_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY THREE SEPTEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / methods on how to get things for free \ / by da 8cid \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: first of all this file may be very similar to others but i am only telling about you about the things i have tried and which have and have not worked.some of them i have not tried but should work!remember as always i nor do any memeber of S.W.A.T take no responsibility for your actions if you get caught and end up in prision for fraud it is your own fault. now down to business some of the things in this file are classed as fraud however they are all illegal. FREE SHIT FROM BIG SUPERSTORES Say you are a 14 year old runt who wants the newest computer game out you have got the cash but in your eyes the game costs a fortune. right go in to a BIG superstore(pc world or some shit) and buy the game AND ask for a bag.now have a friend waiting outside the shop with a bag(it is good to use one of those sports bag with the two cords you pull to close it as every one who goes around the town now has one) now give them the GAME ONLY now walk back into the store with the BAG and the RECEIPT and put a copy of the game you just bought in your bag now if you are seen doing this deney it and say you already bought it if they say prove it or something like that just whip out your receipt and say i already bought this bitch and then if they ask you why you came back into the store(even though its none of thier bussiness why someone would come back into thier store) just say you forgot to buy something.and if they did not see you put the game back in your bag it does not matter. now getting the money back if you were caught or not. if you was caught cause a scene shouting something like i'v paid for this why are you picking on me i want to make a complaint to custermer services after you have made your complaint say you want a refund because of the hassle you have been caused now you have the money back and the game your friend is carrying for you if you were not caugh putting the game back in your bag just simply walk out of the store and walk back in and say something like.i'm sorry can i have a refund the game i bought is an add on and i don't have the first one(only if the game is an add-on)or i have just bought for a birthday present and i have rang my friends mum but he has already got the game.you get idea so bingo you have the game for free.this method can be used for alot of things.but has to be done in a big superstore. FREE FAGS one method has already been wrote about in S.W.A.T but this is another method once i bought a packed of fags from a supermarket and one of them had a filter missing i sent the fag to the company and got 200 fags free now this only happened to me once so instead of waiting to find one like it take the filter out carefully and do the same as i did. FREE WATER DISPENCER when i was fifteen i had a shitty job working in a pine shop one day the boss got a water dispencer for the staff room we had it on a free 28 day trail peroid. i asked the boss whos name it was under she said her not the store name!so i surgested we return it after 27 days we return it and sigh a new one under someone elses name she did this and we got it free again after the fifth time they refused to send us anymore but it worked for 5 months. FREE POSTAGE now the first method i have only tested within the same county 1.right the name of the person you are sending the letter to in the to right hand corner (returners address)and a fake address where the normal address should be post it without a stamp and it will be returned to the sender(ha that is the reciever) 2.you do not really get free postage.so if you do not want to waste your stamps put a piece of clear sticky tape over it and when the reciever gets it they can take of the tape and re-use it. this works because when they void the stamp they are really stamping the tape and not the stamp FREE HARDWARE if you are old enough and have a credit card go to your local hardware shop and buy a top VCR of what ever you want after 28 days return it for a full refund (you will have to make up an excuse which is beliveable for the product) then buy another one and do the same as you did before the advantage of this is that you will always have the top stuff and it is perfectly legal(i think!) FREE FILMS AND CDS FROM MOST COMPANIES 1.most of the time when you buy a magazine or a newspaper you will get leaflets from film or cd companies saying 'if you join now buy six films/cds and only pay for the cheapest film/cd' now join them but use a fake name do it again to the same address using a different name now you can do this as many times as you like but use a different name most companies say the only way you keep you membership is to buy 6 films/cds in two years who cares in two years if they have cancelled you memebership you still will have five free films a pop. 2.buy a film go outside the shop take it out the case go in five minutes later and say there is no film in the case now two days later take the film back FREE DRINKS AND FOOD 1.in most of the cafes around my area you pick the food get your own drink and pay for it further down from where you picked it now if you just pick up what you want walk past the tart at the till and just walk out you will get away with it about 95% of the time if you get caught just say that you had every intention to pay for it you had to skip the que because you were in a rush 2.if you have a drinks/food machine at skhool or anywhere else put your money in as normal and when your drink comes out quickly turn it off at the mains before your money drops in then turn it on and off'on and off your money should drop out note:takes practice to get the timing right. FREE PORN all you need to do is set up a fake hotmail account and go to a porn site and enter your e-mail address where it says so.if you are an under age pervert when it says 'date of birth' when you set up your acount don't use your real date of birth use one that makes you 21. FREE LAGER right these methods do-not work all the time the first two are just chance the third is just a con 1.if you have bought a crate of lager and you have an unopened half-empty can(yes it does happen) just simply take the can back you should get a new crate or a crate plus a full refund when i did it at the offy i just got a free crate when i did it at tesco i got a crate and a refund for my trobles 2.if you are in a pub and you get a beer when the barrels need changing most of the time the beer taste like crap you can take your beer back to the bar and get another free or if you had one when the barrels have just been changed you will get half the gas in your beer now in SOME bars you will get a refund 3.now if your friend buys you a drink drink a little bit of it but leave the head on it now water it down a bit but leaving the head untouched now if you complain about it you will get another one but this only works if your friend has bought you the drink. FREE BUS RIDES now i haven't tried this to get a free bus ride but i think the method would work. now if you have paid for your bus ride(it will normally have to be a return ticket) notice the date printed in the top right-hand corner if you fold the ticket in certain ways though the date you can make the numbers look like others e.g 8-0 or 0-8 this does not work with all numbers so try with different ones(that is of corse only if you pay for the bus!!) FREE TRAIN RIDES 1.now this only get you though the machines(i don't know how you would explain to the ticket insecptor how you have a blank ticket) right this only happened by chance when i was 13 i used(bunked) the trains alot one time at night the ticket machine had a blank ticket pokeing out of it i pulled it some more came out then i had a long roll of tickets when i got home i examiened the backs there is two little black lines on the back where you cut them from. i went to the machines that let you though only if you put your ticket in i put one of the cut ones though and it let me though so out of this i have discovered that the pay here ticket machine do not really progarm the black strip on the back 2.another method is to get though the ticket machines. buy walking though the shop at our train station the shop entrance comes out behind the ticket machines 3.another method is when the ticket insecptor comes to check your tickets pretend your asleep it does work i haven't been caught doing it yet FREE CASH £££ 1. this method has already been used and the fraudster has been caught.right rent out a van and buy a gaurds costume now on a laser jet printer, print something that says something along these lines'safety deposit box out of order please leave the money with the gaurd' now dressed as the gaurd and with a metal safe box.when all the shop close up and go to put thier money in the deposit box they will infact give it to you when you have all your money drive off normally in your van now you have alot of money which people worked hard for. 2.i have tried this one i was in a shop and i got hold of one of those'give your change to help the blind'thing i walked around town and got about £10 in change in about an hour.the good thing about this is that is does not look like you are begging it looks like you are from an official companies.you can take this scam further by getting lots of these collectionb things for one company and asking shops if they will put them out for you and you will collect them in two weeks. 3.now this is similar to number2.all you have to do is make a form on you pc saying something like can you please give money to help the homeless then a space for thier name and donation amount.now you might have a lot of money but you might not.you can make more if you find a company that most people want to help(cancer research is a good one) 4.get some air-hardening clay and go to a fruit machine and stick it in the lock leave it there a couple of seconds and then pull it out bingo you have key open up the machine and get the money if you are seen making the key just mangle up the clay so there is no proof that you did it. 5.this is easy become or make friends with a pickpocket,you work out the rest 6.i covered this in my first artical for S.W.A.T if you live by the sea side that is a popoluar tourist attraction which offers deep-sea fishing trips.make you own up and make it cheaper for for about £2-£5 now you will get a lot off people coming up to you say your boat is the one at sea so they can't take the guided tour.and if you offer your trips for £10 and get 15 people that is £100. FREE PHONE CARDS any moron knows how to do this there are lots of methods for this i will only cover a two 1.ring the operator and say the phone just swallowled your money say your really pissed off as you had to make an important call.they will offer you a phone card buy post,or to refund the money buy post.if you are a smooth talking bastard you may even be connected for free to the other person. 2.get a phone card and stick it the wrong way in the phone box and ring the operator and say your phone card has just got stuck in the phone box again say that you are pissed of because it was a £20 pound one and you had only used about £3 of it they should offer to post you a free phone if they say they will send somebody to fix it say you can't wait because you have a doctors appointment of some shit. FREE PHONE CALLS the first method that i discovered(i think)i think it would be useful to hackers if they needed to exchange information accross a phone line that was not thier own 1.right ring your friend and tell him to find a phone box get him to give you the phone number and a time when he should be there for.now go a phone box at that time and ring the operator and ask to make a reverse charge call,they will ask for your name(use some dickless morons name) then tell them the fone number.now if the operator stay on the line and listens in on the call they will disconnect you after about two seconds,however if they don't you can talk for a long time and BT are getting charged for it(i think) 2. i told a friend about this trick and he said it was bullshit because you could only use a 3 digit number.anyhow just key in the pay fone 141-141 if there is still a dailing tone put the number you wish to call in the fone.also denpends what message you get as-well(i have had police called on me 7 times doing this) 3.right any wannabe hacker/anarchist/phreaker will know this.RED BOXING. u.k tones can be hard to find.i got mine from the e-zine krash FREE GAMES OF POOL right i have already covered this in my first artical for S.W.A.T but as it falls in with this i will inclued it 1.if you look where you can see the red/yellow balls and then where they come out see if you can lift the cusion which is between them and you should see the front ball and a catch in front of it,push the catch or the front ball 2.stick you cue up the hole where the balls come out and wiggle it around untill the balls drop(no pun intended) 3.where you push the coins in if you can get the thing to stay back and accept your coins when a ball gets potted it will just fall out of the end right i have never been on a pool table where i was able to get a free game but only one of the methods worked on each one. no.1 is the best one to try as it works on all tables if you can lift up the cusion. ALMOST ANYTHING!! ge a credit card genarator and just getv some numbers and but shit over the fone if any one knows where to get one that can tell you the start date etc e-mail please RIGHT AND THE MOST WELL KNOWN steel it!!! WELL THAT IS IT.I HOPE YOU FIND THIS FILE INTRESTING.REMEMBER THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ANYTHING YOU DO IS ON YOUR ASS NOT MINE OR ANY OTHER MEMBER OF S.W.A.T HAVE FUN!!! IF ANYONE HAS ANYTHING TO ADD OR KNOWS ANY ANARCHIST/HACKING/PHREAKING GROUPS AROUND THE LONDON AREA E-MAIL AT acid_8cid@hotmail.com 19:09 01/09/00 (EOF)