_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY TWO AUGUST 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / WinSuite security \ / Arcane Warrior \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Y'all, This is my first article, so it's likely to be shit compared to some other stuff. First off I am part of a VERY small Anarchist group called the 'Disciples of Destruction' which me and two friends set up. It consists of Arcane Warrior (me), Sacred Assassin and Mongross. We generally go around setting fire to shit loads of things and then watching the fire crews and cops put it out at 3:25am. We are not looking for members, purely cos we think 3 is enough, but when we plan a bank job or something that needs a lot of people, the extra person could be handy. IF you live in the immediate area of Gosport or Portsmouth (that’s the south of England for all you budding geographers), AND like burning stuff and ruining other peoples lives, then e-mail me @ the address at the end. Right, enough of the crap. Winsuite ^^^^^^^^ This is a Windows 9x security program made by Dacoll that is mostly popular with skoolz. The basic description is that it looks the same as a normal Windows desktop but without: My Computer, Network Neighbourhood, My Documents, Recycle Bin. Also on the 'Start' menu it has only: Shutdown - which includes the log off option, Minimise Window – When you click in the minimise button at the top-right of a program it falls ‘behind’ the desktop. So you're probably wondering what is actually on the desktop. It only has shortcuts to the programs the Administrator has selected, a large logo in the top-right corner (ours is the crappy school logo which I changed to the ‘Anarchist A’ a few times), a bar next to the start button that says 'Main Menu', and the name of the skool or whatever company it is. The user can only open the apps that are on the desktop, any other program that opens, like an ad window on some web sites, is immediately closed by WinWiper. WinWiper is the part of the program that controls all the applications. When a program is executed is checks it against a pre-defined list. If it's legal it keeps it open if not it closes. The main reasons for having WinWiper enabled is to stop kids or adults playing games or downloading. How to get around Winsuite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At my skool, I won't mention the name because there is bound to be someone from here who is reading this and can identify me. We have used this program in the main IT lab room since Sept 1999 and from then on I have tried different ways to get around it. The security is actually pretty minimal. You can access anything using Internet Explorer -except the folders that are protected. Even the protected ones are accessible, you only have to log on as that person since you can't password it your log on. Now, the problem on WinWiper. I mentioned earlier that next to the 'Start' button there is a bar saying 'Main Menu'. When you left click on this a very small white text block appears in the top-left corner. This is called the 'backdoor entry' although it isn't. The password is typed into this but rather than just using a cracker every time you press a wrong key an 'About WinSuite' appears centre-screen. This makes it VERY easy to get the password. I already know all the passwords cos the Admin tells me. I bring him loads of software and he gives my loads of passwords and control! Once you have the password cracked a message box appears and then about 8 text boxes appear which are all the .ini's and some .bat's. You CAN fuck around this way although it WILL fuck up YOUR machine. I've tried to stop WinSuite from loading by removing from the registry, because I think it re-writes them when you shut it down. If you close all the text boxes and then download something it works! WinWiper is closed when you bring up the boxes. I don't know why but my guess is that in order to allow the boxes to come up it has to halt WinWiper. If my theory is right then the programmers should have just put the app names in the Wiper list. Now you can download and play games, but you still can't access 'Control Panel' and some other stuff. The way to do it is this: Shutdown the server Restart you terminal with the server off. This way it boots straight into windows because WinSuite is shared from the server. The way I did it was Back Orificed the Server and then restarted mine. I've tried to just pull out the network cable and reboot but on our network at skool it fucks up, it might work on other networks though because they are set-up differently. If all goes well you are in Windows 95/98 and able to fuck up other people's machines. I do recommend you get Back Orifice though because you can have SOOOO much fun. I am taking GCSE IT, and all the other dumb pupils have their coursework they've been working on for 2 hours on their screen. The best thing is watch their faces when is disappears! That's all you need to know about WinSuite. If anyone has any comments, or questions they would like to ask my address is below. ArcaneWarrior666@yahoo.com Shouts to Richard, Sacred, Mongross and thx to the SWATeam for inspiring me.