_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY ONE JULY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Installing FTP servers on remote hosts \ / -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Arr well, this month when i've not been complaning to Network solutions and i've finished r00ting ISP's and hosting companies all over the globe i've been setting up FTP servers purely for the purpose of trading warez with fellow SWAT members, well with Phreakazoid as well as testing out a few things. Ok so what i'm going to "teach" you all is how to set up and run a very simple FTP server on a system, ok, fair's fair if u can 0wn an NT box then chances are that you can set up an FTP server on the system without me telling you how to do it. But what the hell, this'll prove to be handy to some of you. Of the FTP daemon that i use it Fictional FTP Daemon, purely because this is the easiest one i've foind to work with and it also has a telnet client built in, so u can not only tarde warez with your groupies you can also telnet to your 0wned box and play around. Ok first off download Fictional Deamon from: www.fictional.net its only small (about 600k - 130k when compressed) and comes as only 1 file, this makes it ideal to our cause. Ok firstly your going to need a bit of information on the system that you just hacked. 1) Where are you going to install the daemon 2) Where is the FTP root going to be Well to answer question 1, i prefer to install them to c:\winnt\system32\fd and question 2 depends on the system u cracked. From personal experience a lot of NT systems that i crack have very large drives in them, usually with about 7gig of free space, and 75% of the time they only have a wwwroot directory and a cop of Exchangeserver installed on it. But this can vary from system to system. Ok, so what you need to do is find a directory on the system that has something installed on it, for example, lets assuming that the DIR structure is like this: (this is my second HD) Volume in drive D has no label. Volume Serial Number is A4F7-0031 Directory of D:\ 29/06/2000 08:36 330,752 Advertbar.exe 28/06/2000 05:15 Documents and Settings 29/06/2000 08:47 535,800 FreeSMS.zip 29/06/2000 08:30 mirc 28/06/2000 16:00 Program Files 28/06/2000 17:28 warez 29/06/2000 22:49 WINNT 3 File(s) 866,552 bytes 5 Dir(s) 104,258,560 bytes free Ok normally this kind of set up on a hacked box would be crap because of the lack of space, so lets look at the C drive: Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 6847-FB6D Directory of C:\ 08/07/2000 00:42 2,359,350 336modem.bmp 09/07/2000 01:44 158,831 336modem.jpg 04/07/2000 21:02 Anonymail 06/07/2000 17:19 151,578 Bag00n.bmp 01/07/2000 14:00 Documents and Settings 17/07/2000 16:19 Downloads 14/07/2000 02:47 FTP 18/07/2000 15:02 Geocities Site 12/07/2000 13:06 780,193 hostile-applets.zip 04/07/2000 00:22 771,438,094 image.nrg 02/07/2000 13:00 KPCMS 18/07/2000 15:25 Kribnet 09/07/2000 01:31 54,904 lcd.ttf 15/07/2000 01:23 mirc 19/07/2000 00:47 mp3s 13/07/2000 16:08 84 notify.dat 10/07/2000 14:46 Odrive 03/07/2000 00:38 Perl 17/07/2000 20:12 Program Files 08/07/2000 00:11 5,962 sam._.txt 13/07/2000 16:07 118,669 shared.dat 11/07/2000 23:30 SWAT 11/07/2000 17:35 Swat31 17/07/2000 20:02 15,105 swateam.jpg 16/07/2000 12:53 TIB 04/07/2000 06:51 TweakUI 09/07/2000 23:57 21,600,054 untitled.bmp 18/07/2000 15:18 Warez 13/07/2000 17:11 WinAce 19/07/2000 00:48 WINNT 10/07/2000 22:23 0 ~.~ 18 File(s) 796,884,620 bytes 19 Dir(s) 12,101,787,648 bytes free thats more like it, 12 gigs of free space, also lots of directories. Best thing to do is to find a directory that isn't going to be used very often, or atleast are not likely to be looked in. Personally i find that the Winnt\system32 directory works well, especially if you create another directory in there like c:\winnt\system32\systemp21 or something. Ok so enough of the bullshit, the point of it all is that you need a drive with lots of space (well you don't - but it helps) and a directory that isn't going to be used. Now you have the loverly task of setting up FD.exe on YOUR box,yes there is a reason for this. I like to create one account with full telnet, FTP and everything else access and another account with just FTP access. Ok this is the important(ish) bit. 1) Make sure that the home directory for your "super" user is c:\ and can access and other drives, say for example your cracked server has 3 drives (c,d and e), add the dirs c:\ d:\ and e:\ to the FTP server setup in Fictional Deamon, also allow full read/write access to those drives, if your box doesn't have 3 drives then add them manually. 2) Make sure that the second "dumb" account only has read/write/ whatever FTP access to c:\winnt\system32\systemp21 and set that as the home directory (failier to do so prevents that user from logging in). Now save these settings and make sure that the ports are NOT default i.e change FTP to port 100 and Telne tto port 101. Now thats done, opoen fd.ini in notepad, it should look like this: IPMASK=*.*.*.* LOCKONSTART=False RC_ENABLE=False FTP_PORT= 101 TELNET_PORT= 100 PASV_PORT= 171 CONTIMEOUT=0 ALLOWANO=True FTPDAEMON=True SHOWSPLASH=True SYSOPPAGER=False LOCKCAD=False STARTHIDDEN=False SECHO=True ICONTRAY=True ASKUSR=Username: ASKPASS=Password: PAGERSOUND=C:\Downloads\daemon\pager.wav CONNECTSOUND=C:\Downloads\daemon\connect.wav LOGONSOUND=C:\Downloads\daemon\logon.wav LOGOFFSOUND=C:\Downloads\daemon\logoff.wav BADPASSSOUND=C:\Downloads\daemon\badpass.wav SOUNDSON=False LIMITUSER=100 LOGSIZEK= 50 PRIO=MED A few of the options need to be edited: STARTHIDDEN=False is changed to STARTHIDDEN=True and ICONTRAY=True is changed to ICONTRAY=False Why? well the start hidden loads the splash screen then hides the GUI, only the tray icon is there and only by clicking on that will you get the GUI back. BUT the icon can be hidden, once that's hidden you can run the server and only the splash screen will appear (you can't turn that off in the unreg'd version of FD, but u might be able to get a crack for it). Ok simple, now upload ALL of the FD.exe files (and sub dirs) to the target server, this is usually c:\winnt\system32\fd for me. Once all of the files are up on the server make sure that nobody's using the computer at the time or they might find the splash screen a little odd, and execute fd.exe In about 10 to 20 seconds time you will have a fully working FTP and Telnet server on your hacked box. Enjoy :o)