software---- So no matter how unimportant the e-mail some form of encryption will be better than none. if everyone encrypted everything then the government would have a very hard time working out who is doing what. So even an e-mail to your mum saying hi sould be encrypted to some sort of level. ---F3---