_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY ONE JULY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Wargames- by XCESSwaste \ / Member of the M.A.B Group \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wargames, the start of a new life. Some of you might not of noticed that it is possible to hack into computers legaly, How come i hear you say. Well this is for all the people that have not heard of this concept. Many people are put of the idea of trying to hack because it is so easy to trace someone back to there ISP, then there home and soon they will be hunted down and killed (well maybe). This is why wargames are set up. People set up a unix or linix computer for the sole purpose of beening able to give the people something to hack. They do it all out of their own pocket. Why do they do it? So people who are new to the scene can confidently learn to hack and not be found out. Also it give the chance for people to compete againts other hackers in the game. You normally get the password for the guest account before, and you have to try and get root. Once the person has root it can be even more a challenge making sure more people don't get in. You normally get about ten megs of hard drive space on that machine. You can upload exploits or write them there. Then compile them on the machine, ready to use. One problem with some machines is that if the user leaves his programs on the machine a person can easily find them and use them to get root. But this does not seem a big problem at the moment. But remember hacking is not just runing some scripts that you picked of the net, its much more than that. And if your new to the scene there is plenty to read. But there are rules, remember these machines are set up by people for people to learn so if you get root, don't fuck it up. There is also a set of wargames set up at www.hack3r.com, they are soon to be listing exploits for them etc. There is also at hack3r.com a good forum which in the war game section you can pick up lots of information from many experts, it doesn't matter if your new or not there. They have many machines up there and are always bringing more online. Lots of them are Redhat etc. For more information go to www.pulltheplug.com or www.hack3r.com. Shoutz:Guyphorx, Tsunami, Chicane, Fire Starter,Deathbringer,SouRcErRoR Gryphon, Emortal,Phreakazoid and hacker in training |RoR|*LG*Marcius. xcesswaste@excite.com icq = 75611723