_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY TWO AUGUST 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The Diary Of a Hacker- The Run-up to and at DNS-CON. \ / By James Garrett (Rna) \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- { NOTE:=- This was lifted by a guy at DNS CON who typed it up and -=} {=- Sent it in -=} To-Do. Ring seaclose bout fone. Goto Dixons on way to Blackpool. Get old AOL. Get lotsa coke. Get alkaline AA's (16+) for camera for sale in Somerfield. Install MuLINUX. Get blue hairspray. August 12th Went to Woolworths to buy stuph. Wanted to get leeto blue hairspray but found out that you have to be 18 to buy it. Proll the bloody anarchists and glue-sniffers fault (hmmm, Biomech?) I am thinking about buying iron underpants to protect from his leet anal violations :) (Which I fjear) :-). Chris is gonna quit, and I must remember to ask Matt if he wants some Blue hairspray :). *JOKE* What is the difference between anal sex and a microwave? A microwave doesnt turn your meat brown!!!! : ) I must also ask Matt about the speed of his external modem. I am wondering if I could find a cheap tape recorder for DNS. For a fiver orless or a tenner or less with vouchers. JOKE: Manchip a la Geoff? 3:20-ish Hehe the bloody erythromicin has given me the shakes : ) The shakes are quite funny really. 3:55 The shakes are subsiding, mighta been the caffeine. Only 6 hours left.AAARRRGGHH!!! Already taken enough tickets to pay my wages taday, that should keep Zeppelin's husband - Simple Simon happy. It is at boring times like these that I really hate this job. Hmm methinks I will write a leet word translator. IF WORD$=" Right$(WORD$,3)="AIT" or "ATE" THEN NEWWORD$=LEFT$(WORD$,(LEN(WORD$)-3)+"8" That turns HATE - H8 WAIT - W8 I might code it tomorrow night. I saw Amy, Annika, Zara, Carl an Zsac so far. I saw someone from St.Cyres today, he still lokeed like a prick : ). JOKE:There was a young lady from Venus, whose body was shaped like a ... The blue hairspray I want to get might turn my hair green : ) Yippee. 6pm God Almighty! I have worked for 2 hours and taken 'bout £75 worth of tickets, should make the b*d happy. HeHe or should that be He2??? MWAHAHAHAHHHH!!! 7:15pm Only bloody raining!!! 10:15pm. Got picked up, am doing witchy sruph, hahaha. August 13th. 1:30am Still havent gone to bed yet as waiting for toilet to be free. August 16th. Found a card (Broken) VISA/ELECTRON Miss A L MARTIN Acc No 42686922 Card No 4917311002601537 Issue 03 Expiry 08/03 Sort Cose 09-01-26 MUHAHAHA!!! HD Encryption A disk when placed in a computer will prompt for a 16 char password and allows 3 tries (records the tries) other wise the disk is wiped. Then it will decrypt the hard drive and allow booting to proceed normally. ASM + C?