_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY ONE JULY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The infamous beer bong \ / by Mafu \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- the infamous beer bong Well fellow SWATeam readers; I bring you the beer bong. The way to get smashed, and fast with a little amount of beer. Say you and 3 friends only have a 6-pack.. damn right? Well its easier over in the UK to get beer but here in the US it doesn't exactly grow on trees.. well you have the 6-pack but thats not enough for even one person.. well maybe, but the solution..... THE BEER BONG!!! Supplies ----------- 1 Large Funnel - The Larger the more beer you can bong at one time thick plastic clear tubing - Get it about 4foot or a little over a meter a c Clamp... description-a metal piece that has a screw to tighten.. you guys are smart use Duct Tape or something!! hell I dunon whatever works for you guys, but this is how I do it Step 1 --------- Take the funnel - large end up and attach the bottom to one end of the tubing, you want the tubing to be on the outside of the small end on the funnel so when you pour the beer down it goes down the tubing and not spill out it should look like this _____ \ / \ / || || ||______|| |________| alright thats a rough picture but it should work for you. The basic principle of umm shit I dunno works here, like syphoning gas... if you hold the tubing above the funnel... no beer comes out. When you have the tubin under the funnel, beer comes out? easy huh? Step 2 -------- Bonging the beer, okay the tubing should be bent like a c, to take some of the foam out lift the funnel up a little and let the foam pour out.. okay done w/ riddance of some of the foam? good now put the tubing around your mouth and have one of your buddies lift the funnel above your head as high as it'll go and start bonging! questions/problems just get a hold of me on ICQ#33779274