_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY ONE JULY 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Corpse Disposal Part 1 \ / -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well i couldn't sleep last night so i decided to think about a load of things, having a mind as twisted and warped as my own, the thoughts where no less than morbid :o) So using the knowledge that i have acquired from all over the place, as well as my own sense of logic behind things, i have come up with a pretty good (i think) guide to disposing of a corpse. Well of course disposing of a body isn't going to be an easy task, how you go about it is all going to depend on a few factors: Avalible resources - Whether this is things that you are going to purchase for disposal, or things that you have around the home for such tasks. Area - If you want to dump the body in the middle of nowhere, then this would be easier if you lived in a rural area, since there are lots of places where few or no people go, where as leaving a corpse in the rubbish dumps in the middle of London will most likely attract attention and will be discovered. How much you can stomach :o) Ok so if you killed something by strangling them, then dump the corse in a river, it requires a less strong stomach, than shooting it in the face then carving the corpse up with a chainsaw - you see what i mean Now here are a few methods i came up with: Method 1 :- Burial. ~~~~~~~ A Classic, burying a body in a shallow grave, very good if you live in the middle of nowhere, but the last thing you want is animals exhuming the body when they smell the rotting flesh. Matials that you can utilise to sucessfully dispose of a corpse via burial - Lime - this can be purchased from garden centeres, as fas as i know, its used for people with VERY acidic soil. A little warning about Lime, it is a VERY strong alkali, getting this stuff on you will sting like a bitch, you get it in you eyes and then you loose your ability to see. Maggots - Get them from any gun and tackle shop, buy loads of the little fuckers since they are very good at consuming dead flesh, hence the reason they are good in medicine, they don't eat anything thats alive. Plastic - black pastic thats used to line fish ponds with, probably not a good idea to buy it from the same garden center as the lime since it might look a bit suspicious. Burial tips. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) If you can get your hands on lime - USE IT. this stuff will eat thru the flesh of the corpse. Dig a hole, about 3 feet deep and dump the corpse into it, now cover it in lime, remember to use gloves and eye protection. After a good sprinking of lime, cover the corpse with plastic in order to precent the lime washing away if it rains. A few days later all that will be left is bones :o) - NOTE - Works best if the corpse is naked (2) Maggots are good, if you use a lot of them then you can have the flesh eaten away in a day or so. Once again a hole of about three feet is needed. Since maggots eat dead flesh you can just cover the corpse in them and they will do there job. - NOTE - Since maggots eat dead flesh, if you cut the corpse open and stuff maggots inside, or atleast pour them into where you cut open, then they will eat away from the inside as well, therefore increasing the time it takes for the corpse's flesh to be consumed. Method 2 :- Mutilation. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ohh, this is where we get to play with power tools. Teehee, well everyone knows that small bits of corpse decay faster, don't they? Carving up a corpse into sizable chunks for either quicker or "easier" disposal the following are recommended - HandSaw - nice and sharpe, something with teeth on it to go thru bone. Chainsaw - Purely for speed, this will make one hell of a mess and a lot of noise. Good if you are not going to be bothered or if you mess about with a chain saw quite often, so it doesn't look suspisious, these are expensive and i wouldn't really recommend going out and buying one for the occation unless you can really afford it. Sheets - LOADS of them. Mutilation tips. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Cover EVERYTHING in the room you mutilate the corpse in, with sheets - and lots of them. Carving up the corpse on a table or other raised surface would be a lot easier than doing it on the floor. (2) Keep limbs etc in a pile away from the main corpse, also try to keep them in something, like a bin (for now). Mutilating the corpse is usually only one step in disposal since carving it up doesn't really get rid of it, it only turns one lump into many bitesize pieces (so to speak). (3) Burn the sheets once used, take them far far away from any populated area, saturate with petrol and burn them. Oh yeah, make sure that they are large bin liners, well, anything to prevent you from getting any blood, innards, etc on the interior of your car as you transport them. Method 3:- Dumping. ~~~~~~~~ The age old method of corpse disposal, also the most common and most people get caught doing it. but of course i came up with a few ideas for dumping :o) Things needed to dump a corse - 1 or more corpse's Dumping tips. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Mutilate the corpse first, don't dump it all in the same place either. If you live in a rual area like the Yorkshire Dales then there are many places where corpse's can be dumped, for example, there are several caves which are flooded at the bottom, these would be almost ideal for dumping (bits of a) corpse in. (2) Don't dump it ANYWHERE near a populated area, this includes undergrowth or a field or layby, if the corpse is mutilated drive all over the place and dump bits of it hundreds of miles apart. (3) Don't dump all of the corpse, dump bits and dispose of others in other methods. Well thats all for now. Phreak is hassling me on IRC for this article so i'll DCC it to him and do part 2 for next month. Enjoy!