_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY FOUR OCTOBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Kinetic Theory of Gases for Dummies - Parte Uno \ / by SiliconFuRy \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- siliconfury@apexmail.com ICQ: 51211378 Kinetic Theory is the aspect of physics that relates the temperature, pressure and volume taken up by a substance. It is not really inherent that you need to know this, unless you are doing Higher Grade Physics or equivalent, or unless you want to become an elite arsonist ;)~ The theory also answers some questions of everyday life, such as "Why have I gotta wrap up this matchhead-filled tennis ball with industrial strength duct tape?", and also can help you make your creations more effecient in energy output. This article will look at the Kinetic Theory in general, and also some practical uses, and will also explain some of the unknown things in the universe, and lead to world peace and T3 lines to every home in the planet. (Last 2 things prob`›H›Ý™XÙ\ÜØ\š[He place, but have no walls to hit, so just continue flying around. Because the molecules are flying around at high speeds, the space between each of the molecules are very large, and the gas takes up more volume. The gap in the molecules in the gas explain why air rises, because the air is less dense, the same amount of gas takes up more volume. [ --------------- ] [ Temperature (2) ] [ --------------- ] You should know quite well that temperature is measured in degrees celcius, or degrees Fahrenheit in the US. This is fine, the scale starts at 0 as the freezing temperature of water, and 100 being the boilng point. But for workin with kinetics, we need to use a new scale, called the Kelvin. This starts at 0 as being the point at where all the energy in the molecule is gone. This is -275 degrees celcius. As 0 Kelvin is the point of no energy for a molecule, there are no negative values, and hence nothing in this, and any other universe is colder. The reason why we need to go through all the trouble of inventing and using a new temperature scale is because to use Kinetic Theory for anything useful in physics, we need to use temperature as the average energy in each molecule, which is what kelvin is. I think I have written enough for this part of the article, it has taken me just over an hour to do, and I don't want to bore you much longer, I'll quit now and explain the relationships of pressure, temperature and volume, in the form of equations for next month. Until then, happy figuring-out-why-shit-blows-louder-when-wrapped-up! :) Shouts: PerfectBlue, Jake, Baldy, Peanut, Phruitcake Send your comments, questions and charged particles to: SiliconFuRy@Apexmail.com