_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY FOUR OCTOBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / mIRC Bot Tutorial \ / By Wî©KeÐWøLF \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In this Tutorial im going to teach you how to make a standard mIRC bot, it wont be 24/7 though. k first of all nead a clean mIRC Client so get the latest one at http://www.mirc.com. (btw this is my first tutorial so dont complain if its shite!!!) Now you've downloaded it install it into a different folder from your normal (something like c:/windows/desktop/bot or c:/bot) Open the irc client and fill in the details (Irc server/Name(Bots Name)/Email etc etc connect to ur icr server and put it in a chan and give it operator status so its ready to do commands u give, now to make the commands-n-shit... Open the remotes tab by pressing Alt+R then click on the Users tab, in there type =2:Your_Nick Type in your nickname that you use on irc where it says "Your_Nick" (Obvious cept for lamerz like meeeeee) Now what that means is that your a level two user, only people who are level two can access your bot, you can put in a higher level but it gets a lil more complicated then. I will explain different levels in my other tutorial (if i ever make one) Copy this into remotes on 2:join:#: { //notice $nick Hello $nick you are a Level 2 user, u can issue me commands} on *:join:#: { //notice $nick Hello $nick you are a normal user, u cannot issue me commands} Now what that means is: On 2:join:#: <-------When a level 2 user join's a channel the bot is in it will do the command in the Bracket things on 2:join:#: {//notice $nick hello $nick you are a level 2 user} what that means is when a level 2 user will join, the bot will notice the user saying "Hello $nick you are a level 2 user, u can issue me commands" ($nick=persons Nick who the bot is going to react to) on *:join:#: { //notice $nick Hello $nick you are a normal user, u cannot issue me commands} u can change the "2" to a "*" (asterix) this means that it will react to all users So type /hop and see if the bot notices you Put that code in your bot and join the chan and it should notice you, u can change it to a message by changing "//notice" to "//msg" now a test to see everythings okay...Again put it in the remotes section: on *:text:!test*:#:{ //msg $chan Test Worked everything is fine } Then type !test the bot should react to anyone who types that, now to explain how it works: On *:text: <-----This means When the following TEXT is typed it will react on *:text:!test <-------The bot will react to the text; !Test, so type !test and it should work, if it doesnt see what it says it the bots stutus box and try and fix it. play around with this for a bit until you now how the code works. k, just say you want your bot to say "Hello (Nick) how r ya?" everytime someone says hi, this is how you write the code on *:text::#:{//msg } E.G... On *:text:Hi*:#:{//msg # Hello $nick how r ya?} The Hash (#) means the channel, "#" and "$chan" mean the same thing really Now, u want to give your bot some more commands like op, deop, halfop, dehalfop, voice and devoice stuff like that, so for an op command you would write: on 2:text:!op*:#:{ //mode # +o $2 $3 $4-} The $2 $3 $4 are the names after the "!op" command, so when you type !op WickedWolf Blah BlahBlah the bot will op those people, Simple isnt it? Just say u want Voice Halfops and Ops all at once the code would be on 2:text:!power:#:{ //mode # +voh $2 $2 $2} Every bot should have these codes in it or somehting like it; on 2:text:!op*:#:{//mode # +o $2 $3 $4-} on 2:text:!deop*:#:{//mode # -o $2 $3 $4-} on 2:text:!voice*:#:{//mode # +v $2 $3 $4-} on 2:text:!devoice*:#:{//mode # -v $2 $3 $4-} on 2:text:!halfop*:#:{//mode # +h $2 $3 $4-} on 2:text:!dehalfop*:#:{//mode # -h $2 $3 $4-} Simple stuff but it helps alot :) u can add a bad word code so when anyone says a bad word your bot will kick them or ban them or whatever you should be able to do it yourself so first try making the code if it doesnt work try fixing it and if it still dont work use this ;p(u should use the asterix so when some says the bad word in the middle of a sentence the bot will react) on 1:text:*Fuck*:#:{//kick # $nick dont swear} on 1:text:*shit*:#:{//kick # $nick dont swear} on 1:text:*bastard*:#:{//kick # $nick dont swear} on 1:text:*prick*:#:{//kick # $nick dont swear} on 1:text:*dickhead*:#:{//kick # $nick dont swear} if you want to ban u just do this; on 1:text:*Fuck*:#:{//kick # $nick dont swear |//ban # $nick} That "|" means another different command Thats it for this tutorial, i might be making another one with better commands but only if people learn from this one, so plz tell me if you learnt anything or how i could improve it or any comments about it Icq:59013663 Msn Instant Messenger: Dukenukem3d50@hotmail.com Email me if u can :)