_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY TWO AUGUST 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Anonymous Post \ / Lord Xenophon \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Im Xenophon, and this is my first time writing for swat team mag, if you like it then tell me and Ill try and churn out some more stuff for the mag. I havent read the mag for long, but I feel that the content is just in my field of interest so I didnt wait that long to contribute. ANONYMOUS POST ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ive seen loads of articles all over the internet and in swat, with instructions as to how to send anonymous email, but very few instructing people how to send post, or packages anonymously. I thought for a good while, and I think Ive come up with a fairly good method for sending post, or packages anoymously. If you follow all these steps you could probably send a bomb to the whitehouse and still not get found out :) But you dont need to bother if your just sending some written abusive message to your teacher, or some other unimportant lil thing (as it probably wont even be reported), but an explosion in the whitehouse WILL, so bear that in mind. INSTRUCTIONS ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Obviously how secure you want to be depends both on your level of paranoia, and on the content that you will be posting. I have written the instructions as though you were VERY paranoid, and sending something extremely dangerous. Use your common sense to tone down these instructions to your own tast, but remember the longer you take to prepare the package/letter the less likely you are to get caught. This txt is meant to be thorough, but doesnt cover everything and doesnt specify obvious things, such as "dont sign your real name". 0. GENERAL NOTES ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As with all good things this is zero-based :). General notes include: * Dont buy all your supplies from the same shop, or preferably even the same town. * Handle your material as little as possible * Make inquiries in one chain store then buy it in another * Try to be as "common" as possible in all ways. 1. PREPARING THE CONTENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section aplies mainly to packages but also to letters to a lesser extent. One of the first rules of dealing with anything is to try not to get your fingerprints on it, and definitely not handle it with dirty/greasy hands, as that increases the effect of the prints. I recomend any pair of rubber gloves, or other disposable latex gloves. 2. PREPARING THE NOTE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Skip this section if you dont want to include a note (i.e. You want no reansom &c. / Your package is a bomg :). Never hang write a note, and I honestly wouldnt reccomend using cut & stick from a newspaper, as you get your prints all over it. Print your notes from a computer (not a typewriter), use the most common piece of word-processing software - MS Word (yep 'fraid you ought to use micro$oft :). Use a simply font like the standard default - Times new Roman, or use Arial / Helv or something not to uncommon. Set your margins to a standard width - Default preferably. It is very important to SPELL CHECK your document, nothing gives someone away more than a misspelling that they always make. Dont be to gramatically picky if your the type that tend to be. Throw in a few prepositions at the ends of sentances, use "who" in the object of a sentance, stick "s" on the end of first declension latin derived words instead of ae, &c. &. (BTW: If you dont have a clue what any of that means then you prolly already do it :). Type your document at home on a computer you are sure is not keyloged, then print it. If you need to save the doc, then use a floppy. Check the paper you are printing on and make sure it isnt watermarked, better still buy some specially from a shop in another town. Use the aforementioned gloves if pos when hangling the paper. Clean the printer roler by running through a meths coated sheet of paper, to remove any taltale previous documents that could have made their mark. Hit print on your word processor, and take the printout and put in in the package as in section 1. If you have a a choice of printers use the most run-of-the mill one you have (as in use your hp deskjet not your limited edition panasonic, only released in ubangiland 14 pin dot matrix). Also use the standard photocopier paper (as i said NOT watermarked). At this point the note should be all done. 3. PACKAGING ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section is fairly simple. Go out to one town buy a jiffy bag/ set of 20 envelopes, or whatever you need. If the shop doesnt have what you want, dont ask for it, just buy a roll of cello of summint, and leave and try another shop. In large cities you can use about 10 different shops in that city (eg London). In small city / big town use 5 shops (eg Oxford). In a small town use 2, and in a village 1. Going in too many shops will attract unwanted attention, and also try to but only one thing (for the package / letter) per shop. If you use a supermarket, thenm use your brain and buy some groceries at the same time. Once you hafe obtained the appropriate packaging, (buy at least 2, but dont buy only 2 (with envelopes for example)). Take it home, and then carefully (using those gloves) Place your stuff in it. Weigh it accurately. Now take your second package and stuff it full of shit (that one might post preferably incase of some mishap - as in dont fill it full of stones :). So that it weighs just a little (2-5% more), this is your dummy package. Address your dummy package / letter in plain handwriting to the same country as your real one is going, and make it look just as thought it was about to be sent. 4. SENDING ^^^^^^^^^^ Take your dummy package / letter to a post office (out of town in somewhere were the peeps dont know you &c. and all that shit), ask then to weigh it and say how much it would cost to send, say thankyou, that you will post it later or something else and leave the shop. Hopefully you remember the price, if you are really forgetfull, as soon as you get out of sight (a good mile away) write it down. Go and buy the stamps, now if the package costs £2.43, or it was a 1st class letter, dont ask for £2.43 of stamps, or a single first class stamp, ask for say £5 of stamps (remember it never hurts to over-pay your letters / parcels), or a book of 1st stamps. Once you have these return home. Print a label using the above method on your printer, Ill leave how to obtain these labels to your imagination, (if you cant think of a way you shouldnt be reading this doc!) Stick the label on (remember gloves if possible). Afix your stamp(s), dont lick the stamp, put a drop of water on it. That stage is probably not necessary unless you are sending a nuklear warhead to the commons (!), most un-paranoid people can just lick the bloody stamp like any normal person. Drive out as far as possible with your package you MUST reach a different postal area, preferably go to one about 2 or 3 postal area boundries away. Put your letter in the box / give your package in at the post office. Leave. Go home. 5. CLEARING UP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Have a few beers and congratulate yourself. Bin or otherwise dispose of or destroy your other packagings / encelopes that were in the set. Delete the file you typed the stuff in, remove it from the floppy, and then format it. I guess at this point I better wrap this thing up, as its already probably beyond most peeps attention span. Just dispose of anything else you had, and do any obvious things needed. 6. THE LAST WORD ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just be carefull, and remember dont do anything illegal (year right). Also if you get busted its YOUR problem, dont go turning me in. I may have given you a few pointers, but nowhere have i encouraged you to send letter bombs / flame mail &c, nor do I condone such activities. +++---=== COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW REMAINS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY ===---+++ Well with that behind us, if you want to contact me you can do so, please direct comments, hellos, criticism, suggestions, ideas &c to: xenophon@phreaker.net, and spam or flame to /dev/null@ Most weekends you'll catch me on irc, it hard to say where I'll be, Ill generally be in #rm-hacking but it keeps changing server so often that I have difficulty finding it myself sometimes. So try me in #rm-hacking on irc.progenic.com, sandman.ukshells.org, or irc.darkwar.net. Im also often in #progenic, also on irc.progenic.com. I could now fill this with about 10 lines promothing my organisation, and saying how great it is, but I won't, because if Im anything to go by I prefer reading usefull info rather than a shitty little half-baked txt, and about a page of promo for someones org. So see you all around, email me, /msg or /memo (if thats still up) me. And I will try to manipulate the electrons into some usefull reply. -Lord Xenophon