_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY FIVE NOVEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Copper pipe shotgun \ / By eviljacko \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/11/00 Intro ~~~~~ This is a cool device which makes a f***ing huge bang when set off. The best thing about it is that is so simple to make. People I have shown this "device" to have been suprised at the power of explosive possible from match heads. You will need: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10cm copper pipe 5 packs of SAFETY matches Glass jar Drinking straw, (tiny diameter is better) Bog paper Glue, pva or super glue Making the case ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using pliers or whatever, crimp one end of the copper pipe closed, so that no air can escape from that end. Drill a hole the same size as the drinking straw you are using near the crimped end of the pipe.(do this before packed with match heads, otherwise it will roast your hand off) Making the explosive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get a sharp knife and scratch the match heads into the glass jar, (yes I do mean all 5 packs, and yes I know it takes ages!). Only use safety matches! Why? - If you scratch off normal match heads it will be just your luck that the last bastard match head you scratch will ignite and totaly incinerate your supply - and your hand. Grind the heads into powder. Putting it together ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Firstly, cover the hole made in the pipe so no powder escapes. Tip almost all the powder into the pipe - leave some to fill the straw. Now push some bog paper down the tube as tight as it will go. If you want, add some projectiles, eg led pellets, bb's etc. And then add more paper and a layer of glue to keep it jammed in tight. Using a funnel, tip the remaining powder into the straw. Put one end of straw into the drilled hole. Your pipe should look like this: ¦ ¦ - 7 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ /-¦ ¦---------------------------------- 1 - / 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4 ¦ 5 ¦6¦ - 8 \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ \-------------------------------------- 1 - crimped end of pipe 2 - layer of match powder 3 - layer of paper 4 - layer of projectiles 5 - another layer of paper 6 - layer of glue 7 - drinking straw fuse 8 - open end of pipe Ignition ~~~~~~~~ Light the drinking straw fuse and hide! Not only would the projectiles probably hit you, but the pipe will also shoot backwards due to the force of blast. Have phun! - but dont be dangerous, never point at humans! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The end! ~~~~~~~~ "Hey PE teacher, kiss my bum -chin!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- eviljacko@hotmail.com www.evil666.co.uk