_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY THREE SEPTEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / -STUFF F.A.T HAS DONE BEFORE- \ / BY DEATHBRINGER \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Who remembers F.A.T magazine?-well it seems some people do and liked our activity descriptions,o.k-heres all the things from the 'stuff we done' bit for peole to laugh at ANARCHY ON THE WASTELAND Done by deathbringer and sorcerror Every city worth its british-ness has a run down bit of concrete with fridges and cars dumped on it.The one we went to is often a testing ground for improvised weapons by everybody in the area as we can tell from the craters and burnt grass there.We used it just to do some RSD and build a bomb.We went down there and first set up our bomb, it was a flattend bean tin filled with sodium chlorate powder.We made a pile of sodium chlorate and set the tin into it,lit it and ran.Bugger it didnt go off,tried 3 times then it eventually ripped open abd blew out loads of fire with a big whoosh!(wich i didnt hear because i was 100 meters away behind a concrete block with my hans in my ears-for safety reasons).After this we engraved a big anarchy sine into an old plastic sine that was already totally coverd with paint and then went along a path,climbed over a flattend fence and a 'danger deep water-keep back' sign(yes spelt it right).We then chucked a big rock into the lake there, bugger a fisherman decided to see what was going on so we ran off THE BIN FIRE Done by deathbringer&sourcerror He came round mine to sleep over for a weekend and we sneaked out at 3in the morning,here is what we did: First we made some smoke-powder(more on it later) and took it to the allotments (publicly owned food growing place) where we set it off and made a huge cloud of smoke that stayed there for ages.Meanwhile we waz up to differnt things,we went to the park and put some papers in a bin and lit them.Bugger they ran out and it still stood so we went to the other bin and put in some smokepowder (1/2 a kg of it!) and lit it with paper.I then threw in match heads and a lighter which exploded with a deep BOOOM and blew out tons of fire.We ran phucking miles and i heard the faint crack of another explosion(heist knows what it was).After a bit of a sturuggle trying to open a jammed backdoor quitley we gave up and went in the front for a sleepless night(because i downloaded porn and he watched a film about satanists-channel 5 of course) THE SHOOTING seen by deathbringer,done by an unoficial member While i was on my bus travelling to the pits of hell the unoficial member (T.F) started firing off a bb gun.Theres a lamer who is always being patriotic and sexist who took one shot from it.As T.F went back to get his bullet he shot him again at point blank range and gave him a big bruise.The kid fainted later (pretended to) and t.f got done by the filth,still,pretty entertaining. THE CHEAP-ASS FRAUD done by sorcerror and 4 other unofficial members,rumor-milled to me after a while Sourcerror found a credit card number generator on the internet and used it to get about 30 numbers wich they orderd 5 laptops with(just a little cheap thing to practice with).This came to about £10000-BUUUUT they got found out and the order was cancelled.They are trying again though,last i heard they where buying a house A MINOR EXPLOSION Done by sorcerror and differnt friends They filled a bog roll with greens explosive and put it near somebodys bmw (so someone didnt see the fuse burning and put it out).As it went off sorcerror casually looked back to see the damage and just saw the cars front crash back down and the lights and windows break.FUCK!.This doesnt mean we like to blow up peoples property(unless there our leaders)but they just didnt expect it to be that powerful ATTACK FROM ABOVE Done by:deathbringer,sourcerror and ivan At lunch in school we go to this room upstairs next a bit where students usually walk along-and this room was full of elastic bands and paper!.Soon we had made a load of pellets and took aim-Heres some of our funnier hits 1-A guy got slapped from the girl infront of him after one hit her ass 2-This little kid got shot on the head by me then as he looked around a mate shoted gotcha! Out of the window.He kept looking around really scared then ran off 3-A lamer took who kept warning people about us as they went past (to wreck our vengance for mr jamal) took no less than 12 shots in about a muinite before retreating BUS FUN Done by deathybringer The elastic band wars where raging on the bus too-only I was the only one who could make em right and small enogh so they flew well.I also started to fire them with one of theese jar-jar sticky tounge things-they flew at the speed of light!.This also caused a bit of pain,he he-wait till I get some caps to glue on the front-small rocket launcher! THE SHORTEST CRANKS EVER Also done by deathbringer It really was,I called a lamer for about 2 seconds and my school for an even shorter time THE SCHOOL ONE: Op:hello,Saint bollocks school,how can I help you Me:im gonna knife ya! THE LAMER ONE: J.l:helll-o Me:err I can even smell you through the fone Both these where done on a day when I did a few other things as well,like there are theese little disc boxes at our school computers now and I stole a disc and left a little note that said: #4 #4 d|D Y00 +#|Nk | w0UldN+ $+34l +#3M from the 31337 #4k3R F.A.T ON NEW HOST The tripod site is now down but you got this issue from the new server on pirate city ( www.piratecity.com ) It's a very good server and I recommend it to all of you.You also get a kewl 20mb (now 50!!!) of web space and if you've got a domain you get A WHOLE GIG!.So get uploading now,they also have a montly 'coolsite' compatiton where the best one gets another 20 megs.-ACTUALLY PIRATECITY WAS A CON!-NOW IF YOU GO TO THIER SITES THEY AUTO-REDIRECT YOU TO THIER SPONSOR-MAKING THE FUCKERS MONEY!-KILL EM ALL SCHOOL DESTROYING DONE BY:DEATHBRINGER Now youll probably not remember that last month I said about us ripping signs and stuff up in school well it escalated this month I had a bit of metal that I discovered fitted neatly into screws.a few days later and the school had a complaint from someone about a exposed lightswitch with no cover on.heh.And also I took away a sign for a room that was screwd in and wrote 'yes I am taking the piss' and hid it,wait till they find it (yes I did disguise my hadwriting to look like someone from the conformist mainstream had done it-I wonder if anyone will get done for it-heh heh R.S.D ER 4-ODD HOURS DONE BY DEATHBRINGER AND SOURCERROR (and boy did we enjoy it) I went round sourcerrors house for a bit of phun,the end result was a insane run of destruction and practical jokes.First we went into the town center (a large city in cambrigeshire-work out which one) and I brought a pen that writes with paint (the master tool of graffiti artistes) and used it for a few anarchy signs and stuff.Look for adam and evel road next time your er wherever.Later we saw a sticker that said something about natwest killing animals (BTW-A week later there was a cool protest,if my pearents werent there and I didn't have a sex pistols cd to listen to I woulda joined in-honest).Well I belived it was true so went to crank their number ( 0800 505050 ) but shit they had all gone to their nests. Still,where it said 'ad call-free phone calls I changed it to 'free phone calls- blue box'..Any way I had a 'pipe' bomb that I made at home (actually a bit of cardbord pipe whit 2ps in the end and tape round it full of sodium chlorate) we went to this 'free land' (read:shit hole) to set it off.First I tried to light it (we used an indoor sparkler for the fuse) but someone was coming so we let him go past.Then a train came.Sourcerror lit it but this girl came round on a bike,shit!!! There where thoughts going through my head of her with a 2p shot into her neck laying dead on the rails below.BUUUT..the bomb just burnt and made a load of smoke,phew that wouldn't even get us an arson charge.I set another one off that was intended to smoke and to cries of 'flares are coming back in man' sourcerror knocked it off the bridge onto the rails.We then tried several attempts to start a forest fire by chucking sparklers and burning paper around but they all went out (but still did damage and made people shit themselves).We went to a lampost and wrote fat roolz on it then went into my school to see if anything was up,tried to damage something but it was too strong so I wrote a big anarchy sign and wrote 'fat own3d joo' on it then sorcerror chucked this metal thing at the window but it was reinforced so didn't break, the crack was big though at which point we decided to run.Later we came back and ripped off a bit of wall progressivley.IE:Rip run rip run rip run peel of insulation to reveal inner wall,kick shit out of enter. and I pissed in the hole yes that was sick but the tree we where going to put in wouldn't come out of the ground-we know to take saws next time.Oh yeah we threw the bits of wall into a ditch. (Teachers: if your reading this you wont catch me and its an old mobile so it wasn't exactly serious now was it) I bet writing THAT gets me busted We went to one of sourcerrors friends houses and told them about our 'run' which they thought was 'suitable' (for an hours work) then thought we'd go to a fonebox to try and power it down.Damn that doesn't seen to work anymore (it said test mode so I dailled 02 like it said I swat magazine but nothing happened except a funny tone and the fone still worked afterwards).We walked back home cause our time was nealry up so he set fire to this bit of paper and chucked it over a fence then we went back and I had to go home SCHOOL HAVOK DONE BY DEATHBRINGER,IVAN AND PSYCHOMETALLICA We had planned to fuck over our school for a while now and finally the day had come.First I wanderd round looking for sourcerror but I found out from ivan he had chickend out.Anyway I went into a toilet and got out my trusty paint pen and wrote -1234-we want a class war -Up the fuckin punx,sid vishous owns joo and -BAN THE BOMB! And also went over some old graffiti like anarchist!!!!!!!!! And fat own yoo. I then unscrewd the metal bit where the bolt from the lock slides across and took it with me.I put my rio back in my bag cause I don't know why I took it with me (Redboxing maybe,not that ive got the tones on it mr bt man) and threw the bolt thingy into a bin.Later me and ivan went into the library and sat down near a heater with a VERY big book on the planets.I started to undo the heater knob but a teacher came so I quickly hid it.She went away and ivan carried on- squeak,squeak clunk tiiiiing!.The whole room goes silent then noise picks up again, I pocket the knob as a little trophy and walk out.We start to walk along and get two well meaning but FUCKING annoying girls following us,after losing them (by singing,no growling anarchy in the uk) ivan had to sort something out so I left him to it.Later on I went into a lesson with computers,hmm I had put a load of virii on one but I needed to edit autoexec.bat for them to work and there was too much witnesses around.I went and pulled out the network connection from a load of them and fucked around with them and cause they wernt on the network the admin couldn't monitor me (but I couldn't use the internet-bugger) So anyway I left a load of digital graffiti (text files with a message left on the hard drive for anyone to see who is bored in a lesson) that said stuff like anarchy rules and the words for friggin' in the riggin' by the sex pistols (I know theres a racist bit in it but the songs so fucking funny).I also took out the mouse and threw it in a bin and re-named the fonts folder on another.Later on the bus home I wrote anarchy in the uk and the sign on a seat and started to unscrew something And the next day we... Got to school,this time I had the heavy artillery,a multi tool!,Well anyway I went to this bit under a stairwell and wrote anarchie pour sur la uk (And it was nowhere near a french room).Also I unscrewd the cover on a lightswitch (tee hee for health and saftey reasons they have to have them on there). going on holiday and removing one of the P's from 'please show your passes' on a sign THE LAST GREAT SCHOOL ANARCHY It was our last day of school on may 12th so,like everybody we left causing havoc and destruction-hahahha. Before I got on the bus I drew a big anarchy sign in the gravel that's probably still there.On the bus I wrote a few anarchy signs and we where passing round a bottle of coke with a special ingredient added in.When we got there some of the teachers cars and a minibus where coverd in paper and tape,further on there was a big barricade of razor wire and tape across a little 'bridge' thing between two doors (not on my doom level so don't look).Anyway I made some 'out of order' signs and put them around and then we had to go to a history lesson where we watched blackadder all the way through.Later on when we had our break sourcerror came in (from skiving) and we put up some weird posters the he went again.Probably cause he had organised a 'beer festival' and loads of hells angels and truckers where due to arrive by 11 (but they didn't).And then we had more booooring lessons including a learning support one that only I showed up for but at least when the teacher went out I did an anarchy sign in the dust on some books.Then at lunch me and ivan rebuilt 'the shrine' where all the hitler books are in one place.We also did some graffiti and stuff.After that the idea was just bugger about on the field and we wrote a load of stuff on a bin.And then we had a looong assembly and went home on the bus which got a few more anarchy signs written on it.Well anyway I also took a lot of pictures of all the damage and things so I'll put them up on the site sometime SOURCERRORS A BUGGER INNE? Heres something sourcerror sent me,track 24 is otherwise known as friggin in the riggin by the sex pistols.(Which isnt the thing you get the vicar to hear-but this bugger sent it to 200 vicars) y00 and yer belly! i passed on track24.mp3 to the dieoses of ely church mailing list! This list has all the vicars bishops and church leader from all around the east of england (about 200 churchs!) ha ha harse! Er basicly he sent it to all the vicars and people around the area.,hmm if I can get into geoshittys I can upload friggin in the riggin for you all to hear. -Cheap plugs-F.A.T still exists but is not really doing anything,and hasnt got a site-oh well chack out my new site at http://members.fortunecity.com/deathbringer666/index.html -go there if you like final fantasy 6 and 7-or DooM my email- m_deathbringer@hotmail.com FREE KEVIN! FREE MUMIA! GOD SAVE RONNIE BIGGS! COLLEGE SUX-GO STRAIGT INTO WORK!